Whats your opinion of the situation...vol Aint Loyal

Way more people saw Kim K tape and life is still ok :lol: no care about this minion

He sensitive .. it's just sex there's more important things in the world

:rolleyes this guy.

He's dedicated his whole sexual life to meeting someone pure like him, finds her, only to find out via video that his wife was giving sloppy top to everyone but him!

But it's no big deal, he's just sensitive?

Your past is your past, but if there is a perfectly active video of you online performing then I can't go.
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When you have a past you accept someone with a past

But this dude spent his life not getting box so he can be a virgin for his wife. He expected the same thing.

He would've found someone if it wasn't for her lying.

The person who sent the video tho 

I do not condoning activities like that, but if he was gonna do it why wait for her to be pregnant? That's beyond petty.
also I peeped the alleged vid, if it is her then shawty goin at it enthusiastically for 12 minutes all while smiling, laughing and joking with old boy :x :x

also looking right at dude, no way she didnt suspect something was up, they even changes position so she could swallow :rolleyes

Oh no :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I would've cried a hundred nights.
Way more people saw Kim K tape and life is still ok :lol: no care about this minion

He sensitive .. it's just sex there's more important things in the world

:rolleyes this guy.

He's dedicated his whole sexual life to meeting someone pure like him, finds her, only to find out via video that his wife was giving sloppy top to everyone but him!

But it's no big deal, he's just sensitive?

Your past is your past, but if there is a perfectly active video of you online performing then I can't go.

Like I said there's more important things in life than sex. If you marry someone based off of sexual reasons then .. :lol:
This thread reminds me of earlier this week. I was smokin with my girl and talkin about how one of my good buddies was an omega in college. She blind sighted me outta nowhere and asked if I've ever ran a train on a chick........... I started stumbling over words and told her "no, who does that?"

:smh: if a video gets sent to her facebook of me sloppy drunk running choo choos I'm in trouble :smh:
This thread reminds me of earlier this week. I was smokin with my girl and talkin about how one of my good buddies was an omega in college. She blind sighted me outta nowhere and asked if I've ever ran a train on a chick........... I started stumbling over words and told her "no, who does that?"

:smh: if a video gets sent to her facebook of me sloppy drunk running choo choos I'm in trouble :smh:

So she's familiar with the omegas eh? How familiar?
something about the story doesn't sit right with me, not quite buying it. if it is legit, though, there's nothing to consider besides a divorce and possibly an abortion. she should also probably let her folks know before they find out via other means.

also, someone in this thread mentioned situations like this being why early heartbreaks are necessary, & i concur. the husband sounds like he's gonna be in a bad place for a looooong while and it's messed up that its going to happen at such a late stage in his life; something like this should've happened before considerable amounts of money & time were wasted. on the bright side, however, he knows the truth. not saying the guy who sent him the vid isn't scum of the earth, but would you really want to be in the dark about a lie as massive as that one? :lol:

This thread reminds me of earlier this week. I was smokin with my girl and talkin about how one of my good buddies was an omega in college. She blind sighted me outta nowhere and asked if I've ever ran a train on a chick........... I started stumbling over words and told her "no, who does that?"

:smh: if a video gets sent to her facebook of me sloppy drunk running choo choos I'm in trouble :smh:

:rofl: :rofl:
Like I said there's more important things in life than sex. If you marry someone based off of sexual reasons then .. :lol:

So you cool with a video of your future wife giving up da mouf being easily accessible online?

Your also cool with fact that she basically violating and lying to you about morals your culture has set?

Your focused on the act itself which is either ignorant or trolling.

No way you think sex in a marriage shouldn't be as important as almost anything else.
:lol: and what's crazy is that this ran through my mind as well. But I'm smart enough not to ask because I truly don't want to no

nah fam, stuff like that you kinda gotta ask

can't be married to shorty 3 years later and she got ya seed in her stomach and y'all are at six flags and some big Omega dude walk up to her like "___ is that you? damn you preggaeton now? remember back in the day, etc" something would pop off word to mommy
Like I said there's more important things in life than sex. If you marry someone based off of sexual reasons then .. :lol:

So you cool with a video of your future wife giving up da mouf being easily accessible online?

Your also cool with fact that she basically violating and lying to you about morals your culture has set?

Your focused on the act itself which is either ignorant or trolling.

No way you think sex in a marriage shouldn't be as important as almost anything else.

When did I say I was cool with it? Hurt? Yes. Divorce and hate? No. If a girl sucks penis she sucks penis, it hurts you more because it's on video? Does it change the fact that either way a penis was in her mouth? :rolleyes

No I'm not cool with being lied to but I'm not getting divorced nor wishing for a miscarriage because of a lie, especially a lie about sex.

I am focused on the act because he's focused on the act. He wants a divorce because another penis was in his wife before he even knew her, not because she lied to him.

And lastly yes I do think sex is not as important as everything else. That's why you marry someone you feel everybody else can't give you, I can get yambs anywhere it's not that serious.
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The husband's reaction was OD but ole boy has every reason to be upset.

She lied, and her lies caught up with her. On top of that the BJ thing is really selfish too.

It will probably be best if dude just divorced her.
nah fam, stuff like that you kinda gotta ask

can't be married to shorty 3 years later and she got ya seed in her stomach and y'all are at six flags and some big Omega dude walk up to her like "___ is that you? damn you preggaeton now? remember back in the day, etc" something would pop off word to mommy

Nah fam, me knowing anything like that would be more trouble than good. Ignorance truly is bliss.
I love how she's playing the victim role throughout all of this. No sympathy for you.

It's not your parents fault you turned out to be a permiscious in college. People have to stop giving into the whole "I was sheltered" logic. You were either going to *** sooner or later.

Secondly, you ruined his life by lying about your past. Point, blank, period.

But I also would like to emphasize how she played off her dishonesty. His reaction to the video lends itself to the thought of him really questioning the level of her purity prior to their relationship. Albeit, any guy in America would be distraught to have a video of their loved one surface like this. But I'm quite sure his insecurities extend far beyond his penis size. She didn't just lie to him about her past, she created a false persona about who she is. That to me carries more weight than just lying to your husband.

That's a really low and shameful thing to do to someone. Yeah, we can sit here and condemn the guy who sent the video (which is very low within itself). But it's only so long she could pretend to be someone who she isn't. This situation was inevitable.

We can all employ a "don't ask, don't tell" policy about our loved ones. But are you comfortable enough to deal with the truth once it comes out?
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Something just doesn't sit right with this scenario.

What would motivate someone to send your current husband a video of what happened (seemingly) years ago?
Yea because the vid is out there. Hardly any male would be cool with a video of your wife doing **** things with other men.

I totally understand how restrictive the Indian culture is with its women but damn man I cant help but think this girl was gonna be a **** no matter what culture.

And whats sad is that there are girls out there that get overlooked because sluts like this make us think we can't trust them.

Its a sick vicious cycle man. Double think your intuition on some girls. Make sure you know what you get into before things get serious.
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