What are you good at but you dont brag about: Vol i hate cocky people

Originally Posted by Wilroc

Im an intelligent person. Theres some kids that read the AP chem textbooks chapters ahead and try to flaunt their knowledge in class (i dont read the textbook at all, i excel at sciences) and when the tests come around they parade around extra hype about getting 89s and 93s. I just relax in the back of the room with my 100+ and let them do them. Thats pretty much how it is in every class, lol.

Mostly just has to do with me liking to keep to myself
Showoff fake smart student:       "ohh what did you get?, (clearly trying to show off bc i appeared dumb and kept to myself 
) i got a 90 

Me:                                 "Ohh you're about that life?
 ehh got a 98 

Running. Ran cross country and track in college...4:13 in the mile. But now two years out of college, when people who don't really know me talk about exercising or running to me, I just nod and smile.
Running. Ran cross country and track in college...4:13 in the mile. But now two years out of college, when people who don't really know me talk about exercising or running to me, I just nod and smile.
I'm good at writing.  I once submitted a short story and got admitted to this elite group of young writers where we swap and critique each other's stories once a week.  We get different authors dropping in every once in a while to mediate our meetings.  I never talk about this because no one gives a @#!*

That's pretty much the only thing brag worthy about my life.

Otherwise it's a fail. 
I'm good at writing.  I once submitted a short story and got admitted to this elite group of young writers where we swap and critique each other's stories once a week.  We get different authors dropping in every once in a while to mediate our meetings.  I never talk about this because no one gives a @#!*

That's pretty much the only thing brag worthy about my life.

Otherwise it's a fail. 
-Ping Pong
-School (now at least)
-Martial arts
-Card games
-Ping Pong
-School (now at least)
-Martial arts
-Card games
Being able to listen to music and able to recreate it to the poin where I can enjoy the empty spaces in it. It's something worth learning to love. If you can appreciate the blank spaces in art, you can manipulate it to your own perception and everyone will love it. Miles Davis is one of the few examples of such manipulation. I ain't trying to show off, but I want to reach that level, ya know?
Being able to listen to music and able to recreate it to the poin where I can enjoy the empty spaces in it. It's something worth learning to love. If you can appreciate the blank spaces in art, you can manipulate it to your own perception and everyone will love it. Miles Davis is one of the few examples of such manipulation. I ain't trying to show off, but I want to reach that level, ya know?
It seems like most of the things that I'm really actually good at are either illegal or deemed immoral by society.
Some things I'm ashamed of, others notsomuch.
It seems like most of the things that I'm really actually good at are either illegal or deemed immoral by society.
Some things I'm ashamed of, others notsomuch.
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

I drive with my knees, interstates, turns, all that and not just when I'm doing something with my hands but just out of preference

u-turns? 3 point turns?
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

I drive with my knees, interstates, turns, all that and not just when I'm doing something with my hands but just out of preference

u-turns? 3 point turns?



Repairing/putting stuff together

Submission holds

And I'm very good at 'reading' people. I can usually pick up whether you're being truthful or lying/acting shady just by your expressions/body language or tone and context in which you say things very quickly.



Repairing/putting stuff together

Submission holds

And I'm very good at 'reading' people. I can usually pick up whether you're being truthful or lying/acting shady just by your expressions/body language or tone and context in which you say things very quickly.
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