Whats the deal with bottle service?

In the nicer clubs in Houston, the average Goose price is $300. Moet and Clicquot are about $100-115. I prefer to buy champagne because I can carry it with me and I don't like the isolation of a section... and I can drink it straight out the bottle. If it's for a special occasion, it's one thing to get the section, but I'd rather not. Some people buy bottles just so the more exclusive clubs will let them in.

Also, if you get a bottle of liquor and it has a spout on it when they bring it out--the seal isn't opened in front of your face--there's a very, very high likelihood that you're not getting the liquor that you think you are. Even high end clubs water that stuff down with cheaper liquor and then bring it out to you.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Also, if you get a bottle of liquor and it has a spout on it when they bring it out--the seal isn't opened in front of your face--there's a very, very high likelihood that you're not getting the liquor that you think you are. Even high end clubs water that stuff down with cheaper liquor and then bring it out
I have a hard time believing any respectable club does this. You could get away with it for about five minutes, and the club wouldn't last very long. You think word wouldn't spread like wildfire if people were getting scammed like that?
clicquot for only 100-150 in the club? lol why the hell would anyone $%!* with goose then. They're practically the same price at all other places?!
ITT: A bunch of people who have never had bottle service saying how stupid it is. Meanwhile, everyone who has says how dope it is. Do the math.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

clicquot for only 100-150 in the club? lol why the hell would anyone $%!* with goose then. They're practically the same price at all other places?!
I think you get more drinks out of a bottle of Goose though. 

And a lot of people can't tell the difference between good booze and the cheap stuff. Diluting it a bit is common. Even i you order a mixed drink from the bar and request a premium liquor, you're likely to get the diluted stuff. If your drunk near the end of the night, even a more experienced drinker will have a hard time noticing.
Originally Posted by RedMan

The few times I had bottle service were the best times I have ever had in the club. So, I would say that bottle service is worth it.

i would say that this guy is right on the money.
THIS. If you're not smashing in general, don't think this will help. Girls will come over and gas you up, but they're just doing it for the free drinks and know you don't rub guts regularly and are an easy target because you won't turn them away.

But at the same time, if you're with a group of generally good looking guys and have game, it's a wrap. Whenever we get bottle service in top clubs in NYC, it's a guarantee that someone is smashing. Hell, dudes have gotten dome, handjobs and even smashed in VIP
Bottom line.

If you are in a group of 2-3 of course it's going to be ridiculous to get bottle service, unless you don't mind dropping loot.  However if it's 4+, then bottle service is gold, just leave your broke @+% friends at home though.  I've always had fun with bottle service, and you still have to put in a little work.   As a group we've never gone for the scalliwags that flock to the bottle, put in a little work and invite girls you actually dig to your space.  I know that may be a little too much for the socially inept NT'er.

My funny bottle service story: One time in Vegas, after we left the club we hit up a cab driver to take us to Downtown Vegas.  We end up at the little strip club there.  We're chatting it up with the strippers and we ask how much the bottles were.  Bottles of Goose for $125, my homie says to bring 2 out, mind you it's only 3 of us at that point and we are already drunk and it's 4 in the morning.  We kill one bottle with a little help of two strippers (one of them was the bopper that got us the bottles) that just got "off duty".  So we are chatting it up, one of the strippers leaves, my homie is cuffing the other one (getting prices to smash
) and me and the other homie are looking at the other bottle with the: "We paid $125 for that bottle, it's not open, we're %$$#%$ up and we are not leaving it behind".  Somehow, my friend sneaks the bottle to the restroom and puts it in his waistband and walks out the strip club like someone doing a "dine and dash".  My other boy is still cuffing the stripper, so we bounce and hail a cab, feeling like a third wheel

We arrive at the suite, homie that took the bottle passed out with a full bottle on the dresser (
).  We killed it that night before hitting the clubs again.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

THIS. If you're not smashing in general, don't think this will help. Girls will come over and gas you up, but they're just doing it for the free drinks and know you don't rub guts regularly and are an easy target because you won't turn them away.

But at the same time, if you're with a group of generally good looking guys and have game, it's a wrap. Whenever we get bottle service in top clubs in NYC, it's a guarantee that someone is smashing. Hell, dudes have gotten dome, handjobs and even smashed in VIP
Bottom line.

