What are some of the craziest things you've ever witnessed in REAL life? vol. Did that just happen?

Saw some cat get shot on Crenshaw one Saturday night...

Dude was covered in blood and begging people around him for help.

Sad thing to witness

Read a couple days later that dude died.

Haven't been back to the shaw since.
-Lived really close to where the DC sniper killed like three people. Saw the aftermath and the blood splatters.
-Was at the front of the stampede that took place at the 2009 inauguration on the side street. Never seen so many people in my life running towards me like that. It looked like a movie esp. when I jumped up on a car and avoided the crowd
Senior year of high school. Was driving on the Beltway back from Upper Marlboro, MD. I remember I was jamming like crazy to 100 Mile & Running (
) Anyway, was dozing off (it was like 10 am and I had been up since about 6.) and accidentally started tailgating this older guy in the car ahead of me. Then out of now where, out of the corner of my eye I see this black car try to switch 3 lane at once (it had rained the night before). she spun and BOOM totaled the car in front of me. No lie, a second later response by me and I would've been involved. I jam my brakes so hard. Glass everywhere. The two cars involved are totaled. I pull over and go see of everyone is alright. I look ahead, and that black car is trying to drive off. I'm like
. But their car was so badly damaged, they didn't make it far. I go see if the older guy is okay, and he's shaking like Muhammad Ali at his birthday bash. He's bleeding a little, but nothing too bad. Cops, paramedics, etc. get there about 10 minutes later. Major traffic jam. No one else stopped to see if folks are okay. Good thing I did.
at those folks. A few months later, the court date is set, and I'm a witness. I get there, and old dude has on a neck brace. I'm lowkey shook because of his age. But I don't know if he did it for the $$$$
. dude was so grateful that I showed up, he took me and moms out for lunch and slid me a cool $100
I was returning to my aunt's house after going to the mall, like these group of people were walking down the street, then this car comes and drives right into them and speeds off.

I was in the front seat and when I saw it, I ducked as low as possible, luckily no guns were pulled.
-One of my cousin's friends has schizophrenia and he took a huge keef hit out a gravity bong. He straight coughed for 5 mins, prob even more.. he ended up on the ground, laying down, spitting on himself and the ground. Then, he started making shapes with his fingers and randomly spurted out numbers, like he was doing math problems in his head really fast lol. It wasn't really that crazy.. more kind of F'd up
I felt bad too

-This isn't really that CRAZY, but put yourself in me and my boy's shoes. So it's around midnight, someday of the week, and we were leaving my boys girl's crib.. nothing special, we usually hang out at his girl's at least 4 days out of the week to drink, smoke, or just chill. We go through the back like usual, hop in my whip and start to leave the neighborhood. Once you're leaving her hood, there's a stop sign but most of the time i barely stop or sometimes just blow pass it. So as i'm approaching the stop sign i look to my left, which was another opening road to the other side of the hood and I see a car's headlights. I couldn't tell if it was a cop or not, so I slowed down as i got to the white line, im pretty sure i never completely stopped but in my head i was say just stop enough so it looks like i actually did. After we get through the stop we hit the light and i turn on my left turn signal. I look in my rear view mirror and what do i see?! An undercover cop on my +%!, with his left signal on. Am i tripping out yet?! Nah not really, just the regular anxiety flowing thru me every time a cop gets behind me (nh). But then i ask my boy who is sitting in the passenger seat, "yo, are we holding weight right now?!" He goes, "yeah dude, 2 pounds" So now i'm bugging the F out, cause the last time i got pulled over the cop pulled up right behind me, just like the undercover cop was doing. I thought FOR SURE we were gonna get pulled over, i even told my boy, i was like "yo dude, we are def gonna get pulled over cause i didn't stop completely at the stop sign... The light turns green and i make a left then proceed to take the usual way home, I make a left then about a quarter a mile down, I get off at a ramp.. Guess what.. the cop follows me off the ramp. Now i'm SERIOUSLY tripping out, saying "yo dude, we're !#!*%#" So i drive straight as possible and keep going with the cop behind me.. a mile or so later he turned into a street and i kept driving home. Probably one of the closest calls ever, i don't know how we didn't get caught up.. we must be blessed or something
Some random dude get that onehitterquitter and get put to sleep right in front of me. Crazy night it was.
My bro and I was driving under an overpass and see a dude snuffing a dog in the face probably 6 times before we passed them.
It was so random, and we bring it up all the time 5 years later.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Saw one of the DC sniper victims on my way to school, my school bus was literally a block away from the bus driver who got shot. Whole 6 mile radius was blocked off with roadblocks set up on some action movie %%%*, couldn't budge at all. We got to school like 3 hours late just to be released to go home early

we were freaking out on the bus
I switched buses that year just in time

Aside from staring a a crowd of students running straight at me from the Seigel Center in Richmond after a step show, the craziest thing I saw was an officer at a championship game my school played in pepper spray a girl dead in her face with a canister that had an opening as big as a one of their blow horns. All because she wanted to run on the court after we won to celebrate


