When You Talk To God, Is The Response From Him or Is It From You Talking To Yourself

Does it really matter?

Do any of them exist? >D

Why does god get credit for your hard work? 

Even better question is why the hell do you deserve God's help and others don't? If 4 people are in a car crash and 2 survive, what makes them more deserving of God's mercy than the other 2. I hate it when people conjure up God as a reason for surviving disasters that have killed many. Human arrogance and selfishness at its worst.
ok we get it you guys are atheist...

To be fair, you don't necessarily need to be an atheist to not give "God" credit for everything. Even if there is a God there is a chance he isn't concerned about that A you got in class or that bullet you dodged (and thanked him for) that struck a 7 year old kid in the chest.
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ok we get it you guys are atheist...

At some point, you all just gotta give in to the notion of falling back.

Me thanking "god" for the good I see in life, or appreciating the beauty that exists in such an ugly world equates to giving god credit for my hard work? Fam, the lengths to which you reach are astounding.
I'm reaching?

I'm just curious.

I mean you're the one working those long nights, losing sleep, maintaining hope and setting goals...and "god" gets the credit? 

I mean what gives? Why can't he make you cut a few corners? 
To be fair, you don't necessarily need to be an atheist to not give "God" credit for everything. Even if there is a God there is a chance he isn't concerned about that A you got in class or that bullet you dodged (and thanked him for) that struck a 7 year old kid in the chest.
you act like people with faith thank god for everything....thank you god for not burning my toast..naww man some people have faith in higher powers to help them thru tough situations, they cant open up a biology book to help them explain why their son got shot and the other kid lived either homie..some things happen for a reason as messed up as they seem they do, its something you wouldnt understand unless you had some faith in something anything, thats what helps people thru these type of ordeals..

i never was a religious person but after i went thru some rough times i turned to NA meetings and they talk about having a higher power, which i now have i dont know what it looks like or what it is, i just know that there is something that is beyond us...i have never read the bible nor do i intend to im not here to tell you my view is RIGHT and what you believe is stupid im just letting you know this is beyond you and you have no right bashing what others believe in.

did you really have to make up that ridiculous sobe story tho?
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God only helps those who help themselves. I don't even think that's in the bible, some republican probably made it up as an excuse for not giving out welfare checks and accessible healthcare to "lazy minorities".
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To be fair, you don't necessarily need to be an atheist to not give "God" credit for everything. Even if there is a God there is a chance he isn't concerned about that A you got in class or that bullet you dodged (and thanked him for) that struck a 7 year old kid in the chest.

you act like people with faith thank god for everything....thank you god for not burning my toast..naww man some people have faith in higher powers to help them thru tough situations, they cant open up a biology book to help them explain why their son got shot and the other kid lived either homie..some things happen for a reason as messed up as they seem they do, its something you wouldnt understand unless you had some faith in something anything, thats what helps people thru these type of ordeals..

i never was a religious person but after i went thru some rough times i turned to NA meetings and they talk about having a higher power, which i now have i dont know what it looks like or what it is, i just know that there is something that is beyond us...i have never read the bible nor do i intend to im not here to tell you my view is RIGHT and what you believe is stupid im just letting you know this is beyond you and you have no right bashing what others believe in.
Actually we have every right. Why should religion be immune to any examination and criticism? If anything, that just proves the absurdity of it, that nobody ever wants to be forced to think critically about or justify it logically; because you can't. And still believers are the ones who are imposing their beliefs and lifestyle on everyone through legislation making anything not their way criminalized, so don't come at nonbelievers with that ******** about not respecting differing opinions
I'm reaching?

I'm just curious.

I mean you're the one working those long nights, losing sleep, maintaining hope and setting goals...and "god" gets the credit? 

I mean what gives? Why can't he make you cut a few corners? 

That's just it though. I don't thank god after I pass a test, or for any of the goals I accomplish. That's all a product of me and my work ethic. Of I do good, it's because of me. If I bomb a test, it's because of me.

Things I thank god for are more so things outside of my control. My grandmother being able to reach retirement age and quit her job last Thursday... 6 days before there's a shooting at world changers (where she worked), is something i'd thank god for.

Like I said, I'm more so acknowledging the fact that I'm appreciative for the beauty that exists in such an ugly world.
I'm reaching?

I'm just curious.

I mean you're the one working those long nights, losing sleep, maintaining hope and setting goals...and "god" gets the credit? 

I mean what gives? Why can't he make you cut a few corners? 
That's just it though. I don't thank god after I pass a test, or for any of the goals I accomplish. That's all a product of me and my work ethic. Of I do good, it's because of me. If I bomb a test, it's because of me.
How do you tell the difference though?

What is your work and what is god's? 
Things I thank god for are more so things outside of my control.
...so everything YOU do it just under your volition then? And everything else, isn't?

