What race do ya'll get mistaken for the most?

I'm black...get mistaken for Dominican....or "mixed" (mostly half white n black) and occasionally something mixed with native American....(probably cause i wear an arrowhead piece)

I remember people used to always say you had Indian in you.

Hispanic because one day my hair will be wavy, the next curly. Sometimes Native American because my skin apparently is reddish.
I'm Mexican and almost always get confused for either a light skinned black dude or Armenian.

People have told me that they think I'm black for many reasons from the way I talk and how deep my voice is, to how I play basketball and dress :rofl:

The Armenian part is mostly because of my eyebrows and facial hair...
This girl I met at a Filipino party, thought I was Filipino. Though I was the only Mexican there besides her. I got that a lot when I was younger hung out with the Asian crowd. 
Everybody's mix with something. I live in the south with a lot of rednecks to them if your not white your black to them. You can even be a dark skin Asian or Latin your still black in their eyes
Arab, but i'm Somali/African American. People over hear think I'm mixed with some sort of Arab
I've gotten Mexican and Persian for some reason, :lol:

Eastern European too.
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Im south-east asian...i get mistaken for mexican, some other types of latino and other types of south-east asian ethnic(mainly filipino, viet or cambodian). we have a lot of asians and latinos where im from.
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