If you are in a group of 2-3 of course it's going to be ridiculous to get bottle service, unless you don't mind dropping loot.  However if it's 4+, then bottle service is gold, just leave your broke @+% friends at home though.  I've always had fun with bottle service, and you still have to put in a little work.   As a group we've never gone for the scalliwags that flock to the bottle, put in a little work and invite girls you actually dig to your space.  I know that may be a little too much for the socially inept NT'er.


Can be quite pricey but it's worth doing at a good club with a bunch of friends once and a while. It's a lot easier if you know a promoter, which is pretty easy to do here in NYC since everybody wants to be one.
Can be quite pricey but it's worth doing at a good club with a bunch of friends once and a while. It's a lot easier if you know a promoter, which is pretty easy to do here in NYC since everybody wants to be one.
Had bottle service at TAO once for my cousins bday. Clubs really aren't my thing but it was pretty dope having hot women in black lingerie puring shots for you and getting in before all those people waiting in line. Our spot just felt way too cramped when the designated area felt like the size of my room and you have 10+ people with you due to the other half being cut off for another group of people.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Who goes to the club with their wife??
how old are you? you walking around clubs with a warm $2 draft hoping to dry hump on the dance floor all night then heading right back home alone to your computer for intimate relations huh?

well i'm the one at the table with my wife and a few friends having fun and toasting to not being anything like you - cheers
Naw bro/

You're doing it wrong.

We talkin bout a club...not a lounge/bar.
ok i'll continue to do it wrong...i mean what clubs do you go to? everything i frequent has been turned into a "ultralounge" or club/lounge -  a night club
consists of a huge dancefloor...great sound and lighting system, mulitple bars and vip sections...the vip sections consist of some type of separation barrier, couches, tables, waitresses, bouncers etc...

i mean when i was younger there were "clubs" that just had the dance floor with no vip sections and maybe a few hard chairs for those that needed a break...havent seen or been to one of those in years

like i said i dont care what you or anyone else does - and i dont need approval or a co-sign from any of you...i enjoy my time out and hopefully you all do too - topics like this are subjective and money is all relative- also theres nt'ers from every part of the world so how can u say its worth it or not if you've never even seen the establishments others are talking about-

In the nicer clubs in Houston, the average Goose price is $300. Moet and Clicquot are about $100-115.
this is the best part - seeing the pricing all over the place...but those champagne prices sound great to me where all the spots around want 250ish for moet then 350ish for the vodkas

I think you get more drinks out of a bottle of Goose though.
it's also they try to price it different so everyone doesnt have a personal bottle of goose
in general vodka is hitting harder than moet
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

n____ what?

i aint gonna lie... i got kinda offended when you said that...

i just asked cuz i never did this before...

its already tough gettin at breezys in the club... 

and i play basketball at a university... so i got a leg up (just being honest)

so i just wanted know, fam... no need to be an a_____le about it...

You buy a certain amount of bottles so they give you a table to sit at all night to drink your drinks with either A) your group of friends or B) random girls who you bring back to your table.
In response to your question:

The answer is no. You will have to leave your table, talk to girls, and invite them back to have drinks with you. Many times bottle service is VIP so the sections are roped off so random people can't come in.

The reason why bottle service is so awesome is because you have a place to hang out and retreat to. You don't want to be standing the whole night do you?


Thanks, fams...Niketalk at its finest... providing insight and knowledge, mayne...
...I might do this for my 22nd birthday...Get a few friends, hit up houston, and cop a couple bottles...I just started drinking last year, and STILL have yet to buy an alcoholic drink for myself...So as far as prices and what it does to the breezys, I'm still a rookie...
As far as getting a place to sit, it depends on the bar/club/lounge/whatever. The layout of the clubs here, in Houston, are pretty different from place-to-place and aside from the few that have absurdly small outdoor areas, there's usually some sort of extra seating so people can get a break from standing. Personally, I don't care for the isolation from "gen pop". Here, most people don't stay at one place for the entire night so you can find good looking girls all over the place.

ricky409 Do you go to many of the clubs here, in Houston? If you have questions about any of them, hit me up. I'm pretty well versed about the ones on Washington and in Midtown.
pregaming is the only way to go.

pregame at the crib off of regular store prices, then get a few drinks at the club.
I pass on going out to the club unless we're doing bottles. It's cool knowing you got a place to chill at and have a drink. Got some space for you to dance without having folks bump into you tryna squeeze through the main room.
You're playing yourself though if you don't have a plug to at least make it somewhat cheaper (ie 5 people to a bottle instead of 3). I enjoy drinking from 11-3 when I'm in Vegas, so pre-gaming takes care of a little bit, but not enough at all.
Bottle service is where its at, I usually tend to spend around 50 to 60 on a normal night when popping a bottle is probably the more economical choice, but on the other hand you pretty much have to stay put for the night.

