When You Talk To God, Is The Response From Him or Is It From You Talking To Yourself

lol @ people who think being an atheist means you had to have gotten molested by a priest or gotten your heart broken by a catholic school girl.

Stereotypes about atheists are always jokes to me.
would you say that there are stereotypes about people who believe in a god?
I believe God responds to you within the means of your conscience.
How do you separate what your thoughts are from gods?

Do you make that decision or do you THINK you make that decision?

And if you know, how do you validate that conclusion that there is a difference?
for somebody that doesn't exist ya'll sure do spend a lot of time talking about him.
Except this "god" guy told bush to invade iraq so i'd say he has some explaining to do. 
Says the guy who thinks that talking about "god" means he exists.

I wonder what his thoughts on hobbits are. 
I am just using your own measuring stick. When did I say that? You have me confused. 
A. I was referring to the guy I quoted in lieu of you.

B. That wasn't a red herring. It was more a non-sequitur but I still think it was related. It makes no sense to say that people are talking about something they don't think exists as a means of saying that said thing ACTUALLY exists. Even further, then if this thing does exist it seems to have made some decisions in some very important people's lives so it would be beneficial to get to the bottom of this asserted influence. 
I'm sorry, but again I don't understand.

So merely you not having a direct and measurable hand in something means that its in your control and everything else is "god?" 

I mean this is tantamount to solipsism. Its like you're saying you're living in a video game and we're all characters in it. 

Thats what I'm asking though.

Where does "you" end and where does god "begin?" 


I mean see this is why people kinda look at religion and have to muster so much restraint to tear into it. :smh:

I mean why would god let that happen? The guy was a prayer leader at his church. 

God helped your grandma quit her job but let someone else get gunned down in place of "worship???"

Never said everything else was god. Other people have will and ability to carry out said will. Human interaction isn't something I attribute to god.

I, as a person, am limited to my own capabilities. Same as everyone else. I "end" at the point where I cannot control or influence something. But my ending =/= god's beginning. There's a planet full of people who have the ability to control or influence other things. That is to say, a guy in college with the will and ability to study for a economics test, I have no ability or influence over gas prices.

God, as I have conceptualized him, exists in nature and the goodness of world. Like I said, millions of rain forests are destroyed. Yet, there are still places like atlantic rain forest. Places like that which remain while man has the capability to destroy it, is what gives me hope that there is an external force at work out there.

Wow it all you will. But keep in mind, I said my grandmother's life holds personal significance. I personally am thankful that it was not her that was murdered because she is more precious to me, than the person who did lose their life.

Would I love the world to be rid of all evil and suffering? Of course. Do I understand the qualm of those who find fault in a god who allows different atrocities? Of course I do. Do I understand why a god would allow it to persist? Not one bit (that was actually what made me give up on religion). Do I give up on the concept of a higher being out there? Nah. My faith in something helps me keep perspective. The world is bigger than you or me.

Do you feel like your going to sway people and make people lose their views on the subject at hand? Is that why you put so much effort behind it?

No offense, we all have our own views on things, but I feel like your the only person I see constantly trying to discredit it. Are you trying to prove something ? Send a message ?
I'm sorry, but again I don't understand.

So merely you not having a direct and measurable hand in something means that its in your control and everything else is "god?" 

I mean this is tantamount to solipsism. Its like you're saying you're living in a video game and we're all characters in it. 

Thats what I'm asking though.

Where does "you" end and where does god "begin?" 


I mean see this is why people kinda look at religion and have to muster so much restraint to tear into it. 

I mean why would god let that happen? The guy was a prayer leader at his church. 

God helped your grandma quit her job but let someone else get gunned down in place of "worship???"
Never said everything else was god. Other people have will and ability to carry out said will. Human interaction isn't something I attribute to god.
So you said god allowed your grandma to quit her job succesfully...but was that not something that she did under her own volition?
I, as a person, am limited to my own capabilities. Same as everyone else. I "end" at the point where I cannot control or influence something. But my ending =/= god's beginning.
Bingo...so how do you distinguish what you do from what you claim god does?
There's a planet full of people who have the ability to control or influence other things. That is to say, a guy in college with the will and ability to study for a economics test, I have no ability or influence over gas prices.
Well a BUNCH of people acting en masse control gas prices, but we all have an effect.

