What race do ya'll get mistaken for the most?

I'm black & get mistaken for Indian a lot because i have good hair
99.99999% of the time I get Mexican. Probably a result of where I live. In Orange County CA, if you're any type of brown at all, they throw you in theMexican category

I'm Filipino
Sometimes I get latina, but more of it a couple of years ago. Lately, it has been Indian, Pakistani, but I usually get mistaken for Persian or an Afghan. Somecan tell right off the bat I am Arab. They will think I am Lebanese most of the times, but I am a Palestinian descendent.
random girl:"you got good hair,what are you mixed"
Pmighty:"no %##!# im 100%"
random girl: "are you like mexican or somethin"
"no im not,im not, im noT"
i got this growin up all the time. still do. maybe cuz im light skin, my sis hair is pretty long for a black girl too. so we both always use to get that.

i member one time we was in NYC and this dude tried to sell my sister a PR t shirt lmao. but ive gotten that question a lot, moms also. black/white.black/spanish. w/e
i have had some people think im mixed w/ chinese or somethin i even got that im mixed w/ white too lol.
i keep gettin confused for a taliban....

ppl dont even call me by my name anymore, they just call me taliban

true story, i was in the train and 2 cops told me to step out of the train and they were like whats in the duffel bag....so i show them its just books and asweater i had in there....dude tells me that i looked suspicious with that and the beard i got goin on...

this was during the threats that were being made on the subway...

but after that it was cool, we were laughin about it....cop said sorry about that and off i went
im chinese

i've been told i look like im hapa from a couple chicks

i give them the
and have a nice day. i don't look mixed at all.
NY...african...jamacian...on of them 2 (havin dreads up north FTL)


FL...dependin on where im at...jamacian orrrrrrrrrrrrrr dominican...to lite to be haitian (word to fresh)
Definitely Filipino
I can't even count the amount of times Filipinopeople would even ask me if I was Filipino. I'm Chinese / Jamaican btw.
mixed with black/white

I hate when people just come up to me and say either
1) What you mixed with?
2) *start speaking spanish*
for the most part people think i'm hispanic (colombian or puerto rican mostly) it's really annoying when people assume and start speaking to me inspanish
then i have to have that whole long explanation

i've gotten greek a few times too.

i'm italian and irish
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

A lot of people have been saying this...how exactly does someone get mistaken for African or Jamaican unless you have some kinda accent ordreads?
Or u look like a stereotypical starving African/somalian.

Isn't African=Black for the most part....
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