What % of folks here on NT do you think are full of $%%@ ????

Originally Posted by therainycity206

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Diego wrote:

milestailsprowe wrote:

Its the same 10% imo. Like the dude with avy which is a pic of his ABs

I always thought that was kind of ayoosih/screaming for attention.

In a forum full of young men, you really want to advertise that?

He has a EGO size of a whale. Dude talks about his body like its the greatest thing.
Where Lurk been at? Didnt matter the topic. he would find a way to include fitness into it

Dirty sniped him.

How did dude get so many posts though. He had like 4000 posts in 2 months. Sorry if thats impossible to do. Don't feel like doing math at the moment.
Originally Posted by SneakerLips

Everyone on NT exaggerates to a certain extent but I think 40% are completely full of isht
I was thinking about the same for some reason.

Most likely 60% of the people on here are probably the same online as they are offline. Regular, down to earth people. The rest are just e-thuggin' geekstrying to play the role for laughs & e-props.
I think about 60%, I can name a couple dudes off the top of my head...
LLC money
ben baller

...there are more though.
Judging from the NT'ers that I have met and linked up with...the majority of people on here seem to be real folk.

You can't really judge a person from the type of wild convos that take place on NT

Of course there is that percentage of people that are making up a fantasy world for themselves and constantly seeking attention....what percentage of postersis that?...who knows.
yeah man i hate it when people come on the internet and start pretending to be somebody theyre not. honestly, some of these dudes are so full of bull, it makesme sick. when i go online, i expect people to show their true colors, not spew some crap trying to get their E-Fame.
idk how to handle some of thesepathological liars but somebody needs to.

anyways, id say like 99% of people are full of it. not me though. everyword i speak is 100% true.
Originally Posted by jeenewed

Originally Posted by therainycity206

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Diego wrote:

milestailsprowe wrote:

Its the same 10% imo. Like the dude with avy which is a pic of his ABs

I always thought that was kind of ayoosih/screaming for attention.

In a forum full of young men, you really want to advertise that?

He has a EGO size of a whale. Dude talks about his body like its the greatest thing.
Where Lurk been at? Didnt matter the topic. he would find a way to include fitness into it

Dirty sniped him.

How did dude get so many posts though. He had like 4000 posts in 2 months. Sorry if thats impossible to do. Don't feel like doing math at the moment.

Oh +#!% he got banned?
richKarlmarx wrote:
yeah man i hate it when people come on the internet and start pretending to be somebody theyre not. honestly, some of these dudes are so full of bull, it makes me sick. when i go online, i expect people to show their true colors, not spew some crap trying to get their E-Fame.
idk how to handle some of these pathological liars but somebody needs to.

anyways, id say like 99% of people are full of it. not me though. everyword i speak is 100% true.

Dukes on this board REALLY dont like Lucky Luchiano huh

I realized it was this high after reading the, "How many girls have you smashed?" post a while back.
Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

yeah man i hate it when people come on the internet and start pretending to be somebody theyre not. honestly, some of these dudes are so full of bull, it makes me sick. when i go online, i expect people to show their true colors, not spew some crap trying to get their E-Fame.
idk how to handle some of these pathological liars but somebody needs to.

anyways, id say like 99% of people are full of it. not me though. everyword i speak is 100% true.

you so bipolar you starting to believe your own lies
Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

yeah man i hate it when people come on the internet and start pretending to be somebody theyre not. honestly, some of these dudes are so full of bull, it makes me sick. when i go online, i expect people to show their true colors, not spew some crap trying to get their E-Fame.
idk how to handle some of these pathological liars but somebody needs to.

anyways, id say like 99% of people are full of it. not me though. everyword i speak is 100% true.


Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

yeah man i hate it when people come on the internet and start pretending to be somebody theyre not. honestly, some of these dudes are so full of bull, it makes me sick. when i go online, i expect people to show their true colors, not spew some crap trying to get their E-Fame.
idk how to handle some of these pathological liars but somebody needs to.

anyways, id say like 99% of people are full of it. not me though. everyword i speak is 100% true.
dude got exposed so know he's just going to troll in every thread

this calls for a ban
Really, I take everything everyone on niketalk says with a grain of salt. I know there are some truthful cats but I can peep the losers who brag, boast, andjust simply lie to either prove their point or just to make themselves look cool online since they don't have that in real life. Their life must reallysuck if they have to lie about having a "6 figure job" or a "house at 22", I just don't get it, why do that? I remember recentlyreading a thread about some dude (I forgot his name) saying he wants to dress better and then he put some story about hooking up with some chick..I mean dudesreplied with
or "great story!" Im reading the *$% like..Forreal? Ya'll really beleive this crap? But lying on this site is honestly the saddest thing I've ever seen, hands down.
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