Live action MODOK one of the wildest things I’ve ever seen in my life in this movie 0]:rofl:

Thought the movie was AIGHT

kang the best part of the movie easily so much so it hurts the movie if that makes sense :lol: anytime Kang wasn’t on screen I just found myself thinking “where is Kang can we see him again” so much so I just found myself not interested in any scene he wasn’t in
i can rock with this.....Its suppise to be silly and I can essily tell who that is.

But I will NEVER...........EVER....Ever forgive this:

We as part of the marvel community, do not condone this and try to act like this never happened. You know like Green Lantern…… never happened
Is the Multiverse concept interesting?

I feel like I enjoy the individual movies more than I do the concept of the Multiverse.

Having copies of characters aint all that interesting. Its literally just more of the same.

Having "timelines" erased is an pretty empty threat since we only focus on one timeline anyway.
Is the Multiverse concept interesting?

I feel like I enjoy the individual movies more than I do the concept of the Multiverse.

Having copies of characters aint all that interesting. Its literally just more of the same.

Having "timelines" erased is an pretty empty threat since we only focus on one timeline anyway.
I would say what timeline you get rid of. Gladly get rid of Spider-Man 3 and all of Fantastic 4, Iron Fist, and first Daredevil
Let’s hope Marvel doesn’t screw up the multiverse. Keep it simple. Each universe doesn’t have to be night and say different. Just add cool things like: iron man being Steve Rodgers or something. Slight twist etc.
Let’s hope Marvel doesn’t screw up the multiverse. Keep it simple. Each universe doesn’t have to be night and say different. Just add cool things like: iron man being Steve Rodgers or something. Slight twist etc.
Or just base it off the comics.
I would say what timeline you get rid of. Gladly get rid of Spider-Man 3 and all of Fantastic 4, Iron Fist, and first Daredevil

We already erased them
And half of DC too :lol:

I feel like for it to be more interesting every film in this saga shoulda had mutiverses shown for the title character with real stakes.

Shoulda been
multiple Black Widows
multiple Shang Chi's
multiple Ant Manses
multiple Thors

while having the verses be threatend to be destroyed, outright destoyed, or even merged (to be later unmerged) to set up stakes.

Imagine universe 3 being dependent on something from universe 2 but since universe 2 got destroyed now universe 3 is now in danger.

Instead we got:

screaming goats and Thor adopting a daughter.

A movie dedicated to a dead character who is still dead ( she'll probably return)

And this

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I think the Multiverse concept can be interesting, it’s definitely a strategic way to leave the door open for Tony, Steve, or variants of older characters to come back. Trusting that they’ll be able to flush it out, Kang is fascinating and
the end scene with them chatting with each other, then walking out to a stadium full of themselves was chills
Let’s hope Marvel doesn’t screw up the multiverse. Keep it simple. Each universe doesn’t have to be night and say different. Just add cool things like: iron man being Steve Rodgers or something. Slight twist etc.

slight twist like..


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I think the Multiverse concept can be interesting, it’s definitely a strategic way to leave the door open for Tony, Steve, or variants of older characters to come back. Trusting that they’ll be able to flush it out, Kang is fascinating and
the end scene with them chatting with each other, then walking out to a stadium full of themselves was chills

But how many Kangs are they gonna actually have real conflict with if they dont pop up in any other films.

Talokan vs Kangs :pimp: tho
Thought the movie was great. Really helps not watchin all of the trailers & tv spots because my mind for some reason jus remembers every little thing/details & it usually ruins the movie experience sometimes.

Kang was amazing! Johnathan Majors really brought the intensity to the role. He absolutely killed it! Dude is jus gonna body this role with all of his variants.

Loved the whole Quantum Realm too (I love trippy Sc-Fi ish, so this was up my alley)
Movie was funny AF too. MODOK was jus UGLY AF on screen and I kept dyin in laughter of how hideous this dude looked but he was great.

Movie was funny AF as well. “Your buildings are dead?!?” “How many holes to do you?” :lol:
When they were first introduced to the people of the Quantum Realm and Veb was approaching Scott speaking in their native tongue I legit yelled out “WTF bruhhh!” and started laughing hella hard it was too funny to me.

My only gripe with the movie is the end
Like with the stakes being high and with Kang defeated and the gate closed. I wish it would of ended there with Scott & Hope stranded there and had to find a way back. Plus maybe if someone died to show jus how much Kang really ain’t the one to mess with ya know.

D’ohhh well only major gripe but still enjoyed it overall and excited to see what’s next.

Also….Michelle Pfeiffer can still get it! YEESH!!
I kinda wanna see Tobey Da Gawd and garlfield return to help battle the kangs. Are deadpool and wolverine gonna be introduced in the new deadpool movie before the avengers kang dynasty?
Is the Multiverse concept interesting?

I feel like I enjoy the individual movies more than I do the concept of the Multiverse.

Having copies of characters aint all that interesting. Its literally just more of the same.

Having "timelines" erased is a pretty empty threat since we only focus on one timeline anyway.
NWH was fun… but yeah besides that I never really dug the concept. It’s a get out of jail free card for Marvel and lowers the stakes substantially imo.

Unfortunately, it’s lightning they can’t put back into the bottle and we gotta roll with it.
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