But that has no bearing on the existence of said deity. 

God, as I have conceptualized him, exists in nature and the goodness of world.
So god exists in the manner you WANT him to? Or does it ACTUALLY exist in that manner?

I think this matters more than anything. 

I mean after a few drinks I can look at a girl with more intent than I ACTUALLY might otherwise.  

Like I said, millions of rain forests are destroyed. Yet, there are still places like atlantic rain forest. Places like that which remain while man has the capability to destroy it, is what gives me hope that there is an external force at work out there.
...that doesn't make any sense.

That just means you didn't knock down all the rain forest. 

Thats like saying, theres still water in this glass, and it gives you hope that there is an external force out there that leave more in the glass. 

Wow it all you will. But keep in mind, I said my grandmother's life holds personal significance. I personally am thankful that it was not her that was murdered because she is more precious to me, than the person who did lose their life.
There's nothing wrong with valuing those close to you, but you realize this is the same god that allowed your grandma to retire early but allowed a faithful goer to church to die IN his own church.

Something isn't consistent there. 

Would I love the world to be rid of all evil and suffering? Of course. Do I understand the qualm of those who find fault in a god who allows different atrocities? Of course I do.
If you find a problem with god, is god allowing you to think that or do you actually find a fault in god?
 Do I understand why a god would allow it to persist? Not one bit (that was actually what made me give up on religion).
Do I give up on the concept of a higher being out there? Nah. My faith in something  helps me keep perspective. The world is bigger than you or me.
Are you also holding out on unicorns?

No offense, but the thing is if you're saying anything is possible then ANYTHING is possible. Literally. 

Does this give you leeway to make up what you want to be true rather than what you can actually confirm? 
would you say that there are stereotypes about people who believe in a god?

There are. And no I don't think all Muslims are school girl killing cowards. There are too many religious factions for there to be one unifying stereotype. I wasn't saying religious people don't have stereotypes, I was simply mentioning that atheist stereotypes are pretty damn amusing. That like me asking a Christian if they are religious because they got raped by Satan. I suppose religious people are so indoctrinated into their religions that they can't fathom someone not believing without some traumatic life event. :rofl:

Interestingly, every story told by religious people about others converting into their religion begins with some traumatic event that God saves them from. I used to be a Muslim, I almost died, someone gave me a book, now I'm Christian.
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Do you feel like your going to sway people and make people lose their views on the subject at hand? Is that why you put so much effort behind it?
No offense, we all have our own views on things, but I feel like your the only person I see constantly trying to discredit it. Are you trying to prove something ? Send a message ?
legend has it that his girl didn't  vibe with his atheism. He then became what he is now. But that is besides the point, but it adds some context to his venom.

Do you feel like your going to sway people and make people lose their views on the subject at hand? Is that why you put so much effort behind it?
I don't really care to change minds. Its not my job to think for anyone but myself.

I just don't see why some think only THEIR views matter and why I can't respond.

Its pretty simple. 
No offense, we all have our own views on things, but I feel like your the only person I see constantly trying to discredit it. 
I see the SAME names in these threads, mind you.

Write down the names on the first three pages and cross reference them in the future. You'll see.
Are you trying to prove something ? 
Other than participating on a topic I find interesting? Nope.
Send a message ?
I'm not responsible for anything other than what I type. What you gain from it, or don't, is on you. 
There are. And no I don't think all Muslims are woman killing cowards. There are too many factions of religion, for there to be one unifying stereotype. I wasn't saying religious people don't have stereotypes, I was simply mentioning that atheist stereotypes are pretty damn amusing. That like me asking a Christian if they are religious because they got raped by Satan.
Would you say that some atheists are atheist because they were raped period?
Do you feel like your going to sway people and make people lose their views on the subject at hand? Is that why you put so much effort behind it?
No offense, we all have our own views on things, but I feel like your the only person I see constantly trying to discredit it. Are you trying to prove something ? Send a message ?
legend has it that his girl didn't  vibe with his atheism. He then became what he is now. But that is besides the point, but it adds some context to his venom.

