What's the grimiest thing you've ever done?

Originally Posted by pjhoody

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by Cuffy

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Cuffy

I posted this in another thread on my old screen name but...

When I was like 18, Me and 2 of my _s use to consistently run this one busto. We used to do everything to this ++%%$, make her hold water in her mouth in her mouth while one of us hit her from the back and tell her we not gon hit her again if she spit it out, Make her call ALL of us her fathers name while we popped her ( Not Daddy, the _s actual government name......and he's dead by the way), one of my _s said he pissed on her (I wasn't there for that one so I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past her)...

Anyway, this went on for a while until the ++%%$ got pregnant. Not by one of us, but some lame that was hitting her. So even while she pregnant, we still running her, up until she was real far along in the pregnancy and it started to show...So we gave her a couple months to herself. Soon as she dropped that baby, we was right back at it...Only now we got an audience.

This ++%%$ got so live in FRONT of this lil _, sucking, **@#*#%, licking, etc, everything in FRONT of her new son. We used to show out in front of that lil _, hitting his moms from the back making ga-ga faces at him, playing wit his rattles while getting domed up, and singing lullabyes to him when he started crying. But one time, lil dog was crying so loud while we was **@#*#% her, she picked this _ up out his crib, put him in a DRAWER.....and closed it...Bent back over and kept getting +%***!....SMH

That !+%* was HILARIOUS when I was younger...but now that I got one on the way, that !+%* was too trife and disrespectful. I would absolutely without hesitation, murder my baby moms if she EVER did that !+%*....But knowing that ++%%$ Karma like I do, its coming right back to me smh.
Not buying this one bit 

   I have NO reason to lie to yall _s, just wanted to add to the thread, this internet @!+% is not that serious
I actually believe you. I can relate to a similar story. Females are FOUL nowadays...

Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by ABC

Anyways, I'll never forget what she said after all of this... "your guys' cum is probably fighting in my stomach" 
 to think that this is going to be someone's mother some day 

Originally Posted by pjhoody

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by Cuffy

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Cuffy

I posted this in another thread on my old screen name but...

When I was like 18, Me and 2 of my _s use to consistently run this one busto. We used to do everything to this ++%%$, make her hold water in her mouth in her mouth while one of us hit her from the back and tell her we not gon hit her again if she spit it out, Make her call ALL of us her fathers name while we popped her ( Not Daddy, the _s actual government name......and he's dead by the way), one of my _s said he pissed on her (I wasn't there for that one so I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past her)...

Anyway, this went on for a while until the ++%%$ got pregnant. Not by one of us, but some lame that was hitting her. So even while she pregnant, we still running her, up until she was real far along in the pregnancy and it started to show...So we gave her a couple months to herself. Soon as she dropped that baby, we was right back at it...Only now we got an audience.

This ++%%$ got so live in FRONT of this lil _, sucking, **@#*#%, licking, etc, everything in FRONT of her new son. We used to show out in front of that lil _, hitting his moms from the back making ga-ga faces at him, playing wit his rattles while getting domed up, and singing lullabyes to him when he started crying. But one time, lil dog was crying so loud while we was **@#*#% her, she picked this _ up out his crib, put him in a DRAWER.....and closed it...Bent back over and kept getting +%***!....SMH

That !+%* was HILARIOUS when I was younger...but now that I got one on the way, that !+%* was too trife and disrespectful. I would absolutely without hesitation, murder my baby moms if she EVER did that !+%*....But knowing that ++%%$ Karma like I do, its coming right back to me smh.
Not buying this one bit 

   I have NO reason to lie to yall _s, just wanted to add to the thread, this internet @!+% is not that serious
I actually believe you. I can relate to a similar story. Females are FOUL nowadays...

Originally Posted by 1C3M4M

Originally Posted by Chrisb9393

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Done some pretty grimey things that I wouldn't even feel comfortable saying anonymously on the interwebz, but I'll say this one because its the cool kinda grimey and it involves sexorz

