When You Talk To God, Is The Response From Him or Is It From You Talking To Yourself

Not to mention that AA has a failure rate of over 90%.

I actually spent like 3 hours earlier today trying to explain this point to my sister. And as I'm typing this I still have a headache..
People who enter 12 Step Programs have the same success rate as people that don't: 5%. Spoiler alert: It's not the higher power that's helping you, it's not the program, it's you! Recovering addicts need to give themselves a little more credit and acknowledge that THEY did a great thing.
That's what I mean when I say you're reaching.

First you say that my good grades are a result of god. The you ask how I distinguish between what is clearly within my realm of control and what is to be attributed to god. The answer is withing asking. That which I can control (me getting into college/realizing I have to be a responsible person to succeed seeing as my commitment has a direct, visible correlation to how well i do in class) is different from that which I can't (millions of rain forests being destroyed, while somewhere, in other parts of the world, others thrive).
I'm sorry, but again I don't understand.

So merely you not having a direct and measurable hand in something means that its in your control and everything else is "god?" 

I mean this is tantamount to solipsism. Its like you're saying you're living in a video game and we're all characters in it. 

Just about everything I do is within my will (studying, eating, lounging, browsing NT). I can't see how my will is being compared to the concept of god. I'm not out here thanking god for letting me catch all green lights on old nat, but in no way does that relate to my will to get somewhere in time.
Thats what I'm asking though.

Where does "you" end and where does god "begin?" 

And no, actually I didn't know someone died. But I really mean it because my grandmother's life is more precious to me than that of the person who died. Am I saying I'm glad they died at the hands of the gunman? No. Their life, in the grand scheme of things, may not be more valuable than my grandmother. But personally, my grandmother's life > theirs.

I mean see this is why people kinda look at religion and have to muster so much restraint to tear into it. 

I mean why would god let that happen? The guy was a prayer leader at his church. 

God helped your grandma quit her job but let someone else get gunned down in place of "worship???"
That's what I mean when I say you're reaching.
First you say that my good grades are a result of god. The you ask how I distinguish between what is clearly within my realm of control and what is to be attributed to god. The answer is withing asking. That which I can control (me getting into college/realizing I have to be a responsible person to succeed seeing as my commitment has a direct, visible correlation to how well i do in class) is different from that which I can't (millions of rain forests being destroyed, while somewhere, in other parts of the world, others thrive).
Just about everything I do is within my will (studying, eating, lounging, browsing NT). I can't see how my will is being compared to the concept of god. I'm not out here thanking god for letting me catch all green lights on old nat, but in no way does that relate to my will to get somewhere in time.
And no, actually I didn't know someone died. But I really mean it because my grandmother's life is more precious to me than that of the person who died. Am I saying I'm glad they died at the hands of the gunman? No. Their life, in the grand scheme of things, may not be more valuable than my grandmother. But personally, my grandmother's life > theirs.

Bingo, sums up most people's approach to prayer and religion in general. Peep my comment about human arrogance and self importance. There is nothing wrong with loving your grandmother more than others, there is something wrong with crediting God for saving your grandmother and not others. Everyone is their own God, God is a reflection of YOUR own desires and a product of all your weaknesses.

And lettuce be cereal people pray for good grades ALL THE TIME. There are prayers for christian students, damn cheaters.
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a lot of people claim to talk to god and receive answers but people can't seem to agree on what god is telling the world.
I actually spent like 3 hours earlier today trying to explain this point to my sister. And as I'm typing this I still have a headache..

it's really interesting to me because you have people throughout the world that believe that god talks to them, works miracles for them, blesses them, watches over them, etc., but people all throughout the world believe different things. i mean, even within general religions like christianity, there are hundreds and hundreds of different interpretations.
keep reaching folks...i never said thanks to god im this and that..i never even said god..and really penn and teller? cmon now, i wasnt forcing my views on anyone and saying yours were wrong i just stated that some peoples beliefs are different from yours and you should..
keep reaching folks...i never said thanks to god im this and that..i never even said god..and really penn and teller? cmon now, i wasnt forcing my views on anyone and saying yours were wrong i just stated that some peoples beliefs are different from yours and you should..
Nah...I just wanted your views on the program and if you shared any ideas with them.

