What race do ya'll get mistaken for the most?

I used to get latina all the time- mad people would ask me if I was Puerto Rican

And I'm mostly Irish with some German
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

A lot of people have been saying this...how exactly does someone get mistaken for African or Jamaican unless you have some kinda accent or dreads?
Or u look like a stereotypical starving African/somalian.

Isn't African=Black for the most part....
being dark as hell
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I'm black and filipino but a lot mexican girls think I'm some kind of latino race (mexican, PR, Salvadorian, etc) and black or just 100% latino.
same here. i get black/white a lot which kinda bugs me but w/e
i am salvadoran but I am mostly mistaken for white. I do look white I will not even lie. I have also gotten that I look mix, white and some type of asianusually filipino.
people used to ask me if i was biracial (black + white) until i wore my hair natural for a few years
some people be askin if im mixed with -white or -Hispanic then when i tell them no they ask what im mixed with.
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

Originally Posted by RockThaKickz

Originally Posted by heartofthacity

im pakistani I have gotten: rican, trini, dominican, guyanese,salvi, mexican, turkish, saudi, and indian
Im pakistani/trini mixed born and bred in Flushing, Queens. I live in washington now and most people think im mexican
it shows you how ignorant people are here
shoot bornnraised in flushing here too
hahah lol thats whats up! where do you live now?
I'm Mexican and I've gotten asked if I'm mixed w/ black and if I'm Filipino not sure why thou
i'm chinese. but i've gotten mistaken for phillipino, korean, or mixed with puertorican or white. i can't see it though.
people think im half white or mexican....but im full ******
posted this on 12/7/2008

I need to amend this to add half filipino now too. I've been getting that more than ever now in the last 5 years since I posted that 
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I'm Filipino.

No lie, a few months ago someone thought I was Dominican.

It took strength to stop the NTer in me from sarcastically saying, "I'm not black."
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