So god only affects things that don't relate to you?
My grandmother being able to reach retirement age and quit her job last Thursday... 6 days before there's a shooting at world changers (where she worked), is something i'd thank god for.

Like I said, I'm more so acknowledging the fact that I'm appreciative for the beauty that exists in such an ugly world.
I'm sorry...but do you not see the irony in this? 

I mean...how do you REALLY mean that?

You know someone died there...right? 
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you act like people with faith thank god for everything....thank you god for not burning my toast..naww man some people have faith in higher powers to help them thru tough situations, they cant open up a biology book to help them explain why their son got shot and the other kid lived either homie..some things happen for a reason as messed up as they seem they do, its something you wouldnt understand unless you had some faith in something anything, thats what helps people thru these type of ordeals..

i never was a religious person but after i went thru some rough times i turned to NA meetings and they talk about having a higher power, which i now have i dont know what it looks like or what it is, i just know that there is something that is beyond us...i have never read the bible nor do i intend to im not here to tell you my view is RIGHT and what you believe is stupid im just letting you know this is beyond you and you have no right bashing what others believe in.

did you really have to make up that ridiculous sobe story tho?

They do, are you kidding me? Have you ever watched an NBA game or the BET awards. People thank God for damn near everything. I'm glad your God helped you get through "ordeals" but some people aren't as lucky and you damn well don't deserve it more than they do.

I wish I could give the "everything happens for a reason" excuse to get out of having to explain myself. More doctors should break the news of a patient's death to family members with that excuse. Your son is dead but um, yea everything happens for a reason. You'll be aite, you tough right?

Me telling my opinions=Atheist Bashing
You telling yours=Self righteous "theist"

Get over yourself :rofl:
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a lot of people claim to talk to god and receive answers but people can't seem to agree on what god is telling the world.
To be fair, you don't necessarily need to be an atheist to not give "God" credit for everything. Even if there is a God there is a chance he isn't concerned about that A you got in class or that bullet you dodged (and thanked him for) that struck a 7 year old kid in the chest.
you act like people with faith thank god for everything....thank you god for not burning my toast..naww man some people have faith in higher powers to help them thru tough situations, they cant open up a biology book to help them explain why their son got shot and the other kid lived either homie..some things happen for a reason as messed up as they seem they do, its something you wouldnt understand unless you had some faith in something anything, thats what helps people thru these type of ordeals..

i never was a religious person but after i went thru some rough times i turned to NA meetings and they talk about having a higher power, which i now have i dont know what it looks like or what it is, i just know that there is something that is beyond us...i have never read the bible nor do i intend to im not here to tell you my view is RIGHT and what you believe is stupid im just letting you know this is beyond you and you have no right bashing what others believe in.

did you really have to make up that ridiculous sobe story tho?
Google or find it on youtube: "Penn and Teller Alcoholics Anonymous BS" and share your thoughts. 

Genuinely interested in what your feeling is afterwards.

I'm dead serious. 
a lot of people claim to talk to god and receive answers but people can't seem to agree on what god is telling the world.

Word, God is like that womanizer that tells all his different trollops what they wanna hear. I love you baby, you're the only one for me.
for somebody that doesn't exist ya'll sure do spend a lot of time talking about him.
Meh it, he, she or they may exist. Do I get a pass/right to talk about them now?
i don't know, let me ask god.
Google or find it on youtube: "Penn and Teller Alcoholics Anonymous BS" and share your thoughts. 

Genuinely interested in what your feeling is afterwards.

I'm dead serious. 
Not to mention that AA has a failure rate of over 90%. :lol:

a lot of people claim to talk to god and receive answers but people can't seem to agree on what god is telling the world.
I actually spent like 3 hours earlier today trying to explain this point to my sister. And as I'm typing this I still have a headache..
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That's what I mean when I say you're reaching.

First you say that my good grades are a result of god. The you ask how I distinguish between what is clearly within my realm of control and what is to be attributed to god. The answer is withing asking. That which I can control (me getting into college/realizing I have to be a responsible person to succeed seeing as my commitment has a direct, visible correlation to how well i do in class) is different from that which I can't (millions of rain forests being destroyed, while somewhere, in other parts of the world, others thrive).

Just about everything I do is within my will (studying, eating, lounging, browsing NT). I can't see how my will is being compared to the concept of god. I'm not out here thanking god for letting me catch all green lights on old nat, but in no way does that relate to my will to get somewhere in time.

And no, actually I didn't know someone died. But I really mean it because my grandmother's life is more precious to me than that of the person who died. Am I saying I'm glad they died at the hands of the gunman? No. Their life, in the grand scheme of things, may not be more valuable than my grandmother. But personally, my grandmother's life > theirs.
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