What % of folks here on NT do you think are full of $%%@ ????

the college thread seemed to be real....lots of crappy schools in that one. no way people would lie about going to Southwestern State Texas Tech.
Originally Posted by acidicality

i think 20-30%. MOst of those lies come from exaggerating their sex life tho...
QFT and
@ your sig. i had to double take
I would love to believe that everything you guys say is true but some things are so obviously untrue and its sad

Im gunna go with 30-40% are bull****ters. Even that maybe to low. All I could do is speak for myself and say that everything I say is 100% for sure. My lifeisnt that sad and low that I have to come here and make up stories for you **@%*
but i do see alot of hate.

There is a TON of hate on this board! Lurkin worked hard on his body and he's milking it. A lot of you obviously havent put work into your bodies becauseit takes years to build up a solid physique. Once you do, your plans arent to hide it all under huge hoodies and baggy jeans.

I see a lot of "great idea, poor execution" here on NT. Many people want to inform people of a new pickup, new stage in their life, new girl,etc...but most of the time it turns into a bragathon...which is not a good look.
Isn't Lurking2Long/Ai Audi Black?...but he had a picture of a White Dude with ripped abs on his avy....ayo fo sho...
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Isn't Lurking2Long/Ai Audi Black?...but he had a picture of a White Dude with ripped abs on his avy....ayo fo sho...

aren't you 22 and own a house? detroit? 14,000?
Tell the truth 85% of y'all _ ain't living right, its so much hate on this board it makes me sick

L2L- he seem like a cool dude but he always trying to talk down on people like he better than them plus this negro in every high fashion or jewelery thread,but never cop nuttin

These next group of people most live a bad life cause they always salty

Phil ******o- hater

Lazy B- hater


Nydenimseller-herb to the third power

Cashmere- just because when he post the little "posted on iphone" ++#* pop up other than that he good

Joe camel- herb

M16-needs to commit that asap

Lucky- _ got them ming dynasty feet

Lazy B- leader of the herbz

Other than that everybody good money
I keep it real with ya'll

From NguyenPowderIX to NiPxD

real talk

NT is like my second home and family yung

I aint got no shame or nothing. You guys cool.
Originally Posted by myhandstank

Cashmere- just because when he post the little "posted on iphone" ++#* pop up other than that he good

don't know why but this sentence got me rollin...
I'll say 30%-40%. I think the reason most of ya'll saying high percentages is cuz people do exaggerate. They aren't exactly lying, justfabricating.

That said, I keep it 100. I got witnesses too

Oh, no hate for Lucky here, he's a good peoples in my book
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