What are some of the craziest things you've ever witnessed in REAL life? vol. Did that just happen?

I've been involved first hand in both a boating accident and car accident where someone has passed. smh, rip!
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

Around a decade ago my Mom woke me up telling me that homeland security is at the door and I had to get up so that they could search the house. One of the worst feelings I've ever had in my entire life.

BROOOOOO, i was riding home from school and when we got home FBI was everywhere, my mom rode past like it wasnt our house but we got flipped trying to go to our grandmas, and the next four years were the worse without my dad, i was too young to understand what was going on but i wanted to go home, my mom told me my dad was going to stay with some friends back in DR and i was pissed everyday i woke up and he wasnt home
Yeah dude we had very similar situations... I hadn't seen my Dad since about a month before that and I've never seen him again. (He passed away about a year later) I will never put my children through that.
for 2 weeks. exactly at 3 am there were poundings and knocks all over my bedroom. i use to sweat bullets scared as hellll. it stopped tho.
one time in 03 when AIM was hot, i use to talk to a girl. and she use to tell me her house was haunted. so i had a microphone and she didnt. and i use
to make fun of her saying yea he gonna do this and that to you, then i said hes going to rape you, and bam out of no where a very low pitch loud laugh
came out my speakers when i said that. very demonic..i quickly turn everything off and hit the sheets.

one time i was at my friends house and everyone use to say his house is haunted. so one time it was new years and we all chilled at his basement.,,so we had a bright idea
of saying things to see if anything would happen. i was like yea you scared blah blah blah. and bam 3 things happened!
1. the speakers in the comp. was on high for some reason and you hear the windows on the pc shutting down noise..which no one was on the computer at that time
2. the back door opened while it was lock.
3. a cross that was hanging kept going in circles!

so our friend later told us he did research about the house and found out a lil girl died in the basement!

this i s diff. one time me and my friend skipped school and there was an abandon old accord on the street all ugly near a apartment complex, so me and my friend
had a bright idea of writing on the car with a marker..then all of a sudden a waka flocka lookn dude came out the third floor balcony saying wat you doing to my car!
and we see him pull a gun out and point at us straight shooting at us! we ran like shh!!!
About 2 years ago me and my cousin were coming back home from getting food and right before we hit the light it turned yellow and mind you, my cousin has earned the nickname safety stan because he's so cautious, but for some reason he thought he'd risk it, he mashed on the gas to make the light but right before he crossed the line he braked and said "Nah, I wouldn't have made it anyways" so we laugh and the car next to us takes the light and outta nowhere you see this blue Geo come flying out the right side of the intersection and slams into the the car that was next to us and send that car flying into a truck on the other side and pins it to a pole.
Me and my cousin just sat there like 

We were silent the whole car ride, we honestly couldn't believe it, if he would've taken the light we might've lost our lifes that day.
Originally Posted by useref15

Back in 2008, I was in Bank of America, and it got robbed. Three armed guys came into the bank and fired off two shots, and demand everybody get the **** on the ground. It was so crazy because when my step sister was at the counter, I was just looking around and I actually saw them walk in. The bullets didn't hit anybody which was a good thing, but showed they were serious. They had one guy with an AK-47 guarding the lobby, and the other two with pistols rushed in.

They legit jumped right over me to get behind the counter. All the lollypops fell on the ground right near me. I will never forget the look of seeing them come through the enterance. To this day, I hate seeing ski masks becaue it brings back that memory. My stepdad is a cop in town, so I was able to get all the pictures from the bank, which is pretty cool to see me down with the robber jumping right over us.

They continued to do more robberies every Friday around the same time and they were finally caught after like their 7th robbery. It resulted in a FBI agent getting killed from friendly fire, but at least they are in jail.