The ladies do flock to you when your in VIP but they're birds for the most part. This one chick had the audacity to walk straight into VIP and pour drinks for herself and said friends as if we were wearing t-shirts that had the word *SIMPLETON* on it.
...on that note, beware of bottle service girls because they will steal your soul and monies via charge. My dude fell hard for this one girl that had him dropping 5 bills every other weekend for a good 2 months which ultimately lead to absolutely nothing. Guy doesn't even really drink.
Chillin at a champagne and wine fest..... nothing like chilling out in the winelands sipping (taken on my DSLR) 


A regular sunny day at the beach spot....(BB 8300 pic
 at the quality)

Simply put...it's pretty damn cost effective to cut up a bottle with friends. On average I can spend just under 60 cutting a bottle (of Bombay with the mixers) with 3 other people or spend 20 a round on buying myself and a friend a double Bombay and tonic. After 2 rounds and I would have spent the money I could have used to get a bottle, on basically 2 drinks for myself.  
That's the thing that gets me. some nights, I be going out and spend $150 at the club. Be wishing I had friends that were willing to split it. $150 X 4= $600. @ to 3 bottles in NYC
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

THIS. If you're not smashing in general, don't think this will help. Girls will come over and gas you up, but they're just doing it for the free drinks and know you don't rub guts regularly and are an easy target because you won't turn them away.

But at the same time, if you're with a group of generally good looking guys and have game, it's a wrap. Whenever we get bottle service in top clubs in NYC, it's a guarantee that someone is smashing. Hell, dudes have gotten dome, handjobs and even smashed in VIP
Bottom line.

If you are in a group of 2-3 of course it's going to be ridiculous to get bottle service, unless you don't mind dropping loot.  However if it's 4+, then bottle service is gold, just leave your broke @+% friends at home though.  I've always had fun with bottle service, and you still have to put in a little work.   As a group we've never gone for the scalliwags that flock to the bottle, put in a little work and invite girls you actually dig to your space.  I know that may be a little too much for the socially inept NT'er.


hahahahah. pretty much though.

the thing bout bottle service is that youre not paying for the alcohol ($30 bottle of goose), more of paying "to be seen", paying for the table, location and service.
thats why when ppl get the table in the corner or at the end of the hallway you're getting screwed.
only time i ever paid for bottle service, was my bday like 4 yrs ago, got 5 bottles of goose for like 400. but i dj there and knew everyone....

in the end. i think its something to do for a special occasion, every once in a while.
but if you got money like that, go ahead and do it whenvr.....

OH and if you're not tryna buy a bottle, or even less spend any money on drinks.
i suggest you get one of these FLORIDA FLASK
Originally Posted by ca5perrr

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo
hahahahah. pretty much though.

the thing bout bottle service is that youre not paying for the alcohol ($30 bottle of goose), more of paying "to be seen", paying for the table, location and service.
thats why when ppl get the table in the corner or at the end of the hallway you're getting screwed.
only time i ever paid for bottle service, was my bday like 4 yrs ago, got 5 bottles of goose for like 400. but i dj there and knew everyone....
What you are actually paying for, is the ambience (try pulling out a bottle in your living room, putting on a cd, you'll see it aint the same), the opportunities to meet randoms, the ability to spill on the floor, or spray bubbly on broads and not worry about the cleaning bill.  You're paying for the DJ, a waitress etc
When you add it all up, it's actually cheaper than hosting a full blow party on your own.  
^ Well put with the party-hosting comparison. I'm not saying bottle service is a bad thing, but I go to clubs between 3-5 nights a week and I have a good time every time and rarely do sections. I'll get a bottle if I'm in the same place nearly the entire night for a bday or something, but that's about it.

A house bottle of champagne is usually $40-60 and a little more price effective if you're trying to move around and/or go to another club after.
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