Shorty I was smashin for about six months decides to stop by my church (which is pastored by my FATHER
). I'm a little surprised and slightly turned on because it had been months since I'd seen her and longer than that since I'd smashed. One problem though; she had brought her 6 year old nephew. I played the drums for the choir, so from the front of the church I kept sending signals for her to go downstairs so we could "talk". Shortly after that I go downstairs and sure enough, she comes strolling down the stairs right after me....with her nephew in tow (not sure why I even expected otherwise, not like she coulda left him alone) Anyways, the basement of the church is more like a banquet hall than anything else, easily and often accessed by the hundreds of members of the church. So we begin to talk, and eventually we get to the possibility of me smashing there and then. She basically made me promise to attend a HS basketball game with her after service for letting me smash
, so I obliged. So I called up my boy who was playing the organ and asked him to come downstairs and watch lil mans while I smashed (terrible move in hindsight) So I'm beatin shorty from behind in one of those cupboard/closet things found in big kitchens, door halfway open (per her request so we could "easily escape if someone saw us"....
) I got my head to the sky, goin hard for no reason at all when I notice something in my peripherals. Sure enough, lil dude is intensely watching me slam his aunt, for God knows how long. Confused as to how to handle the situation, I just closed the door all the way and kept going. Afterwards, we finished and I never told her about her nephew seeing us. Nor did I attend the basketball game.

And not a single f*** was given that day.


You win
you win
http://oi47.tinypic.com/35jht7c.jpg/oi47.tinypic.com/35jht7c.jpg"">http://oi47.tinypic.com/35jht7c.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>" jquery1294123506142="41">

for showin lil man how its done

Originally Posted by 1C3M4M

Originally Posted by Chrisb9393

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Done some pretty grimey things that I wouldn't even feel comfortable saying anonymously on the interwebz, but I'll say this one because its the cool kinda grimey and it involves sexorz

Shorty I was smashin for about six months decides to stop by my church (which is pastored by my FATHER
). I'm a little surprised and slightly turned on because it had been months since I'd seen her and longer than that since I'd smashed. One problem though; she had brought her 6 year old nephew. I played the drums for the choir, so from the front of the church I kept sending signals for her to go downstairs so we could "talk". Shortly after that I go downstairs and sure enough, she comes strolling down the stairs right after me....with her nephew in tow (not sure why I even expected otherwise, not like she coulda left him alone) Anyways, the basement of the church is more like a banquet hall than anything else, easily and often accessed by the hundreds of members of the church. So we begin to talk, and eventually we get to the possibility of me smashing there and then. She basically made me promise to attend a HS basketball game with her after service for letting me smash
, so I obliged. So I called up my boy who was playing the organ and asked him to come downstairs and watch lil mans while I smashed (terrible move in hindsight) So I'm beatin shorty from behind in one of those cupboard/closet things found in big kitchens, door halfway open (per her request so we could "easily escape if someone saw us"....
) I got my head to the sky, goin hard for no reason at all when I notice something in my peripherals. Sure enough, lil dude is intensely watching me slam his aunt, for God knows how long. Confused as to how to handle the situation, I just closed the door all the way and kept going. Afterwards, we finished and I never told her about her nephew seeing us. Nor did I attend the basketball game.

And not a single f*** was given that day.


You win
you win
http://oi47.tinypic.com/35jht7c.jpg/oi47.tinypic.com/35jht7c.jpg"">http://oi47.tinypic.com/35jht7c.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>" jquery1294123506142="41">

for showin lil man how its done

Originally Posted by supahoopa

im not a super grimey dude but i got some "super lite weight" grimey stuff
So my senior year of college, my girlfriend has to go home to get surgery on her knee or whatever. Im like cool stay long as you need to. Anyways we won conference that day men's and women's basketball. Everybody is out drunk as a skunk. Im on some Samson steez, no hair cut no liquor. Anyway, I go down stairs from the party in the hallway eating a cookie. One of her teammates gives me the eye and starts making out with me, with the cookie in my mouth (no raz B). Im like whatever, girls all *%*$*% (word to cam).  Would have went to smash but one of the dang freshman (can't handle the liq) started to %#$* block. So i was like whatever ill get it another time. never happened 

Welp later that night her other home girl she was super hammered. We're in the hallway wrestling or whatever. pulled down her panties on some jus messin around type stuff but she was on it. i go to my room text her something like "meet me in my girlfriends room" shes like "no not there." so i go down to her room to try and get the cookies. I ask her if she's gonna give them up.  She says "I just got off my period (
), but its gonna be too tight i haven't had sex in a year (lying %##!$)." Im like we'll see. I put the helmet on my soldier and proceed across enemy lines to get them cookies.  Welp, she wasn't lying it was like putting my **** between 2 bricks that already have been cemented.
. whatever i ask her to bless me with the knowledge she does while im fingering her. I relieve myself. Go to my room and sleep.  Weelll wake up the next morning because we have to take pictures for winning conference.. and guess whats on my finger ??

my then gf never found out about these "lite weight grimey" deeds.. but she did find out how i smashed the girl who took her starting spot (double entendre)... 