The men get into the car and start to pulloff. At the last second, the car reverses.. one of the fools gets out of the car, Gets ontop of the gate like it was a turnbuckle, and shawn Michael flying elbows son to the chest.. that's my word. Then he hops back in the car .. and they go.
I saw an overturned car covered in flames on the FDR drive when I was like 7 or 8.

I saw a car spinout on a on-ramp/overpass to get onto the Brooklyn Bridge. He went around the corner WAAAY to fast, tried to slow down and hit the brakes hard as hell, causing his car to just turn right around facing traffic the wrong way. He lucked out that there was space between him and a few cars behind him.

Saw a dude fall about 10 feet off of a partially man made waterfall when I went to Jamaica. Son tried to be all adventurous and ended up busting his @%^&

When I was in 7th grade this one girl in my class had epilepsy. I saw her fall out twice. Once in the gym during an assembly, she just fell asleep and hit the gym floor. Second time she fell out and damn near busted her head open on a desk. The teacher moved it out the way just in time.
I could see the smoke from the World Trade Center all the way up in the Bronx when I was in school that morning on 9/11
- Saw a dude get shot in the dome at a Popeyes in N.O.

- Saw this drunk dude fingering this chick that was passed out at a party. I don't know if it was his doing or if it was that time of the month for her but dudes fingers were OD bloody. Then him and his buddies start gathering other items e.g. m&m's and heineken bottles to stuff up there.
When i was about five-six years old my cousins and i were outside playing during one of our cousins birthdays. There were about five of us out there, he lived in a duplex with my grandmas house being one of the houses in the duplex so we were here almost everyday since our grandma watched us. This is early 90's Los Angeles so their was tons of gang violence going on, especially where my grandma lived. As were playing i remember hearing a lot of tire screeching from around the corner, i look over that way and a big four door Cadillac comes flying around the corner with a dude sticking out of the sunroof and three more guys sticking out of each window with full automatic weapons. These dudes fired full blast at some rival gang across the street at the park. I don't remember if anyone was hit, i just remember ducking behind a car when i heard the first shots go off.
Originally Posted by hellaones

- Saw this drunk dude fingering this chick that was passed out at a party. I don't know if it was his doing or if it was that time of the month for her but dudes fingers were OD bloody. Then him and his buddies start gathering other items e.g. m&m's and heineken bottles to stuff up there.
I saw a two car crash, a drunk man in a newer Mustang last summer sped past the car I was in. Switched lanes to get around us, and as soon as he went to switch back into other lane he hit a truck in front of him. The truck swerved side ways and rolled at least 3 times. The man in the mustang crashed into a tree.

The thing about it the man in the truck had just got off work from a hospital (KU Med). The drunk guy got out of his car took a couple of steps and was KO'd (passed out)

I called the police and when they came my intoxicated friend was the one to describe what happened along with drawing out what happened lol.

That is the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Both guys lived.
I can't remember if this was '96 or '97, but I went to the park with a couple of my boys to hoop.  Everything was going great then a couple of guys who were up to no good started making trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said you're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.
Other than someone getting shot?

Ok I went to school in FLA, but for whatever reason I liked driving up 95 to come home to DC on the breaks. One time I was driving up 95, and it's pouring rain. I mean, the rain that you can't see 10 ft in front of you. Mad cars pulled to the side. Why I kept driving my 1990 acura integra w. bad tires in a rainstorm? You had to ask me then. The storm was so bad, the wind would blow so hard my car would literally slide from one lane to the next. Crazy. But anyways, I'm driving thru the storm, I'm like in South Carolina, nothing but trees on the side of the road, but then I drive up across a patch of grass, and there's TREE ENGULFED IN FLAMES laying on the patch! It was the craziest thing in the world, how can one single tree be on fire, and how can it stay lit in a thunderstorm. I thought I was seeing things, but it was as real as that rain. Will never forget that, I thought it was a message from GOD or something. Never pulled over tho LOL.