They kept robbing the same bank?  What's wrong with people?
i was riding with my uncle the summer of '97... he worked for a towing company. he gets a call saying "head up about 10 miles on 35 from the border patrol checkpoint." we head out, and he gets another call saying "'stas feo" (it's ugly in spanish). we get there, and we see a heap of metal on fire. get out, and we hear wailing. the cops tell us what happened : they were chasing smugglers that tried to run the checkpoint... and they ended up blowing a tire. they hit a car with newlyweds heading north, and take them across into the southbound lanes and hit a car with a family inside. whatever was in the first car (i speculate it was chemicals to make crystal meth or a gas can) caught fire as soon as it hit the other car and by the time the mess hit into the southbound lanes it was on full blown fire. witnesses said the family car hit it head on and the heat welded them all together. the wailing i heard was people in the wreckage crying out for help. soon as the fire department got there, it was a wrap. they hosed the wreckage down, and we had to call another truck to pick up the mess. we had a regular tow truck and needed a flatbed.

we get it back to the yard where it's waiting for police to figure out what to do with it and it STINKS. i can see charred smoldering bodies, positioned all over the place, just grotesque. that's stuck with me. hearing those wails and seeing those bodies. haunting.

same summer he's out on a call to move a mobile home. it's a fairly big job, and i'm there just watching. there's one worker that as soon as they inflate the airbags has to go under and position something. well, he's under there and while he's crawling out the bag pops... and his head is crushed by the edge of the mobile home. pure utter pandemonium. people bugging out, 911 called, etc.. probably the saddest thing i've directly been a part of. my cousin said you always come out head first, but this dude was reckless and came out the other way for whatever reason.

then i was around 5 years old... my dad's driving a truck for Western with oil drilling equipment on board. i was riding with him, he's telling a story and we hit something. he stops, and can't see anything discernable but sees it's a car due to it being about 3am. cops come, and figure out some fool drunk in a corvette was backing out of his driveway and instead of turning around at the road went over it and backed onto the highway. absolutely nothing left. even cracked the engine blocks on the car. 
How could i forgot,

My house got raided by the FEDS. im in my room and hear 3 knocks on the door, then some guy yell "search warrent wereing coming in!"

hear a loud BOOM, as im walking in my hallway and see a suited up dude with a mp5 pointing it at me to get on the ground.. with another 12-15 other feds smh

wasn't for me tho so i was good.. nonetheless it was wack
i witness a carjack on time in the hood

i also witness a %$@#* hop out his car and go barry bonds on a %$@#*
New years  in NY, saw a drunk dude poop and vomit all on himself at the same time in penn station. Funniest thing in my life 
Back in grade school, a classmate brought a knife to class and threatened to kill himself in front of everybody.

A friend of mine, who was 15 at the time, got knocked out cold by a full grown man with anger management issues before my eyes.

That's....really it, off the top of my head. My life is boring.
back in 5th grade...9/11/2001.

my school was a couple of blocks away from the WTC/city hall. we were learning in school when some teacher busts in and telling my teacher the WTC was on fire a plane crashed into it.

everyone ran to the windows and saw people jumping out the windows and stuff. Teacher orders us to go back to our seats and few minutes later the same teacher comes back and

tells us the 2nd towers been hit and its a terrorist attack.

crazy stuff.
saw a shark jump out the water 5 feet from me on a boat 1/2 mile away from the beach thing was huge ...... thats it
Oh yeah, how could I forget this one...I just stepped outside my house, these two dudes where chilling in a green Suburban with tinted windows, 24 inch rims, crazy sound system.....next thing I know 7 police cars pull up, snag dudes out the chevy, cuff 'em and throw them in the back of one of the police cars. One of the cops hops in the Suburban and they all drive off, sirens blaring. This all happened in less than 10 mins. About a day later I read a small article in the Daily News about how the police had raided several drug dealers in the BX, all of them in my area, figured they had to be talking about these cats they just swarmed in front my house.
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

