What would you think if your GF had sex in random places with her ex?

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Face82

As far as I know she's had one of those drunk nights where the line looked like a drive thru. So eff it.
, what does that even mean?

^ my guess is hes talkin about the possibility of ol girl lettin a train bein ran on her at one point and time
idk its a shot in the dark
How the hell does this even come up in normal conversation? And at what age? Cuz @%#% when I was young..
nevermind i aint even goin there

No one likes the visual but who cares where she did the dirty
maybe she just a freak.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

can't a dude be upset his chick got loose with exes?
Why even subject yourself to that if youre going to get upset? Not wanting to know the details, to me, is simply excepting the fact that everyonehas something questionable in their past. I've done some things in the past and the last thing I'd want is someone else to harp on them and judge mebecause of those actions. I'd rather make my assessment of that person from their present actions. But, to each their own.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by POSITE FIEND

one of my ex's wanted to know everything i ever did, she startin goin off on me about half way done

i dont even ask anymore, we're grown now so i dont care.
hell yeah, i dont care. Thats her past. It used to irk me a little bit, but i stop tryin to be a captain save em and chilled out.


that reminded me of this dude at my high school during "spirit week", we had a day where bammas dressed up as super heroes and this one cat wore asuperman costume and put a sign over the S that said "Captain Save-a-Ho"

dude was runnin around with a cape on n everything, runnin up to all of the known sexually active chicks and pickin em up n running with em down the hallscreaming "DONT WORRY MISS, I WILL SAVE YOU" haha. everytime we saw em in the halls everybody would yell DONT SAVE HER, SHE DONT WANNA BE SAVED
Originally Posted by mdwst9

my ex did it in crazy places man from the car, movies, portapotty, etc. i was like o wow. i didnt end it or nothing but it did have me a lil skeptical.

A PORTAPOTTY man? Thats disgusting as hell. Thats what should have made you think twice, word to Petey Greene.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

That's why you do not ask about details of her past, all you ask is if she's clean.
Sometimes asking isn't good enough, take her to get tested. Details of her past aren't necessary.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

and dirty, what's so funny?
it's funny that you interpret having sex in a spot that's not the norm as the girl not having respect for herself.

*tips hat to you sir* Thank you. Sometimes, sex in bed is boring. or the living room. or the kitchen. or the bathroom.
But I dont want to pay the fine for that nonsense so yeah
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

That's why you do not ask about details of her past, all you ask is if she's clean.
Sometimes asking isn't good enough, take her to get tested. Details of her past aren't necessary.
This is true.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

there is a reason you're embarrassed about some of the things you've done in the past...

do i have things like that? sure...

did i tell my girl? you bet...

does she still throw it in my face from time to time? sure
That right there is reason enough to keep the past the past.

But, nonetheless, I'll do it my way, you do it your way. "Much success to you...."
I don't need to know all the gory details of my husbands sexual past. #s came up, tests be clean, I dont really care if he had sex with his ex in a park orin a car. We're in our late 20s for crying out loud. I'm not embarassed by my past - but if a dude is going to grill me about the details of HOW ANDWHERE I CHOSE to have sex, dude has issues and he can keep it moving for all I care.

And its not necessarily a sign that dude doesnt respect her - maybe its a mutual decision. And who cares, I've been with dudes that didnt respect me -hindsight is 20/20. You're girl didnt respect you when she be acting all crazy enphan. throwin clothes out in the yard or whatever. But for me we'retalking teen years here so that's a whole different ball game.

Now I want to go on an adventure just to see what it's like in my old age here
Though it'll be tough, you gotta look past her past. That's why it's best to leave out the deatails of her prior engagements. But, you also have totake into consideration that it was her BOYFRIEND, not some random dude...chalk it up to the relationship.

Now, if she was gettin it in with randoms like such, then you may have a promiscuous lady on your hands and penis.
Enphan, you are real old-fashioned type of dude. Too old-fashioned for this modern, !!*% filled society we live in.

But i have a question for you, what if a girl is just a freak in terms of sex. Like she loves sex with her serious boyfriend & the thrill of possibly beingcaught just makes the sex even better for her. What is so wrong with that?

Also what if it is the girl who is the one to initiate the sex in these random places?

And by the way you sound in this thread, i assume that you only have sex in the bedroom with the lights off missionary position the entire time. Doing anythingmore than that would be disrespecting your girl or your girl disrespecting herself.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Face82

As far as I know she's had one of
those drunk nights where the line looked like a drive thru. So eff it.
, what does that even mean?

They probably ran thru her. lol
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

ohhhh the line looked like a drive thru....i get it now...forgive me...lol

nah, i'm not THAT old fashioned, g....

@the thought of me being boring in bed...

with that said, i don't think i'm wrong for valuing sex as more than just busting a nut....

and the respect/disrespect thing comes from me knowing how us guys operate, y'all can play devil's advocate to argue with me...

but a majority of dudes are smashing simply for the power...

"yeah, i smashed that"

i dunno, if i was a chick, i definitely wouldn't want to be "that".....-shrugs-

even as a dude, when in situations like that, i felt disrespected....

best believe it was corrected immediately.....

i didn't just "go along with it"

if the girl was the initiator, and she didn't initiate with you, hence you find out through discussion, i do think there is reason for concern there....no?

and OGBJ, i don't have a problem facing my regrets or things in my past that are embarassing...or else i wouldn't have done it...feel me?

if you getting down to the point where you can't even stand to have it brought up by a chick you're considering marriage with...

then you were doing entirely too much....right?

look, i'm not an ignorance is bliss type of dude, and i'm anti-elephant in the room also...

so avoiding the question just because discussing it makes you cringe...

or you're so embarrassed by your past, you don't wanna go there

or you genuinely don't even wanna know/don't want your opinion of her to change.....

that's cool, that works for you.....but don't blame it on the "over-sexualized present"

or "the world these days"

cause y'all the very same dudes enabling these actions to take place...

me, personally?

i can't go for that....

no can do.

look at it like this, if more men AND women would hold their significant others responsible for some of these actions instead of just ignoring it, maybe, just maybe, people would take things other than the nut into consideration....

So basically: We should only have sex with people we truly care about, thus, leaving us with less sexual partners overall, creating a natual decrease in theamount of embarrassing/touchy information divulged to our significant others?
I'm not going to hold my SO responsible for #%!@ he did before he even met me, I expect the same in return.
you got 2 choices...you can take the boy route and be all "i cant believe you did that, and with that dude" crap,
showing how insecure you are, dwell on it, and some next dude come and smash out since you're not handling yours.
or you can be a man about it and see that the past is the past, and focus on what you gotta do to keep her happy now.
understand that no1 can tell the future homie. maybe she thought son was "the one", can't go assuming, especially if its
your shorty
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