What would you think if your GF had sex in random places with her ex?

Why are your exes an ex? Sometimes the relationships just don't work out in the end. It doesnt have to end because someone cheated or lied or anything innature.

And it doesnt need to be discussed because maybe he doesnt WANT to know? Or NEEEEEED to know? I'm not just going to bring it up in casual conversation. AndI don't want to hear about his details - i dont give a flying #$%+ and I don't want that mental image in my head.

Its completely laughable
"Oh, so I see you had x amount of partners? Soo... how did that all the work out? Did you have sex outside thebedroom?" :rofl:g

It's not the fact that I had car loving that is a big deal - the big deal is a guy "requiring" that information. Or even prodding me to give upsuch types of information. Its weird.

Ok now it's getting personal. Who are you to tell me I've cheapened this supposed gift I'm giving to my fiance? Get the eff out of here with thatnonsense. Who knows what fantasy I was fulfilling when I was a youngster - I wasn't thinking about it at all like that.

And of course I'm going to "submit" on occasion. Damn. It makes him happy, AND IT MAKES ME HAPPY TO DO IT. And I get the same in return. It's give and take. He is not a random dude. I have never had sexual relations of any sort with a "random" guy. Like I said, only when I'min a relationship.
if it was such a committed and caring relationship why is he the ex?
people end relationships for a multitude of reasons...cheating and a lack of respect for the other person is just one a many.

there's a difference in respect between the girl you can take wherever you want...
and a girl who you wouldn't even CONSIDER the ATTEMPT with...
no. not at all.

...b/c there's no such thing as the latter in my book.

Like I said... you're thinking of two different concepts
random skanks(which could possibly be a GF to some guys) vs someone you truly care about...
edit..and you could have sex in random places with BOTH types of girls.
And who cares if she did that for an ex. There was love there, the same way there is love in the current relationship. What difference does it make if you're not the only guy she would "give out car brains to?"
well put.
Originally Posted by areyouin729

i'd think of all the random places me and my ex had sex and see if I could top that

just b/c she had sex in random spots with her ex bf doesn't change her, it was her bf...not some dude who picked her up in the club

you must led a boring life if the only spots you've ever done it are in a house or bedroom

I concur.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

That's why you do not ask about details of her past, all you ask is if she's clean.
thats loser talk.. i wanna know what im diving into ya feel me
Honestly it's insulting to imply the man, whom i'm going to spend the rest of life with god willing, is "nothing" now because of sexualrelations i may or may not have partaken in the past.

The differences is I seek out to fulfill his fantasies because I take pleasure in making my man happy in that way. I *want* to do it. In other relations, if ithappened it happened. Its not like he sat down and said "x, y z are my fantasies, lets do them" and even if an ex did, who cares. At one time I lovedthem.
You can't hold it against her, it's before you. You have to be a fool to think the stuff your girl does for you she didn't learn it with someoneelse.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

That's why you do not ask about details of her past, all you ask is if she's clean.

Exactly. As curious as you may be, its only going to hurt you more than help. She's with you now and thats what matters, im sure your past isnt as plain vanilla as it could be either.

to both posts
I wouldn't really care.
Any girl I will be with and have been with is an attractive women.... so she'll more then likely have a history/past in the sexual realm... something youhave to accept and deal with.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

and dirty, what's so funny?
it's funny that you interpret having sex in a spot that's not the norm as the girl not having respect for herself.

I like you.

Un Oh

No, I'm just happy that people see what I have to put up with on a daily basis. Enphan is proving to everyone that he's the crazy one, with hismisconstrued views on life, not me.
? I dont use his name on NT. "my man" is reserved for him and him only. or sometimes i refer to him as my SO on my makeup board.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i never said hold anything against anyone, first off...

The differences is I seek out to fulfill his fantasies because I take pleasure in making my man happy in that way.
key word in the sentence "my man" as opposed to HIM specifically...

and just as important as that point, i don't want anyone to know more about my girl than me, this includes ex boyfriends..

im not a "i dont wanna know" dude, nor do i like "surprises"

especially when it involves my significant other...

You're crazy. Just shut up please.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

and dirty, what's so funny?
it's funny that you interpret having sex in a spot that's not the norm as the girl not having respect for herself.

I like you.

Un Oh

No, I'm just happy that people see what I have to put up with on a daily basis. Enphan is proving to everyone that he's the crazy one, with his misconstrued views on life, not me.

you're definitely running a monopoly in the crazy department....

Judging by your comments G, I think you're the one looking real crazy right about now.
I'm pretty sure momma knows more about me than my fiance does
its not about how much you know, its about what you know and what what they'rewilling to share with you; their hopes and dreams, fears, etc.

if you're into "pleasing my man" then how is that special to each individual man, i.e. "the one" ?
It's the total package. Sex is sex. do you know how many animals are having sex at this moment?
There has to be more than just sex that makes it special. I'm sure myfiance went out of his way to please his ex's in a sexual nature - that's life. But that doesn't make what we have any less special. I can'teven explain it, what we have is awesome and I love it
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