i was riding with my uncle the summer of '97... he worked for a towing company. he gets a call saying "head up about 10 miles on 35 from the border patrol checkpoint." we head out, and he gets another call saying "'stas feo" (it's ugly in spanish). we get there, and we see a heap of metal on fire. get out, and we hear wailing. the cops tell us what happened : they were chasing smugglers that tried to run the checkpoint... and they ended up blowing a tire. they hit a car with newlyweds heading north, and take them across into the southbound lanes and hit a car with a family inside. whatever was in the first car (i speculate it was chemicals to make crystal meth or a gas can) caught fire as soon as it hit the other car and by the time the mess hit into the southbound lanes it was on full blown fire. witnesses said the family car hit it head on and the heat welded them all together. the wailing i heard was people in the wreckage crying out for help. soon as the fire department got there, it was a wrap. they hosed the wreckage down, and we had to call another truck to pick up the mess. we had a regular tow truck and needed a flatbed.

we get it back to the yard where it's waiting for police to figure out what to do with it and it STINKS. i can see charred smoldering bodies, positioned all over the place, just grotesque. that's stuck with me. hearing those wails and seeing those bodies. haunting.

same summer he's out on a call to move a mobile home. it's a fairly big job, and i'm there just watching. there's one worker that as soon as they inflate the airbags has to go under and position something. well, he's under there and while he's crawling out the bag pops... and his head is crushed by the edge of the mobile home. pure utter pandemonium. people bugging out, 911 called, etc.. probably the saddest thing i've directly been a part of. my cousin said you always come out head first, but this dude was reckless and came out the other way for whatever reason.

then i was around 5 years old... my dad's driving a truck for Western with oil drilling equipment on board. i was riding with him, he's telling a story and we hit something. he stops, and can't see anything discernable but sees it's a car due to it being about 3am. cops come, and figure out some fool drunk in a corvette was backing out of his driveway and instead of turning around at the road went over it and backed onto the highway. absolutely nothing left. even cracked the engine blocks on the car. 
You've been exposed to so much. My head would be all screwed up...
Seen quite a few bad things in my life so I'll say the couple that stick.

1.) About 4 years ago, I was on 14th Street and 8th Ave walking to the grocery store and I see this Black Range Rover speeding up 8th Ave to turn on 14th, with the music blasting. No joke the dude must have been going 50 up 14th street, and as I see the guy drive up 14th Street, this pedestrian walks out from in between two cars and the Range hits him. Dude hit his head so hard on the passenger side of the windshield, there was a hole in the windshield. After the Range hit the guy, he lost control and flipped onto its side. Still to this day I remember vividly seeing the poor man laying out in the street gasping for air, bleeding from his head and mouth, then seeing this Chinese dude walk up to the guy and taking a picture of him there bleeding to death. I remember the look the guy who got hit gave the dude who took the picture, it was like a "really, man?" look. Found out later that the man died. RIP.

2.) About 10 years ago I was walking to the local hardware store up 8th Ave and as I am crossing the block before 19th street, I see a Toyota Highlander speed around the corner, hit this woman who was pushing her baby, the baby went up in the air, the woman rolled up onto the hood and hit the floor and she was screaming "my baby, my baby". And the dude tried to take off but some guy chased him down and cut him off not to let him get anywhere till the cops came. The woman and the baby ended up being fine. Thank goodness.

3.) About 5 or 6 years ago I was driving to Atlantic City and on the Turnpike right before you have to get off of exit 11 to get onto the Parkway, some kid in a Sentra that was speeding, hit a light pole, went through the windshield, we pulled over and we watched him fall off his hood and saying, I cant move, I cant move. We waited for the medics and cops to come, gave our statements then left. Hope that kid was not paralyzed.
saw a truck with a kid still in it fall off a cliff going up to Baguio City, PI one time.

Kid made it out ok. Mom and other kid jumped out at the last moment. Dad was looking for a rock to chock under the vehicle's wheel. too late.
5th Grade.
Thursday Morning.

