^^ oh and the final after credit scene is Baron Mordo coming to Benjamin Bratt's character, the one who told Strange about Kamar-Taj and he snatches the chakra out of him that was helping him walk and proclaims "there's too many sorcerers" thus leading him into the villain we all know and love.

I really like Chiwetal Ejiofor as Karl. I kinda wished that he had ulterior motives the whole time as opposed to going rogue after he felt deceived by the ancient one but there was enough going on with an Ancient one student challenging beliefs. Definitely want to see a sequel. Hell I wanna see Mordo in Infinity Wars...
I legit don't remember zingers or Whedon humor in Civil War that wasn't from the obvious comedic relief characters (I count Falcon cuz dude playing him is a bit of a clown).

When you say forced I have to ask if you up on the director or even remember T'Challa's portrayal cuz not much about the cast or the writer of the movie makes me think I'm getting forced humor in the solo.

Best I can think of is when one of the Dora Milaje came at BW.

To put it on Feige kinda just seems to be a bias and ignoring the possibility that the directors, all of them, chose to have some humor in their movies and they may actually think it's not forced.

what bias???? :lol:

We are talking about movies, every time I come in the DC or Marvel thread someone is babbling about bias, why would I bias for or against freaking movie studios.

I thought the jokes were forced in this movie, they weren't forced in civil war.

Every single marvel movie thats ever the made has a similar tone of humor / lightheartedness some more than others but the toen is consistent, I would attribute that consistence in tone to the production people ie Kevin Feigie.

In Dr Strange they brought in Dan Harmon for some comedy in the 9th inning, You think scott derrickson did that? They had the "you dress up like a cat" in civil war

I don't think it's irrational for me too worry about some forced humor in BP.
^^I'm lost. Marvel's comics are predicated on quick witted humor. You guys wanted Spiderman fighting along side these heroes and thought it was gonna be dark in tone?

Don't get me wrong, I understand where you're coming from and I do think Feige adheres all the directors to a certain vision (minus James Gunn which is why Guardians turned out to be a corny **** show) but Black Panther is something I feel he takes serious because all eyes will be on that film from a diversity perspective. Panther has never been a jokey character in the comics so the tone should follow to the movies. There will however be some moments where there are quips. It's a comic book film, not an oscar nominated drama.
^^I'm lost. Marvel's comics are predicated on quick witted humor. You guys wanted Spiderman fighting along side these heroes and thought it was gonna be dark in tone?

Don't get me wrong, I understand where you're coming from and I do think Feige adheres all the directors to a certain vision (minus James Gunn which is why Guardians turned out to be a corny **** show) but Black Panther is something I feel he takes serious because all eyes will be on that film from a diversity perspective. Panther has never been a jokey character in the comics so the tone should follow to the movies. There will however be some moments where there are quips. It's a comic book film, not an oscar nominated drama.

not all marvel comics. some. some are predicated on humor and some are not.

I didn't say there should be no humour. i didn't say spiderman shouldn't make jokes.

all I said is that in this paticular marvel movie, it would have benefited with a darker tone and less quips. i would have liked a longer more serious film in general. but thats me.
not all marvel comics. some. some are predicated on humor and some are not.

I didn't say there should be no humour. i didn't say spiderman shouldn't make jokes.

all I said is that in this paticular marvel movie, it would have benefited with a darker tone and less quips. i would have liked a longer more serious film in general. but thats me.

The film was darker in tone than most Marvel movies though don't you think? I mean someone gets decapitated within the first 60 seconds. And then that cash **** Stange was talking to Rachel McAdams when she came to his apartment and he couldn't get the surgery he wanted. I just needed him to call her a *** and I would've jumped out my seat :lol:
It was slightly darker but they didn't go far enough imo.

FYI I liked the movie, B-. but like a lot of marvel movies, too many compromises to be truly great.
IM1 is overrated as hell to me. After he leaves the desert, movie goes downhill for me.

Movie hasn't aged well, but was GOAT when it dropped. No slander needed, DR. STRANGE advanced a bit too quick. Vilan was a let down as well.

7.5/10 Great movie
Yes no slander against IM1 at all. Will never fall below my top 5 but right now IMO Strange is a better film
Some of the jokes might've looked forced because of the delivery

Humor is not Cumberbatch's strong suit. He does get better as he goes along, though. A bit.

But most of the cringeworthy stuff was at the very beginning, before the accident. Cumberbatch never looked comfortable playing the sexy, charismatic, hip doctor.

As for the Beyonce joke, nobody laughed when he called Wong Beyonce but when single ladies came on, everyone cracked up :lol:

Complaining about the humor is just nitpicking.
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No I can't say I've watched Sherlock outside of a half an episode and a couple scenes.

Just strictly based on the Strange movie, doesn't seem humor is his thing.


