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Originally Posted by da703trailblaza

How hard is it to get into the finance industry? Goldman has always been the goal...
Pretty damn tough. I've been trying to jump to their firm and it's been tough.
LOL wow didnt know so many people on NT made this kinda money...Im a college student with a part time job makin about 12k a year. lol
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by dbbabd

can someone explain hedge funds and what do u need to do such a thing

If you're asking this, you'll probably never get in one. To explain it to you though down to the barebones, it's a group of people that manage large sums of cash from investors and invest in equities etc. expecting returns later.
Sorry i didnt mean how to get into a hedgefund. I meant how to actually be the people who run/operate it like my mans who said he makes sixfigures. I was wanting to know how long he went to school and what type of classes he took
Originally Posted by RockDeep

For those of you who think making 100K is cakin... It aint.. After Taxes and whatever bills Mortgage or rent you paid.. ON TOP of whatever vices you have... Shoes, Smokin, Drugs etc.. You are down in the 45 to 50K a year net.. maybe even less.

You can ask HOV or Ben Balla that...

Im sure for both of those guys, passin that income benchmark was a happy time, but not as lucrative as they may have thought....

For those who have made that much, realize, you need to make more to actually get into a comfort level you want in life. You even wonder, how did you ever survive makin much less than that when you throw in having a family and all the other expenses.

Just imagine 100K = $2000 a week MINUS 27% in taxes, Utilities, Rent/Mortgage, Goin out Clubs.. Clothes/Shoes, Car Note/Lease, Groceries = Livin Check to Check...

100k after taxes is caking if you have you living within your means. If you trying to live big willie style I agree with you. My man lives under his meansand is living nice making a little less than 100k but we all know everybody isn't going to do that.
25 years old, have my own pad (appraised at just under $900k right now in socal) with my girl and a 4year old and another one due any day now. took me about ayear to dip into 6 figures. health insurance, dental, and vision - all paid for by kaiser.
ive done pretty much everything from doing real estate since i was 20 yrs old to working in the hospital as an RT for a steady pay check. i always let mymoney replicate.

best thing is that in a few of years, i will be making half a mil/year.
Ya'll got me thinking about changing my major from Political science to something Business(Finance, banking, etc.)
A lot of great information in here. Might have to take notes.
Why ya'll acting humble all of a sudden? Doesn't everyone on NTmake 6 figures, drive an M3, and smash every girl in sight that's a 8 and above?
i saw that Sports Medicine Physicians Start At 100k....so if everything prevails i should be makin 6 figs
Originally Posted by Lemonade41

Ya'll got me thinking about changing my major from Political science to something Business(Finance, banking, etc.)

I was a poli sci major and got offers or interviews from just about every major firm that I wanted, and I was one of <20 undergrads admitted into H/S/Wstraight out of college. Talent, grades, test scores and interview capacity >>>>> your major.
Originally Posted by akwon510

investment banking = 6 figures right out of college. impressive for 21-22 yr olds
I always laugh at i-bankers who brag about getting paid 100k to work 80 hours a week at an awful grunt work job. You aren't caking,you're just working two $%!%%# 50k/40 hour jobs back to back.

There's maybe 2% of them that the job is worthwhile for because they are the cream of the crop and are going to rise through the ranks, but the other 98%are just getting used for grunt work and are going to get thrown out and disposed of when they're all used up. Of course, 100% think that they are in that2%...
There's probably more people on here with 6-figure school loans than 6-figure incomes.
Raises hand.

Finance for a case management firm and it took 2 years out of school. I have been working since I was 16, but those were just part time gigs for extra cashflow.
Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

Why ya'll acting humble all of a sudden? Doesn't everyone on NT make 6 figures, drive an M3, and smash every girl in sight that's a 8 and above?

I do. . . .but only between the hours of 12 a.m. - 7 a.m.(
lol at the shocking humility in this thread.

i drive a porsche GT and sleep with megan fox when i'm not at the crib with halle berry.

Why ya'll acting humble all of a sudden? Doesn't everyone on NT make 6 figures, drive an M3, and smash every girl in sight that's a 8 and above?
But of course
There are a couple of things that need to be taken into account. Many of us who make 6 figures have more outcome than most.

For those of you who make more than 6 figures and live in Cali and NY, sorry you are NOT doing it. No hate, its just fact.

I am 20, and I have made 100K. Not annually but I have. Inherited, and sold subway franchise.

I bought NOTHING, invested everything, it has since taken a hit, but I am still worth more than base 6 figures.
Originally Posted by VirgilMalloy

Originally Posted by akwon510

investment banking = 6 figures right out of college. impressive for 21-22 yr olds
I always laugh at i-bankers who brag about getting paid 100k to work 80 hours a week at an awful grunt work job. You aren't caking, you're just working two $%!%%# 50k/40 hour jobs back to back.

There's maybe 2% of them that the job is worthwhile for because they are the cream of the crop and are going to rise through the ranks, but the other 98% are just getting used for grunt work and are going to get thrown out and disposed of when they're all used up. Of course, 100% think that they are in that 2%...
Whats probably the best major to take in business in order to find a good job? say in like 6 years if that matters

I already took 2 classes in computer networking, and it doesnt interest me. I was thinking Finance
I'm not making six-figures, but I thought I'd chime in here with some truth for the impressionable college students or HS students:

1. Don't do it for the money. Major in something that truly interests you. If you do finance, banking, accounting just because you think it will bring$$$ you will hate it.

2. Investment banking is hard to break into. If you're not from a top school or have connections or have top grades, its unlikely you will end up with ani-banking position at a bulge bracket firm.

3. As previously mentioned, investment bankers work 80-90 hours on a light week. 100+ on a heavy week. If you want to imagine what that's like, itscoming in at 7AM, leaving at 2AM on the weekdays and then working more on the weekends.

4. Its not really about how much money you bring in, but what you do with it after you get it. Do you save, do you invest? As Malta stated, making smartinvestments is necessary.
Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

I'm not making six-figures, but I thought I'd chime in here with some truth for the impressionable college students or HS students:

1. Don't do it for the money. Major in something that truly interests you. If you do finance, banking, accounting just because you think it will bring $$$ you will hate it.

2. Investment banking is hard to break into. If you're not from a top school or have connections or have top grades, its unlikely you will end up with an i-banking position at a bulge bracket firm.

3. As previously mentioned, investment bankers work 80-90 hours on a light week. 100+ on a heavy week. If you want to imagine what that's like, its coming in at 7AM, leaving at 2AM on the weekdays and then working more on the weekends.

4. Its not really about how much money you bring in, but what you do with it after you get it. Do you save, do you invest? As Malta stated, making smart investments is necessary.
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