Originally Posted by supahoopa

im not a super grimey dude but i got some "super lite weight" grimey stuff
So my senior year of college, my girlfriend has to go home to get surgery on her knee or whatever. Im like cool stay long as you need to. Anyways we won conference that day men's and women's basketball. Everybody is out drunk as a skunk. Im on some Samson steez, no hair cut no liquor. Anyway, I go down stairs from the party in the hallway eating a cookie. One of her teammates gives me the eye and starts making out with me, with the cookie in my mouth (no raz B). Im like whatever, girls all *%*$*% (word to cam).  Would have went to smash but one of the dang freshman (can't handle the liq) started to %#$* block. So i was like whatever ill get it another time. never happened 

Welp later that night her other home girl she was super hammered. We're in the hallway wrestling or whatever. pulled down her panties on some jus messin around type stuff but she was on it. i go to my room text her something like "meet me in my girlfriends room" shes like "no not there." so i go down to her room to try and get the cookies. I ask her if she's gonna give them up.  She says "I just got off my period (
), but its gonna be too tight i haven't had sex in a year (lying %##!$)." Im like we'll see. I put the helmet on my soldier and proceed across enemy lines to get them cookies.  Welp, she wasn't lying it was like putting my **** between 2 bricks that already have been cemented.
. whatever i ask her to bless me with the knowledge she does while im fingering her. I relieve myself. Go to my room and sleep.  Weelll wake up the next morning because we have to take pictures for winning conference.. and guess whats on my finger ??

my then gf never found out about these "lite weight grimey" deeds.. but she did find out how i smashed the girl who took her starting spot (double entendre)... 

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by HITMOLICKS

LMAO Soooooo I been going through this thread trying to think of the grimiest ***% I ever done.

NONE of the ***% compares to how we use to treat this dude back in the day when we was all younger.

Here is the list.

-Nutted on a peice of bread and smacked him in the face with it.

-Stretch out USED condoms and put em over his head.

-My boy use smack em in the face wit his **** while he was sleepin.

-Smack em in the back of his neck ALL DAY LONG as HARD AS WE POSSIBLY COULD.

Man this was just some of the main stuff that stuck out so imagine all the little ***% we use to do to em on a regular basis.

Bad thing about it dude jus kep hangin around us.

Feel kinda bad lookin back on it even though I prolly did the least damage out of all of us.
This whole post if just filled with AYO. Its not even grimey, its just AYO.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by HITMOLICKS

LMAO Soooooo I been going through this thread trying to think of the grimiest ***% I ever done.

NONE of the ***% compares to how we use to treat this dude back in the day when we was all younger.

Here is the list.

-Nutted on a peice of bread and smacked him in the face with it.

-Stretch out USED condoms and put em over his head.

-My boy use smack em in the face wit his **** while he was sleepin.

-Smack em in the back of his neck ALL DAY LONG as HARD AS WE POSSIBLY COULD.

Man this was just some of the main stuff that stuck out so imagine all the little ***% we use to do to em on a regular basis.

Bad thing about it dude jus kep hangin around us.

Feel kinda bad lookin back on it even though I prolly did the least damage out of all of us.
This whole post if just filled with AYO. Its not even grimey, its just AYO.
Originally Posted by Flagrant Foul

Not as grimy as some of you guys, but I went with a couple of my friends to a house party about 3-4 years ago.  We are doing the usually smoking and drinking thing, when all of the sudden I start getting the bubbleguts real bad.  I go in the bathroom and as soon as my %%% hits the toilet it was like an instant dookie eruption.  After I am done, I look for some TP to wipe with.  The only problem is there is none, and I looked everywhere.   I got people knocking on the door so I had to hurry up.  I start getting nervous.   I look around and my only option was the maroon bath towel on the rack.   I proceed to wipe my %%% and hang it back up like it was never touched.  To this day I wonder what happened when they went to use it again.  


Originally Posted by Flagrant Foul

Not as grimy as some of you guys, but I went with a couple of my friends to a house party about 3-4 years ago.  We are doing the usually smoking and drinking thing, when all of the sudden I start getting the bubbleguts real bad.  I go in the bathroom and as soon as my %%% hits the toilet it was like an instant dookie eruption.  After I am done, I look for some TP to wipe with.  The only problem is there is none, and I looked everywhere.   I got people knocking on the door so I had to hurry up.  I start getting nervous.   I look around and my only option was the maroon bath towel on the rack.   I proceed to wipe my %%% and hang it back up like it was never touched.  To this day I wonder what happened when they went to use it again.  