I was a security guard for a hospital once, and you see some really messed up stuff there. One lady was totally drunk, but her face was just destroyed....completely mutilated. And it looked fresh too, I don't know if she knew how bad her face was. It's hard to describe, something like 2 face but more like 3/4 face, only her fore head was intact. Her nose were two misshapen holes, her lips were about gone, her face looked like folds of skin just hanging from her skull. And part of her skull was warped. It was one of those things you couldn't bear to see, but couldn't stop looking....

This is funny, one day Im in Adams Morgan, across the street from the McDonalds to use the ATM. I get my money, and call my friend, like "where you at now?" While I'm saying this, this brunette is running across the street with 5 inch heels, and a jumbo slice of pizza in each hand. Traffic is coming so she's racing to the sidewalk, but she trips up on the curb, and falls flat on her face! The momentum was so strong, when she fell, she actually slid a few more feet, she looked like she was tryna steal second base. She slid on her stomach tho her face was ok, but SHE STILL HAD THE PIZZAS HELD UP IN EACH HAND! I thought it was amazing that her drunk +!@ had enough coordination to keep the pizzas intact, even tho she ran in heels, tripped, fell on her face, and slid for a few feet! It happened right in front of my feet as I was on the phone. "Naw son, I'm cross the street from the McD-DDDAAAYYYYYUMMMMM!!!!! Miss, miss, are you ok? Are you ok? Wow, you kept both pizzas too? Damn lemme help you up! Hey, uhm, so are you gonna eat BOTH those pizzas?" Soon as I ask some blonde runs up like "No that's my pizza, Stacy you bought that for me right?" Damn shawty where were you when she was bellyflopping the asphalt?

Anyway carry on
seen a couple ppl get shot.....and one day when i was like walkin somewhere seen these two dudes tag teaming some chick in an alley in broad day light, had to be like 3 or 4pm but they aint care
Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

Around a decade ago my Mom woke me up telling me that homeland security is at the door and I had to get up so that they could search the house. One of the worst feelings I've ever had in my entire life.

BROOOOOO, i was riding home from school and when we got home FBI was everywhere, my mom rode past like it wasnt our house but we got flipped trying to go to our grandmas, and the next four years were the worse without my dad, i was too young to understand what was going on but i wanted to go home, my mom told me my dad was going to stay with some friends back in DR and i was pissed everyday i woke up and he wasnt home
Originally Posted by justicedivine

Oh and another one.. on a more pleasant note. So I'm playing game boy outside of my boys house or whatever. We see these two chicks walking across the street.. casual. Suddenly a car pulls up, and apparently its one of the chicks' boyfriend.. and son is vexed. Hes dropping the b word.. rambling on about whatever. Next thing we know he grabs her shirt and rips it.. and the chicks chest just busts out .. me and my boy had the
faces on lol
.. and the dude throws her into the car. Her friend just stood there screaming and threating to call this person and that. Few hours pass and me and my boy see her ( tig ol bitties ) walking up our street with an aluminum bat lol
LMAO, i was like that the first time i went to the beach and saw a gang of topless chicks, some bad some not, all boobs were muah tho
I was on the Long Island Expressway in NYC once, this silver Infiniti G35 coupe comes flying by at high speeds, disappears from sight, then I hear a loud smash and I saw the Infiniti in a car accident after it crashed into the back of another car on an offramp.

Around a decade ago, I was in Texas and I saw a Toyota Camry drag race a Corvette. I was riding in a car behind them and I had never seen a real street race until I saw the two cars floor it and disappear into the distance.
  • i will never forget my 21st birthday. the girl i was talking to her and her friends come pick me up to drink. we park by this middle school because someone else that was coming and wasn't ready yet. its at a 3way intersection on a hill. everything happened so quick. if were were parked about 3 spots up id probably be dead. a car came speeding up the street and tried to turn and it was too late. i seen a blur hit a light poll then boom sparks everywhere. the light poll comes falling down and the street goes dark because other lights go out. me and a random guy had to break the window and pull the driver out. he was lucky he was wearing a seatbelt but the passenger was done. she was crushed and we couldn't get her out even if she was alive. the girls were crying they wanna go home plus we had to leave before the cops came because a few of us were drunk. ended my night alone.
  • seen someone get killed back in like summer of 02 mid afternoon. i remember me and some friends were walking back from the store. a car drove by and a few seconds later my friend just casually says "look dude is about to get popped". 2 dudes shot some guy about 5 times right in front of his house. once everybody gets up from ducking and running i hear a scream. his mom and gf came running out the house holding him like in the movies with blood everywhere.
This just happened about an hour ago not too far in front of me. 2 cars racing and one clipped the other.....
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