Who has experience bagging married women?

%++! would you wanna bag a married woman for?? Thats why there are single woman
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

also smashed a chick that had a husband who was deployed...

i felt like scum, dude out there getting hit in the face with hot sand and his girl gettin put in a pretzel...
#%%* you thats even worse than smashing a %*#$$married to a civil. it happens all to often in the military though homies get deployed and their gfs start %%$%%%# around or just straight up pack up andbounce or the worst they spend their money. its disrespectful to not only their husband but all our military men/women. come on, you had to have known theywere already in the military or found out they were planning to why the #%%* would you marry them if you couldnt stick it out. they have one of the hardestjobs in the world as it is, dont need extra *@+@%#!+ to deal with from jumpoffs. once again, #%%* you, youre a piece of +!@!. and i wish he would have foundout and beat the +!@! out of you
I live in a military town and when deployment comes around these @%%@ start choosing

That's why dudes can't be wifing up these JO's
StocktonoverNash straight fell of the face of the earth.

But anyways, you're a lame for going after a woman in a committed relationship.
Originally Posted by phillypac

Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

regardless if they throwing it at you or not, have some @+%%@#@ morals.

infidelity is common, so of course a married or wifed chick throwing the P is not something thats just super rare at all. id even say in 09 +@**# halfway common.

that said, there's just a certain line. there are tons of chicks in the world waiting to get poked. just pass and move on to the next one. dudes are just reckless and dont care anymore

have some morals and self respect when u r picking the girl u want to cuff

stop cuffin anything and u won't have to worry about her getting around
first off you preachin to the choir homie. i dont condonewifing and cuffing these skeezers either, but I'm also a component of not being involved with these skeezers either. 1. have some morals and stop being sothirsty, there's too many @@!#%@% out there. 2. it aint even worth any potential hassle

got down with this chick who was apparently talkin to some dude and dude went in her phone and called me charging me up. initially i was on some come see meif you want _ and was ready to start braggin bout droppin my kids off in this chick mouth and all that but in all reality I had to step back and realize idont even care enough about this chick to argue over this issue so. its pointless. that said, its just not in nature to knowingly get down with a wifed upchick
Marriage is a whole different thing than just boyfriend/girlfriend.

Dudes are 'prolly more inclined to kill you when it comes to marriage. Be careful son!
I smashed a married check once.
until I smelled her smoke filled hairafter we finished
Skated outta there asap
Damn not the answers I expected to see on NT.
I would smash a married female. I'm not the one who stood up and
took a vow. Going after a married woman is one thing, but letting
her bag you is totally different IMO
I did it twice with 2 different women...one was lookin for something outside the marriage and we got up at the school she was teaching at and I smashed a fewtimes there...I was like 19 or 20 and she was pushing mid 30s. She still hits me up from time to time wanting some but I don't feel like driving 30 min tosee her.

She other joint I ended up taking from dude and that wasn't my intentions at all. We ended up in a relationship for about 2.5 yrs...things didn't workout completely and she moved to Florida cause a job transfer...she's still in love with me and she already told me regardless if she's dating someoneor not I come first and that she'll leave him for me.
I did have relationship wit ha an older women who was in a marriage that was falling apart because the husband was immature and was cheating on her.

The women was 30 and her husband dumb, immature, had ADD and could not hold a conversation and if he did it would be about Star Wars or Skateboarding or stuffthat girls usually do not care about very much. He had a good job because his dad was successful in Hollywood so the couple moved to my neighborhoods and everywas social and over the first summer their myself and Jenny hit it off as friends because she finally had someone with whom she could enjoy grown upconversations. I have deep voice, a great command of the language and can talk about a variety of subjects and that turned her on in no time. The main reasonit became a physical thing was because her husband would be gone for large blocs of time and he was chronically unfaithful.

Sex with a women that age is out of this world and is the most satisfying partner in my life before or since. She was a Cali chick who was in good shape butwas not so lean that she lacked curves, she had just the right amount of fat on her body, no cellulite but very jiggly. Before her I was an inexperiencedlover and my partners were usually less experienced which smashing climaxing wonderful all on its own. It can be so much better when your partner knows how tomanipulate your mind and your body and not just your junk. When we would go out she would always keep me on edge and full on anticipation. Even though wetalked about many things, she would make sure that something sexual would be slipped in the conversation at random intervals. She would say he she wants andneeds me and would describe my own body in detail and what she liked abut it, it very exacting detail. In the bedroom she would have me do it extremely roughlysometimes, sometimes we would go for hours and she would have been stop and cool down a bit and continue. She was more than just a smash buddy she was a loverand a great one at that.

Eighteen year old girls, no matter how hot just do not have the skill to know a man's mind and body to the point that she can cause him to see stars withhis eyes open, to make the foot curl more than most guys' toes curl, to make what you normally feel in the groin be now be felt out through the hip bonesand in the inner thighs and lower belly, to make your butt and ham stings and entire back and shoulders and base of the neck spasm, to make the legs quiver somuch that you just have to collapse onto the bed and cannot arise for a long while. That is what married or women in their late 20's and early 30's cando. Cougars are legit. I would just advise caution with married women, although typically if you can get a married women it is because the marriage is doomedand it is usually the man's fault.
Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

Go and ahead and see if you could pull it off. Just don't catch feelings.
He can't emphasize it anymore... Just don't catch feelings!!!

This kinda stuff happens all the time...

Women going after married men and men going after married women. As bad as it may sound and look, it's the thrill of the chase and getting what youpossibly can't have. Once feelings get involved, it gets messy and that's when you get caught.
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