I wasn't being facetious or flippant. 

You don't have to act like everyone is "pushing views" 

We're in here just talking. Whats wrong with people responding to you? 
you know whats amazing when i really think about it... no matter how many insults, regardless of how many pages of copy and pasted quotes, internet memes, and all the other junk posted by silly putty and the nt atheist army....

so many individuals faiths remain in take.


God > all else
FutureMD, can I ask you something.

I often stay out of threads like this because it usually becomes a giant circle of you vs everyone else.

Why does it bother you so much that someone else doesn't see things the same way as you? Your trying so hard to discredit something or prove something. Why? Why can't you accept that everyone see everything differently. In my eyes your no better than the people who try and shove god down your throat, expect you try shove no god .

What gives? Did you have "faith" at one point and something happen and now your a scourned lover ? Seriously ? Why can't you let people see what they want to see?
you know whats amazing when i really think about it... no matter how many insults, regardless of how many pages of copy and pasted quotes, internet memes, and all the other junk posted by silly putty and the nt atheist army....
so many individuals faiths remain in take.
God > all else

1. Satan>>>your God

2. Some people's views about religion have been changed by these threads, not necessarily as drastic as turning anyone into an full blown atheist. Silly Putty forces people to think, it gets the ball rolling so to speak. Even if minds were changed no one on NT is going to openly admit it, that goes for the atheist army as well. We are all stubborn.

3. And your response reeks of insecurity, you really did feel the urge to remind us that your faith is unwavering.
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That's what I mean when I say you're reaching.

First you say that my good grades are a result of god. The you ask how I distinguish between what is clearly within my realm of control and what is to be attributed to god. The answer is withing asking. That which I can control (me getting into college/realizing I have to be a responsible person to succeed seeing as my commitment has a direct, visible correlation to how well i do in class) is different from that which I can't (millions of rain forests being destroyed, while somewhere, in other parts of the world, others thrive).

Just about everything I do is within my will (studying, eating, lounging, browsing NT). I can't see how my will is being compared to the concept of god. I'm not out here thanking god for letting me catch all green lights on old nat, but in no way does that relate to my will to get somewhere in time.

And no, actually I didn't know someone died. But I really mean it because my grandmother's life is more precious to me than that of the person who died. Am I saying I'm glad they died at the hands of the gunman? No. Their life, in the grand scheme of things, may not be more valuable than my grandmother. But personally, my grandmother's life > theirs.
You're either thanking a bastard or GOD doesn't want your thanks.
FutureMD, can I ask you something.

I often stay out of threads like this because it usually becomes a giant circle of you vs everyone else.

Why does it bother you so much that someone else doesn't see things the same way as you? 
Does it matter?

I fail to see a reason why I can't share my stance on things.

Everyone else is doing the same and I see the same names in these threads...yet it seems that I garner the most attention. 

All I can say is: "Oh well." 

And furthermore, it doesn't "bother me," as you can see in this thread because all I'm doing is responding to posts and asking questions. 

You're just as free to contribute to the thread as anyone else has. 
Your trying so hard to discredit something or prove something. Why?
A. On this topic especially its not that hard to "try" to do. So cut me some slack. 

B. Its not my intention. If something doesn't make sense to me, should I spare my thoughts on it because YOU don't want to read it? 
 Why can't you accept that everyone see everything differently.
Why do I have to not post my stance on things while everyone else does the same?

I don't see you responding to the same posters that frequent these threads.

Look at all the posters in this thread up to these point and write them down. You'll see them again. Trust me. 
In my eyes your no better than the people who try and shove god down your throat, expect you try shove no god .
Did I shove anything?

Remember, you're just as free to read, reply, or ignore anything posed to you.

