What are some of the craziest things you've ever witnessed in REAL life? vol. Did that just happen?

I was in the backseat of my friends car sleeping when I woke up to us airborne flipping off onto the side of the highway up by Albany.

My friend who was driving, another friend sitting shotgun, and myself came out completely unharmed
Originally Posted by justicedivine

I don't remember a lot from grade school.. but I remember this explicitly. I was in the 1st grade at the time. My school was located on a main street in an urban area. Across the street there were a strip of two family houses. On this particular occasion my Friends and i are playing tag or whatever, and we observe a couple walking out of a 2 family house with a baby.. whatever. We continue playing.. but the next thing we know, a black accord pulls up and screeches to a stop. Suddenly about 5 men get out of the car with bats and start pummeling son.. while he was holding his baby. The baby falls and the woman screams.. and they continue the assault. At this point the whole playground is just dead silent.. kids, teachers everybody. They continue further, kicking and spitting on him despite the woman's plea to stop or the baby's crying. They eventually end, and the women goes to pick up the baby and call 911. This is where it gets crazier..The men get into the car and start to pulloff. At the last second, the car reverses.. one of the fools gets out of the car, Gets ontop of the gate like it was a turnbuckle, and shawn Michael flying elbows son to the chest.. that's my word. Then he hops back in the car .. and they go. That stayed with me.

Oh and another one.. on a more pleasant note. So I'm playing game boy outside of my boys house or whatever. We see these two chicks walking across the street.. casual. Suddenly a car pulls up, and apparently its one of the chicks' boyfriend.. and son is vexed. Hes dropping the b word.. rambling on about whatever. Next thing we know he grabs her shirt and rips it.. and the chicks chest just busts out .. me and my boy had the
faces on lol .. and the dude throws her into the car. Her friend just stood there screaming and threating to call this person and that. Few hours pass and me and my boy see her ( tig ol bitties ) walking up our street with an aluminum bat lol
La fitness, like a year or two ago, saw this middle aged man on the treadmill by the basketball courts area just flat out die on the treadmill.

Swear to lord that was the wildest thing i've ever seen in person. I was in a state of shock for like a week or two after that.
Had to add to this, this one is something I was apart of, NY N'ters, this one is wild.

Summer 2009, I'm doing a college tour of a few eastern schools with a program that I was apart of. So us, being from la and what not, are touring New york. We go to a minor league brooklyn baseball game, cool. Nearby was coney island, and that carnival that was in "He Got Game" if i'm not mistaken. We walk in, walk all the way to the end of the carnival, and get mean mugged by like 30 white tee coney island goons. A few of us literally bumped us on purpose to get a rise out of us, we didn't pay attention to it though. So as we walk out of the park, we realize that there are some goons following is. We look back once, there was like 5 following us. We look back again, there was like 10 following us. We look back again, there was like 25, 30, 35 and more following us it looked like. It was about 10 of us, I was in the middle of the group. The ones in the back of our group, started breaking and running, and the entire coney island it felt like started chasing. We all started to break then, and scattered throughout all portions of coney island until we all found a random subway and just left. Mind you, we've never been to coney island before, which made it all the more scary.

We finally reach some part of NY, forgot where we were. Ran into a pedestrian, told him what had just happened, and he told us that yeah, that area is notorious for that kind of stuff and that if they caught us they were about that life and he gave us a pocket life. A night to remember for sure.
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