What do women see in Tony Romo?

He's the Dallas Cowboys QB, he's a pretty good looking guy, and he makes bank...You tell me.
Basically he's a football player on a famous team, makes bank, and the dude never misses a cue...I'm starting to think that he pre-plans his interviewsbecause he never makes any out of the box remarks and besides that when you're rich you can treat rich people regular and I read somewhere thats all theywant
Dudes tripping off why other dudes are getting*$!$ are extra lame.

He's obviously got something they like and I doubt it's the money. It's not like any of these women is currently on a pole.

Are you a man? Then guess what?

If you're a "straight" man (I wonder about those on NT....), you're not SUPPOSED to see what WOMEN see in him.
I don't think Jessica Simpson is worried about her financial situation.

you dont think girls would rather have someone else spend $$$ on them and take care of them, than spend their own money???

look at beyonce, she was on that independent woman "i can pay my own bills" tip, yet 5 years later what is she doing? hugged up with camel lips. why?he has $$$ and will take care of her
AI to muthaphucin YO!

This is the internet equivalent of a bunch of dudes in the corner of the club lookin at a dude w/ chicks around him sayin to each other "he ain't*#@#." "#%*+ that @!$*%+."

Dudes need to re-evaluate their lives.
Yall make it seem like he's an ogre or something
. He's a relativelyattractive guy, on one of the hottest football teams currently as well as a team that strikes a lot of positive emotion for many American football fans. Couplethat w/ his classically good looks. What's NOT to like?


Is he "ugly" or something? As a woman I don't think so.. Not even close to it.
if you're the QB of a team that's getting shine, you will be gettin more butt than ash trays

one of my friends was talkin to our QB and the number of girls he claimed to have pulled in one semester was
and kinda
Think of it back in a typical, Midwest HS.

The "Jock" Varsity QB, who happens to be on one of the best teams in the state, gets the hottest cheerleader in school.

Its been going on forever.
^^^ Not to toot my own horn but even though I have game, I got more butt off being a two way starter and scoring tds on saturdays than talking ever got me ...high school days were the best
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