After considering your post, it might just be that Benedict's american accent affected his delivery of the punchlines.
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I would've liked a Montage of him getting better. Felt like he went from being a noob who couldn't conjure a portal to becoming god level too fast.

I am glad they sped through the beginning of the movie.
I didn't think he reached "god level" until the very end and even then he used his intelligence more than his magic which is what I liked a lot about the movie for example 
During his first fight he conjured the hand shields and one of them went out. Also he didn't defeat Kaeculis's with strictly magic. He out smarted them. He even outsmarted Dormammu.
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I really like Cumberbatch as an actor, and dude literally looks like Strange out of the comic. I'm sure I'm alone in this but I'm on the fence about this portrayal of Strange. I think it's more the writing than the acting though.

The jokes didn't feel forced they were just flat and not funny minus a handful of them. My wife said they're trying to get ready for life without RDJ :lol:

Ancient One and Mordo were awesome. I wish we got more of them, Tilda Swinton was the best part of the movie IMO. And as I'm typing I think that is my main gripe with the movie. I'd wished I seen more of a secondary character than the actual main character.
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The movie was really really really good. Dann near great. 6.8/8

Like it didn't 100% blow my mind where I'm like best MCU movie or best origin ever but it gave me just enough where I want more and I will go see this again. This time in Imax 3D.

The visuals were insane, I loved it. I know when I watch this high it'll feel like my heart is in my skull and my brain gonna be in my left foot. They could've really went in if they wanted and made the whole audience just melt in their seats. The action was so on point that I was not totally expecting that so it gave the Dr. Strange world a different feel.

I liked the message of the movie. They ain't just skip over Stephen's arrogance and ego once he got nice with magic. I also like how he ain't dismiss that he just killed a guy for the first time given he's a doctor but like the AO said he's flexible.

Speaking of her she put in work with the fights. Wanted more of that. Tilda was great.

I can see how some say it was quick pacing. After the crash they got through acts 1-3 at a brisk pace. Could they have stayed with Stephen being a douche more? Sure but I don't mind. I would've liked more focus on his desperateness though and only thing I wanted to see more of is magic training but that's just out of my own entertainment. Like a good extra 10 minutes of him summoning 3 eyed ravens and Griffiths and just learning but I get he's a genius so he picked up things fast and was able to call his own masters out on **** which I liked. Its also not clear how much time passed during this part was well. With that said, Ancient One just offering him up the master position in NYC was mad quick, especially with Mordo right there and many other masters still alive :lol:

Mordo's little mini character arc and motivation were well placed and I like how it's driving him. Maybe instead of Dormmamu he teams up with Nightmare or tries to serve Master Order to get these other sorcerers killed or in line for the sequel.

Anyway, can't wait to watch this again :smokin
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what bias???? :lol:
The bias that it must be Feige wanting those things included and not the director or writer(s).

This whole issue is a leap given you're talking about Black Panther. You still worried about zingers and Whedon when he aint done a Marvel movie since AOU.
Huh, have you seen him as Sherlock?

Dude definitely has humor. The artist joke was bad, though.
Yeah, ppl don't get it I guess.

Stephen Strange isn't suppose to be funny. Not in a lol way. He got that corny dry humor.

Cumberbatch easily has shown a grasp on comedy as Sherlock and in that context he isn't trying to be funny either. Its almost like a House thing where he's being insulting and sarcastic.
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You guys can say that Stephen Strange isn't supposed to be funny - and I agree - but in a handful of instances they did set up punchlines for him that were meant to be funny and I felt like Cumberbatch didn't deliver most of them well. Not really a knock on Cumberbatch. And like I keep saying, most of the cringeworthy stuff is at the beginning anyway. He doesn't have to be perfect at everything :lol:
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Again CW is a perfect example, certain characters are more relaxed and going make jokes.. others are more serious

Antman and BP are not going have the same type of lines.. they are not trying to use a one size fits all application for all the characters when it comes to their sense of humors

Vision isn't making the same smarta*{**{ jokes as tony.. spidey doesn't have the cold blooded dismissive tone as BP
You guys can say that Stephen Strange isn't supposed to be funny - and I agree - but in a handful of instances they did set up punchlines for him that were meant to be funny and I felt like Cumberbatch didn't deliver most of them well. Not really a knock on Cumberbatch. And like I keep saying, most of the cringeworthy stuff is at the beginning anyway. He doesn't have to be perfect at everything :lol:

My only issue was the isolated Beyoncé line.. they could have easily done that better.. just throw it on the end of the others and say "you're telling me you've really never heard of Beyoncé??"

Then you could set up something like strange trying to break him down with kindness giving him a iPod or something.. and you still get the pay off with the later scene
Ask your new best friend Zik where Cap falls on that origin list and he'll tell you the same [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Actually, if I'm right, he'll put it right at the bottom
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