What race do ya'll get mistaken for the most?

Originally Posted by cq23

Originally Posted by zona0924

By the way, this thread would make much more sense if everybody posted their pics. Got dudes in here talking about they black but look PR and all that..


where have you been? aint seen you since my old SN

yeah I be going ghost for months at a time..between chilling, working, school, shorties,possible baby mama drama, bud, getting locked up, and everything else, hard to find time ya dig.

Oh and, come to think, once somebody even asked if I was some type of Asian because I got sorta chinky eyes. After that, I knew anything was possible.
People usually either mistake me for being Hispanic. I'm half Filipino, and half white. When people find out i'm half Filipino they give me the
look and say i would of never guessed.
most of the time i get Black but occasionally i get Mixed with Asian because of my slanted eyes
Got people I known for a while that barely find out I'm half white half Filipino, always the same reaction "I thought you were Mexican this wholetime."
sometimes people think i'm half white....
sometimes people think im dominican....
sometimes people think im purto rican....
and on special occasions i will get middle-eastern

just a light skinned dude trying to get by....
I hate when people just come up to me and say either
1) What you mixed with?
2) *start speaking spanish*
pretty much my life story, except i can speak spanish, and im not mixed...
I get confused as a Chinese but I'm Filipino, I guess I'm mixed with some Chinese though. usually other Chinese people just start speaking to me, butI'm nice enough to let em finish what they're saying before I tell em I don't speak/understand Chinese
guyanese puerto rican mixed
puerto rican (by a PR person)
dominican (by a dominican person)
black asian mixed

i'm cambodian.

a lot of times, people have no clue what i am. they fidget around and then come out with, "so uhhhh... where you from?"
Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

mixed with black/white

I hate when people just come up to me and say either
1) What you mixed with?
2) *start speaking spanish*


i remember the first time that happened to me, i was caught so off guard. i was younger an had that kinda curly fro goin on at the time. lady was speaking sofast. i was like.............nah after 10 seconds im not spanish.
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