Which legend is that?

Do tell. Please tell me something I don't know.

I'm interested what story you've conjured up now.

FYI, its never been a problem. The source of some interesting arguments? Sure. But vibing with it? Nah. If anything my luck has been pretty good since you USUALLY know what someones personality is like before hand. No major surprises.

But again, PLEASE tell me what you seem to know.
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I believe God responds to you within the means of your conscience.

I believe that thats just you talking/your first instinct/or your brain assessing the situation and coming up with a decision based on the product of your life/morals you picked up and molded throughout the years till that very moment you asked the question. I believe you are too lazy to dig deeper and just because the idea/definition of god is in your brain scope, you attach everything you are too lazy to explain/dig deeper to it.

what if you were never introduced to a god or devil? what if there were never a word for good and bad in the dictionary? do you think your mind would have thought of "hey, what are the two polar opposites?" on your own? the definitions have been given to you since birth. you never went to look for them. if you dont have a brain that wants to know about things/learn, theres a higher chance you half *** things and live with half *** logic. non-theists tend to think more. stop being lazy.
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Which legend is that?

Do tell. Please tell me something I don't know.

I'm interested what story you've conjured up now.

FYI, its never been a problem. The source of some interesting arguments? Sure. But vibing with it? Nah. If anything my luck has been pretty good since you USUALLY know what someones personality is like before hand. No major surprises.

But again, PLEASE tell me what you seem to know.
Stories that old men tell, but who knows if these things are true...they do bring a chuckle. But the point is unimportant?
1. Satan>>>your God
2. Some people's views about religion have been changed by these threads, not necessarily as drastic as turning anyone into an full blown atheist. Silly Putty forces people to think, it gets the ball rolling so to speak. Even if minds were changed no one on NT is going to openly admit it, that goes for the atheist army as well. We are all stubborn.
3. And your response reeks of insecurity, you really did feel the urge to remind us that your faith is unwavering.

na it just felt good to acknowledge. there's no point getting riled up on the same circular argument, when you guys agendas is the same every time; to break an important part of many individuals life. you know they say around confirmation / puberty is when you're suppose to have your battle, and question your faith and such but it occurred a bit later. I came to accept him on my own but I didn't fully challenge the ideas until later down the road, and when I asked the questions i wanted to know, when I looked for the answers I sought out, the faith passed onto me remained in tact. I've asked myself, do I really believe in God, do I think there is more out there for me when life ends, and I can honestly say yes. And this is from someone who isn't so outspoken about religion, and may not be the best practicing catholic but I know what I believe.

You're welcome to believe what you want, and be as negative as you want. I love my life and I'm thankful for the gift of it.

I'd be interested in hearing someone come out and speak for themselves on your 2nd line but I hope you continue in your failure. :smile:
Thanks for avoiding the question.
how i know that things happen for a reason? because they do,whether it's good or bad it happens for a reason.
I'd agree. 

Things happen for a reason...but is that reason what you say it is? 

I mean I can assert that things happen, but does that give me the leeway to create the source of said phenomenon that I WANT to be there? 

Which legend is that?

Do tell. Please tell me something I don't know.

I'm interested what story you've conjured up now.

FYI, its never been a problem. The source of some interesting arguments? Sure. But vibing with it? Nah. If anything my luck has been pretty good since you USUALLY know what someones personality is like before hand. No major surprises.