In your case, I'm CHOOSING to reply to you. I could easily ignore you. 

If you want me to exercise my volition to do what you want me to do, then i'll do the same and post what I want to post myself.

What gives? Did you have "faith" at one point and something happen and now your a scourned lover ? Seriously ?
Not even.

Not every strong opinion is formed in response to a visceral experience. I don't know why people can't have views on things that don't originate from a traumatic experience.

This is just my stance on a topic that I find interesting. It is what it is. Find a topic that interest you and discuss it. 
Why can't you let people see what they want to see?
Who said I wasn't?

Last I checked, I was free to respond to who I want to, when I want to. 
you know whats amazing when i really think about it... no matter how many insults, regardless of how many pages of copy and pasted quotes, internet memes, and all the other junk posted by silly putty and the nt atheist army....

so many individuals faiths remain in take.


God > all else
Which one?

I find this sort of response always funny. People like to read their holy books and elaborate on the parts that tell them this stuff will happen to them, namely that people will try to sway them from their faiths. Its a measure of self control meant to reinforce the orignal believe and to continue the suspense of rationality it requires to have faith in the first place. 

Its like the pimps that train the girls how the other dudes are going to treat her out on the streets and how to resist attempts to change her mind. 
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lol @ people who think being an atheist means you had to have gotten molested by a priest or gotten your heart broken by a catholic school girl. :rofl:

Stereotypes about atheists are always jokes to me.
Fair enough, I understand everyone is allowed to view and post your feelings regarding certain subjects, this is a messageboard , that's why we're here.

But I feel as if every time one of these threads pop up, your first on in here waving / ranting / copy and pasting.

How were you raised if you don't mind me asking? Religious household? Non? Did you all along this time not "believe" In a god or what this something you grew out of and eventually saw it your way?
lol @ people who think being an atheist means you had to have gotten molested by a priest or gotten your heart broken by a catholic school girl. :rofl:

Stereotypes about atheists are always jokes to me.

What stereotype was I portraying ? I was simply asking a question. You act as if people don't react in that manor when something traumatic happens. I didn't know his backstory so I figured I'd ask rather than assume.
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for somebody that doesn't exist ya'll sure do spend a lot of time talking about him.
Except this "god" guy told bush to invade iraq so i'd say he has some explaining to do. 
Says the guy who thinks that talking about "god" means he exists.

I wonder what his thoughts on hobbits are. 
I am just using your own measuring stick. When did I say that? You have me confused. 
Fair enough, I understand everyone is allowed to view and post your feelings regarding certain subjects, this is a messageboard , that's why we're here.

But I feel as if every time one of these threads pop up, your first on in here waving / ranting / copy and pasting.
I know what I want to say, and I say it. It takes no effort if you know what you're talking about...usually. Ha. 
How were you raised if you don't mind me asking? Religious household? Non?
We were raised liberally religious. Went to church a lot when we were younger and less as we got older. My mom is pretty liberally religious and my dad is probably a strong agnostic...borderline agnostic-atheist, albeit somewhat in the closet about it.

I never went to sunday school often and spent most of it in the sanctuary (non-denominational church) so I think I never got that tailored instruction of brainwashing that works so well when you're younger and you're so apt to trust authority.
Did you all along this time not "believe" In a god or what this something you grew out of and eventually saw it your way?
Looking back, I believed only when I wanted to and when I needed help with something...

Then once the science and critical thinking classes kicked in around middle school it was a done deal. 

I never really TRULY believed. I always asked a lot of questions growing up and I had parents that allowed me to do that.

For most of the time I pretty much was apathetic towards the entire thing and if someone asked, i'd say I was "agnostic" just to avoid conflict, but now I don't really care. 

In person, I avoid the topic unless addressed OR if I have some sort of relationship (work, personal, etc) that I really don't need to compromise. There are a lot of crazies out here that need something to monitor them and I'm not going to actively take part in them chewing on their own leash unless they make me. 
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