Was with this girl.... great girl.. kinda off though like maybe she saw some ill schnit growin up....

turned my nephew (older than me by 2 years, we grew up like brothers) onto her older sister and he was smashin her for a couple weeks

overheard him knoccin her off one night and decided she sounded good enough that I wanted a piece of the action as well....

got tipped off some 100-proof Smirnoff and put her down.... then about two weeks later me and nephew pulled a choo-choo on her (She's a bustdown)

Four years later, I HAD A KID WITH EACH SISTER, my daughter with the bustdown/JO is 4 and my son with my girl (now EX, of course) will be 4 in May....

At the time, thought it was real pimpin/player.... now at the prospect of what my kids might have to endure, wish I woulda exercised better judgment

Was with this girl.... great girl.. kinda off though like maybe she saw some ill schnit growin up....

turned my nephew (older than me by 2 years, we grew up like brothers) onto her older sister and he was smashin her for a couple weeks

overheard him knoccin her off one night and decided she sounded good enough that I wanted a piece of the action as well....

got tipped off some 100-proof Smirnoff and put her down.... then about two weeks later me and nephew pulled a choo-choo on her (She's a bustdown)

Four years later, I HAD A KID WITH EACH SISTER, my daughter with the bustdown/JO is 4 and my son with my girl (now EX, of course) will be 4 in May....

At the time, thought it was real pimpin/player.... now at the prospect of what my kids might have to endure, wish I woulda exercised better judgment

Originally Posted by Agent0024

Was with this girl.... great girl.. kinda off though like maybe she saw some ill schnit growin up....

turned my nephew (older than me by 2 years, we grew up like brothers) onto her older sister and he was smashin her for a couple weeks

overheard him knoccin her off one night and decided she sounded good enough that I wanted a piece of the action as well....

got tipped off some 100-proof Smirnoff and put her down.... then about two weeks later me and nephew pulled a choo-choo on her (She's a bustdown)

Four years later, I HAD A KID WITH EACH SISTER, my daughter with the bustdown/JO is 4 and my son with my girl (now EX, of course) will be 4 in May....

At the time, thought it was real pimpin/player.... now at the prospect of what my kids might have to endure, wish I woulda exercised better judgment

Originally Posted by Agent0024

Was with this girl.... great girl.. kinda off though like maybe she saw some ill schnit growin up....

turned my nephew (older than me by 2 years, we grew up like brothers) onto her older sister and he was smashin her for a couple weeks

overheard him knoccin her off one night and decided she sounded good enough that I wanted a piece of the action as well....

got tipped off some 100-proof Smirnoff and put her down.... then about two weeks later me and nephew pulled a choo-choo on her (She's a bustdown)

Four years later, I HAD A KID WITH EACH SISTER, my daughter with the bustdown/JO is 4 and my son with my girl (now EX, of course) will be 4 in May....

At the time, thought it was real pimpin/player.... now at the prospect of what my kids might have to endure, wish I woulda exercised better judgment

Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

@ all the ayo stories $#!+ is ridiculous but any ways i got another story
ok if you read my last story about ol boy with the hair and tobacco its about him and his boys
so one time we were chillin me n my cousins and him and his boys. well we chiefin and keep in mind it was these guys first time blowin, so they had barely discovered what hittin 'greens' was. they all arguin and fussin over whos gonna hit greens first (talk about some hypes but yea) well we are gettin tired of this (me and my cousin) so we decide to !#$% these dudes over because they blowin our high. well me and my cousin were sellin dope at the time so we thought it would be funny to lace their bowl and watch em start trippin. they hit it and a few minutes later they start on this im hungry but i cant eat type steez and they eyes are reddder than the devils !#$% but wider than the tvs at new meadowlands. we dyin because they didnt want greens no more and one became a dope fiend. HAHAHA
*kanye shrug*
thats ++!++% up b.....lacing they %*+$ w/ dope
i hope you get yours one day 
 seriously.....and i'm talking about six feet under too 

THIS. I hope you get hit up for that !%%!.

check my sig
thats why its no big deal to me

i'm gonna call ducktales on some of your stories bro...you've posted like 50 in here alone 
Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

@ all the ayo stories $#!+ is ridiculous but any ways i got another story
ok if you read my last story about ol boy with the hair and tobacco its about him and his boys
so one time we were chillin me n my cousins and him and his boys. well we chiefin and keep in mind it was these guys first time blowin, so they had barely discovered what hittin 'greens' was. they all arguin and fussin over whos gonna hit greens first (talk about some hypes but yea) well we are gettin tired of this (me and my cousin) so we decide to !#$% these dudes over because they blowin our high. well me and my cousin were sellin dope at the time so we thought it would be funny to lace their bowl and watch em start trippin. they hit it and a few minutes later they start on this im hungry but i cant eat type steez and they eyes are reddder than the devils !#$% but wider than the tvs at new meadowlands. we dyin because they didnt want greens no more and one became a dope fiend. HAHAHA
*kanye shrug*
thats ++!++% up b.....lacing they %*+$ w/ dope
i hope you get yours one day 
 seriously.....and i'm talking about six feet under too 

