then do not use modok at all, not
No. That’s not how it works :lol:

That’s MODOK. What’s considered “better” to you or anyone else doesn’t matter.

It’s a comic book movie.

Not everything needs to look like the pic you posted.

And if he’s just a throw away character then it is REALLY not that serious.
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Imagine the hulk is exiled for causing too much trouble on earth

Except the place he gets exiled to, prevents him from going green. Then he’s just Bruce.

Imagine Thanos getting exiled to the moon. He’s there alone. He’s stuck there. Powerless.

It’s not difficult to get
Only those scenarios you talked about are nothing like Kang's.

Dude had his tech.

He's faced Avengers before, Earth's mightiest heroes, several times at that. But against the Ant family, dude struggles even with his tech.

Just isn't adding up.
Lol at people mad that Kang couldn’t be all world powerful without his suit.

Wonder how iron man would do without his suit.
Maybe it was like when there's a new iphone releasing and apple makes people's older model phones lag. kang needed to buy the newest suit with the software update.
Actually makes it interesting that the guy who kills timelines and trillions of folks doesn’t have OP powers or anything. In fact it mirrors the real world where genius is weaponized; whether it’s folks taking advantage of Stark’s genius, or Kang using his own to conquer worlds.
Maybe it was like when there's a new iphone releasing and apple makes people's older model phones lag. kang needed to buy the newest suit with the software update.
He needs to go to the timeline where Steve jobs is alive and download iOS 50.1x then.
by the end, the ants already ripped apart his tech in his arms/sleeves thats why dude was showing his guns

most of his powers are in his tech

So all those other variants of him are the same with their tech powers, just all in different costumes?
Wonder how iron man would do without his suit.

They basically made a movie about that


Maybe it was like when there's a new iphone releasing and apple makes people's older model phones lag. kang needed to buy the newest suit with the software update.

:lol: Kang need a patch
No. That’s not how it works :lol:

That’s MODOK. What’s considered “better” to you or anyone else doesn’t matter.

It’s a comic book movie.

Not everything needs to look like the pic you posted.

And if he’s just a throw away character then it is REALLY not that serious.

i mean were just talking about the movie and what could make it better…

isnt that what we do?

of course it doesnt have to be how i say it is but that doesnt mean the studio has to do what they do either

but here we are and why we got topher venom, fox doom, british actor mandarin, fart glactus, etc…

and being a throwaway character means its even more of a waste, they could have used him better later on when they can do better cgi/adaptation and just used yellowjacket instead and then forever kill off the character

If people didn't like modok, I wonder how they'd react to a comic accurate wolverine. 5'3 looking like a hobbit but swole AF.

to be fair, a lot of comic book fans complained about that but the general public mostly doesnt know wolverines isnt Jackman physique

there’s a reason a lot of fan casting are for shorter actors that can buff up like taron, efron and radcliffe… at least shorter than hugh because short and buff is difficult to get unless they finally take recommendation for danny devito wolvey?

So all those other variants of him are the same with their tech powers, just all in different costumes?

pretty much, maybe since they decided to make Kang a different variants from different universes that maybe others would have different tech(?) but thats the jist of it

in the comics, if i understand correctly - someone please correct me - is that he is a genius (maybe thats his power?), has travelled time and gotten advanced tech to power him up and in the comics its the same person going back and forth in time every time he loses and changes his name that eventually started to create variants but i dont think they’re going that exact route with his origins
I thought Kang was properly powered for his skillset and for what he can do in future movies. I think some folks expected him to be this Thanos like powerhouse that destroys everything that moves. Kang in the comics has the ability to be as destructive if not on occasions more so than Thanos but they go about things in completely different ways. Thanos will bust through your front door, destroy your living room and stomp you out in front of your family as they cry. Kang will use guile and finesse to gain entry to your home, secretly destroy your credit and make you live having your stuff repossessed and you live in poverty over and over again across time and space.This is how Kang operates. Seems like some folks wanted him to operate like Thanos but they are two different villains.

The Thanos we saw in IW was literally at the height of his powers. We didn't see Thanos on screen for more than a few minutes in the other films and I suspect that was a great thing to build up his mystique. We didn't see out of prime Thanos (either during his Jordan 91, 92, 93 smackdown of the entire squad in Endgame or with him collecting infinity stones like Pokemon in IW) fight until the two movies where he was the main villain. The Thanos introduction to the MCU was a slow burn. I truly believe that if Phase 4 were better Kevin and team would've introduced Kang more slowly but they didn't have a choice. They essentially made Kang the main villain in an Antman movie two years before he is supposed to fight against the Avengers. Antman is a solid movie franchise but people that like Antman are looking for action with comedy and lighthearted jokes. They aren't looking to see real consequences for Scott and his family.
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to be honest, i think people just do not really know Kang

but to also be fair, feige and company talked him up and hyped him up to be better than thanos and then they matched him up with the not most popular avengers they have and lost

like if for some reason spiderman was able to beat kang, i dont think people would question his strength as much
yea I agree with what aepps20 aepps20 is saying

even with the whole multiverse thing being heavily a part of post endgame shows and movies, people still complained about where things were going

and the quality of the films haven’t been that great

I would have preferred if they slow rolled things like sprinkling a variation into Loki or have him pop into things sporadically so you can see he’s heavily involved but not have him be the main bad guy

like with this could have him as the figurehead that’s pulling all the strings when MODOK is the main bad guy of the file.. sooo like a GOTG situation

but season 1 of Loki was a great use of the character because amongst the kings you have a whole lot going on
to be honest, i think people just do not really know Kang

but to also be fair, feige and company talked him up and hyped him up to be better than thanos and then they matched him up with the not most popular avengers they have and lost

like if for some reason spiderman was able to beat kang, i dont think people would question his strength as much

yea.. think this is also playing a huge part in it

cant have the kang other kangs are scared of taking Ls from antman and co

id get if dude barely got out of dodge and started to sound the alarms like what the F we going do cause we got THIS problem coming and we got zero clue WHEN he’s coming
yea.. think this is also playing a huge part in it

cant have the kang other kangs are scared of taking Ls from antman and co

id get if dude barely got out of dodge and started to sound the alarms like what the F we going do cause we got THIS problem coming and we got zero clue WHEN he’s coming

Yeah, if this was the Kang all the others were afraid of, it would’ve been nice to actually see him survive, at least.

And while I also know there’s no reason they can’t tell a future story about him surviving this movie, as of right now, the Monday after opening weekend, the “strongest” Kang is one and done.
Yea they should have made it more of an escape movie

with them knowing they’re f’d and basically whoever gets out needs to warn everyone of what’s coming
Yeah, if this was the Kang all the others were afraid of, it would’ve been nice to actually see him survive, at least.

And while I also know there’s no reason they can’t tell a future story about him surviving this movie, as of right now, the Monday after opening weekend, the “strongest” Kang is one and done.
I posted a theory about his survival a couple pages back, which, if you’re paying attention to the typical movie tropes and the bread crumbs they sprinkled throughout the movie, you’ll realize that he’s not even close to being “one and done” and will most likely have a big presence in Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars.

Think about the probability storm he’s currently experiencing and the potential for thousands of Kangs to all find common ground on thing: getting out and winning. Factor in all the tech the ants developed in their time down there and it being at Kang’s disposal once he gets out + his conviction to destroy the Council of Kangs + the Ant family/everyone associated with them?

Yea, he’s coming back scorched earth.
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