It's a regular day of school, we're getting prepared to start the class when a janitor busts in and talks to my teacher for a bit. She covers her mouth and runs to the window, the WTC buildings are on fire. All the kids in the class just run to the window and my teacher starts crying. Maybe a minute later, I see a plane coming in from the right side of my peripheral, dropping altitude QUICK. Next thing you know, it smashes right into the building. We all scream. I'm like 10 years old, I KIND OF know what just happened but I didn't believe it. My teacher starts wailing and closes the blinds and tells us to go sit down. We're all shocked. She sits us down on the rug area and lets us know whats going on, that our parents will probably come pick us up and stuff. At this point, the blinds are closed but from where me and my friends were seated, we could still see through the slit. I remember just staring out at the smoke then just hearing my boy go "OMG IT COLLAPSDED". The rest of the school day was just everyone being picked up. All the teachers were going in and out of the rooms talking to eachother. Little did I know, i witnessed the death of thousands of people that day.

It's funny how I dont remember much from my childhood, but I could give you a play-by-play of 9/11 from when I woke up to when I went to bed.

Yeah well thats my story. Im sure throughout the bouroughs there are a million more of those stories. Im really interested to hear how yall who were a little older than me expierienced it. I could imagine how different my reaction would have been if I was in HS.

That's it, and I've seen a few people get shot but thats just life.
probably getting hit by a taxi while riding a bike

luckily though i ended up allright just a few scratches

one time while driving on the freeway i see a corvette speeding up next to me near the divider

then bam a tire pops the car hits the divider catches on fire and the 2 people inside just hop out
Originally Posted by KFig5

Worst thing I've seen...still haunts me to this day...I think it was Labor Day Weekend in the early 2000s...was driving back to my apt in CT from my parents' house in NJ and crossing over the Tappan Zee Bridge...Was behind a tractor trailer and I saw it "hop"...my girlfriend tells me to watch out because it looks like it blew a tire...I change lanes and as I go to pass it, a smaller car comes spinning out from under the truck in flames...I could see the people in the car, on fire and screaming...we rushed to the tollbooth to tell them to call for help...an entire family of 4 was killed that day because apparently the truck driver was dozing off.  RIP. 


This happened a couple of years ago when I was in college. I pulled up to this four way traffice intersection and i was the first car in my lane. The lane to my right was empty, but right before the light turned green a driver pulled up beside me. We both take off and a car runs the red light and smashes right into the car beside me. I just started thinking to myself, what if that car wasn't there and what if my wife(girl and the time) and son were in the car.
Originally Posted by mross16

This happened a couple of years ago when I was in college. I pulled up to this four way traffice intersection and i was the first car in my lane. The lane to my right was empty, but right before the light turned green a driver pulled up beside me. We both take off and a car runs the red light and smashes right into the car beside me. I just started thinking to myself, what if that car wasn't there and what if my wife(girl and the time) and son were in the car.
The car didn't push his car into yours?
I saw a UFO clear as day..Not gonna go too in depth but people will think it's ducktales or I'm insane
A couple years ago, I was driving on the 5 in LA, heading towards San Diego, and I saw the northbound freeway completely shutdown. About thirty police cars were blocking off traffic and all the cops were out with their guns drawn. There was a guy who had his gun out and he had stopped his car in the middle of the freeway. I still have no idea what happened but that was the wildest thing I've ever seen.
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by mross16

This happened a couple of years ago when I was in college. I pulled up to this four way traffice intersection and i was the first car in my lane. The lane to my right was empty, but right before the light turned green a driver pulled up beside me. We both take off and a car runs the red light and smashes right into the car beside me. I just started thinking to myself, what if that car wasn't there and what if my wife(girl and the time) and son were in the car.
The car didn't push his car into yours?
Nah, I was thinking about that earlier. The car that ran the light may have braked to reduce the impact.

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