THIS. I hope you get hit up for that !%%!.

check my sig
thats why its no big deal to me

i'm gonna call ducktales on some of your stories bro...you've posted like 50 in here alone 
Originally Posted by pjhoody

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by Cuffy

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Cuffy

I posted this in another thread on my old screen name but...

When I was like 18, Me and 2 of my _s use to consistently run this one busto. We used to do everything to this ++%%$, make her hold water in her mouth in her mouth while one of us hit her from the back and tell her we not gon hit her again if she spit it out, Make her call ALL of us her fathers name while we popped her ( Not Daddy, the _s actual government name......and he's dead by the way), one of my _s said he pissed on her (I wasn't there for that one so I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past her)...

Anyway, this went on for a while until the ++%%$ got pregnant. Not by one of us, but some lame that was hitting her. So even while she pregnant, we still running her, up until she was real far along in the pregnancy and it started to show...So we gave her a couple months to herself. Soon as she dropped that baby, we was right back at it...Only now we got an audience.

This ++%%$ got so live in FRONT of this lil _, sucking, **@#*#%, licking, etc, everything in FRONT of her new son. We used to show out in front of that lil _, hitting his moms from the back making ga-ga faces at him, playing wit his rattles while getting domed up, and singing lullabyes to him when he started crying. But one time, lil dog was crying so loud while we was **@#*#% her, she picked this _ up out his crib, put him in a DRAWER.....and closed it...Bent back over and kept getting +%***!....SMH

That !+%* was HILARIOUS when I was younger...but now that I got one on the way, that !+%* was too trife and disrespectful. I would absolutely without hesitation, murder my baby moms if she EVER did that !+%*....But knowing that ++%%$ Karma like I do, its coming right back to me smh.
Not buying this one bit 

   I have NO reason to lie to yall _s, just wanted to add to the thread, this internet @!+% is not that serious
I actually believe you. I can relate to a similar story. Females are FOUL nowadays...
Cuffy isn't lying. I can vouch for this cold blooded story
I remember this being posted in a confessions thread or the embarrassing sexual encounters thread. This was one of those standout posts.

If he lying he doing a hell of a good job of remembering the key details and posting it again.
Originally Posted by pjhoody

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by Cuffy

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Cuffy

I posted this in another thread on my old screen name but...

When I was like 18, Me and 2 of my _s use to consistently run this one busto. We used to do everything to this ++%%$, make her hold water in her mouth in her mouth while one of us hit her from the back and tell her we not gon hit her again if she spit it out, Make her call ALL of us her fathers name while we popped her ( Not Daddy, the _s actual government name......and he's dead by the way), one of my _s said he pissed on her (I wasn't there for that one so I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past her)...

Anyway, this went on for a while until the ++%%$ got pregnant. Not by one of us, but some lame that was hitting her. So even while she pregnant, we still running her, up until she was real far along in the pregnancy and it started to show...So we gave her a couple months to herself. Soon as she dropped that baby, we was right back at it...Only now we got an audience.

This ++%%$ got so live in FRONT of this lil _, sucking, **@#*#%, licking, etc, everything in FRONT of her new son. We used to show out in front of that lil _, hitting his moms from the back making ga-ga faces at him, playing wit his rattles while getting domed up, and singing lullabyes to him when he started crying. But one time, lil dog was crying so loud while we was **@#*#% her, she picked this _ up out his crib, put him in a DRAWER.....and closed it...Bent back over and kept getting +%***!....SMH

That !+%* was HILARIOUS when I was younger...but now that I got one on the way, that !+%* was too trife and disrespectful. I would absolutely without hesitation, murder my baby moms if she EVER did that !+%*....But knowing that ++%%$ Karma like I do, its coming right back to me smh.
Not buying this one bit 

   I have NO reason to lie to yall _s, just wanted to add to the thread, this internet @!+% is not that serious
I actually believe you. I can relate to a similar story. Females are FOUL nowadays...
Cuffy isn't lying. I can vouch for this cold blooded story
I remember this being posted in a confessions thread or the embarrassing sexual encounters thread. This was one of those standout posts.

If he lying he doing a hell of a good job of remembering the key details and posting it again.
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