what do you think happens when you die?

One of the saddest days of my life was when I came to the reality that when we die, that is it. The saddest part is the people you once knew and loved will never be seen again, EVER. Honestly I hope i am wrong about there not being a god or heaven in the way most christians imagine it (not word for word in the bible).

This is where I think people follow the ideas of reincarnation so much. Or an afterlife. People get so caught up with that feeling that it all is over, that they can't bare to think about not being on the planet anymore. They can't think of something they have never experienced. So they say that it doesn't end here, and it just starts over.

Don't think about it like you will never get to see your family and everything, because it won't matter. Why worry about what you won't have later when you have it now? When it's game over, you won't have feelings or consciousness to care about these things. A stop worrying about it, and live your life.

Right now I believe when you die it is similar to sleeping without dreams. My worst fear is there being a dream and not being able to differentiate it from reality.So what if you dream about being born again as a baby in this dimension? How could you know if it was real?

I don't know what happens... and it is hard to even begin to imagine what really happens.

Don't think to far into it.

Dreams are not real, they are like a defense mechanism in your brain helping you organize information.
One of the saddest days of my life was when I came to the reality that when we die, that is it. The saddest part is the people you once knew and loved will never be seen again, EVER. Honestly I hope i am wrong about there not being a god or heaven in the way most christians imagine it (not word for word in the bible).

Right now I believe when you die it is similar to sleeping without dreams. My worst fear is there being a dream and not being able to differentiate it from reality.So what if you dream about being born again as a baby in this dimension? How could you know if it was real?

I don't know what happens... and it is hard to even begin to imagine what really happens.
But when you die, you won't be around to mourn or feel sorry for yourself. That's the whole point, as a living organism the purpose you were evolved for is to live life to the fullest. For all intents and purposes, this life is all you have.. no point worrying about death.

The dream scenario doesn't make sense, dreams are produced as a result of biochemical processes in our brains. We won't have dreams when we die and our bodies shut down (and even if we did, why would we experience them in the first-person and not from an omnisicient perspective?) I'm gonna do you a favor and tell you that you're sort of freaking yourself out about these things unnecessarily. :lol:
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Unless you leave a legacy. :smokin

Bah, and how many of the billions upon billions of humans that have inhabited this earth have done that? Achilles pulled it off but should society collapse his legacy could easily be lost because it's all contained in books. How many people still know who Sergeant York is? He was famous with previous generations, but I'm willing to bet his legacy is fading from memory.

or i could freeze into a block of ice preserved for the humanoids to discover me 1000s of years later.

you're better than that. 

Sorry wasn't aware you wanted to take the Mammoth approach, I thought you wanted to die and somehow end up in a glacier. Yes, you could get you body dumped in a frozen climate and hope the ice caps don't melt or you don't get eaten by a Polar Bear.
it's 0kay br0!!1
Same thing that happens to animals.

People like to think there's a magical place that they will go to, and a terrible place the people they don't like will go to.

I believe that just getting caught up in emotion. I believe we're no different than any animal.
Bah, and how many of the billions upon billions of humans that have inhabited this earth have done that? Achilles pulled it off but should society collapse his legacy could easily be lost because it's all contained in books. How many people still know who Sergeant York is? He was famous with previous generations, but I'm willing to bet his legacy is fading from memory.

Even Gods die ninja, and fade from memory. I just didn't want to be that guy, some great men die and are remembered but nothing lasts forever. I am completely fine with my body, mind and "soul" fading away into oblivion and nothingness.
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I switch between thinking we are just food for the worms and going some place where we are still alive yet apart from this world. I'm telling you if I can see a ghost, that's my proof right there that something else is out there, whether it's a different dimension of time where we all co-exist or life after death. I am hoping we get to be reunited with all our dead loved ones.
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