But again, PLEASE tell me what you seem to know.
Stories that old men tell, but who knows if these things are true...they do bring a chuckle. But the point is unimportant?
I'd say so...mostly because you spoke so confidently before. Oh well. 
1. Satan>>>your God
2. Some people's views about religion have been changed by these threads, not necessarily as drastic as turning anyone into an full blown atheist. Silly Putty forces people to think, it gets the ball rolling so to speak. Even if minds were changed no one on NT is going to openly admit it, that goes for the atheist army as well. We are all stubborn.
3. And your response reeks of insecurity, you really did feel the urge to remind us that your faith is unwavering.
na it just felt good to acknowledge. there's no point getting riled up on the same circular argument, when you guys agendas is the same every time; to break an important part of many individuals life. you know they say around confirmation / puberty is when you're suppose to have your battle, and question your faith and such but it occurred a bit later. I came to accept him on my own but I didn't fully challenge the ideas until later down the road, and when I asked the questions i wanted to know, when I looked for the answers I sought out, the faith passed onto me remained in tact. I've asked myself, do I really believe in God, do I think there is more out there for me when life ends, and I can honestly say yes. And this is from someone who isn't so outspoken about religion, and may not be the best practicing catholic but I know what I believe.

You're welcome to believe what you want, and be as negative as you want. I love my life and I'm thankful for the gift of it.

I'd be interested in hearing someone come out and speak for themselves on your 2nd line but I hope you continue in your failure.

Whats your reason for not following EVERYTHING the catholic church says?

I mean whose morality are you using to validate which teachings of the church to follow and which ones to ignore? Yours or...your religion? 
Would you say some Christians are christians because they were raped period?
it is possible that some christians are christians because they were raped, I would not be surprised to find examples of that.

How about atheists?
na it just felt good to acknowledge. there's no point getting riled up on the same circular argument, when you guys agendas is the same every time; to break an important part of many individuals life. you know they say around confirmation / puberty is when you're suppose to have your battle, and question your faith and such but it occurred a bit later. I came to accept him on my own but I didn't fully challenge the ideas until later down the road, and when I asked the questions i wanted to know, when I looked for the answers I sought out, the faith passed onto me remained in tact. I've asked myself, do I really believe in God, do I think there is more out there for me when life ends, and I can honestly say yes. And this is from someone who isn't so outspoken about religion, and may not be the best practicing catholic but I know what I believe.
You're welcome to believe what you want, and be as negative as you want. I love my life and I'm thankful for the gift of it.
I'd be interested in hearing someone come out and speak for themselves on your 2nd line but I hope you continue in your failure. :smile:

Glad your faith hymen has not been broken through. I don't really need your testimony though, it does make you seem a bit insecure. Like maybe if I tell myself this enough my faith will become more steadfast.

Speaking out against what they consider evil is part of many religious doctrines, speaking out against the evils in certain religious traditions and way of thinking is no different. Religion does not have a monopoly on morality. It is not my intent to change the faith of people who have a personal relationship with whatever the hell it is they believe in. If it helps you sleep better at night more power to you.

I love my life as well, not sure what that has to do with anything. I'm a lucky lucky man.
I'd say so...mostly because you spoke so confidently before. Oh well. 
legend has it that his girl didn't  vibe with his atheism. He then became what he is now. But that is besides the point, but it adds some context to his venom.
 noun  \ˈle-jənd\

[h2]Definition of LEGEND[/h2]

a  :  a story coming down from the past; especially  :  one popularly regarded as historical although not verifiableb  :  a body of such stories <a place in the legend  of the frontier>c  :  a popular myth of recent origind  :  a person or thing that inspires legends
e  :  the subject of a legend <its violence was legend  even in its own time — William Broyles Jr.>


oh well indeed
it is possible that some christians are christians because they were raped, I would not be surprised to find examples of that.

How about atheists?

Yea I'm sure out there there is one. Not sure what this has to do with anything, people have different ways of dealing with traumatic life events. But if you're trying to insinuate that atheists are a bunch of rape victims, then........don't know what to tell ya.
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I'd say so...mostly because you spoke so confidently before. Oh well. 
legend has it that his girl didn't  vibe with his atheism. He then became what he is now. But that is besides the point, but it adds some context to his venom.


oh well indeed
Wait what? Thats not even true. I don't know what that is. 

Dudes are making up ANYTHING these days. You're going to have to try harder than that. 
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