"Who the F is Joe Budden?" - Method Man

�mef would !+*+ budden up. pump it up vs. cream/protect ya neck/triumph/bring the pain/etc... ya it'll beclose....NAT. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

That's why we'll never agree.
How can you C/S that(bolded part)?

Like I said - Meth fans are gonna side with him and Budden fans are gonna side with Joe.

No one will ever be able to convince me that Method Man is a better rapper than Budden. An all encompassing rapper.

I'm done for today. Read toooo much LOST stuff today and my brain is done. I'll be back tomorrow.
Yeah ok i guess. But Im saying how you gon say "Joe is right even tho hes mad disrespectful" Thats what got me confused.
What's irking me in this thread is that many of you think being "relevant" in '09 means anything in the greater scheme of hip hop.
Much of the new millennium has been full of straight basura. And quiet is kept, most of the good hip hop has come from "irrelevant" emcees.
Most (again, most, not all) of the dudes with actual talent that are still somewhat "relevant" were around before or about the turn of the century.
With that said.........................
I've tried to like Budden. Dude has talent. But his approach never really grabbed me. Something's missing.
And Meth def has solo album deficiencies. He's just not the same away from the Wu (Tical not withstanding). He was the bright spot on the disappointing 8Diagrams album (and I'm a Wu head).
4:21 had some joints, but overall was not that good. The same as Padded Room.
I'm def more of a Meth fan than Budden, but Meth's catalog is not above criticism.
I don't know why Budden kept bringing up lyricist when the list obviously has nothing to do with that. He's acting like his fans are going to bebuying the magazine... I think he's lucky to be on there considering the way they put it together.
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by parada45

Who is Joe Buddens?

The Pump it up guy
The funniest part is that right there ^^^^^ is this lame's main LEGACY...
(seriously)...When you mention the name Joe Budden, 90-95% of people will simply say "Is that the Pump It Up Guy?...did he die?"
what does that say about 95% of people?
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by parada45

Who is Joe Buddens?

The Pump it up guy
The funniest part is that right there ^^^^^ is this lame's main LEGACY...
(seriously)...When you mention the name Joe Budden, 90-95% of people will simply say "Is that the Pump It Up Guy?...did he die?"
what does that say about 95% of people?
95% of people dont want to hear depression rap and 95% of people judge off 1st impression and Joey blow it by going "UGGGGH"
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Originally Posted by parada45

Who is Joe Buddens?

The Pump it up guy
The funniest part is that right there ^^^^^ is this lame's main LEGACY...
(seriously)...When you mention the name Joe Budden, 90-95% of people will simply say "Is that the Pump It Up Guy?...did he die?"
what does that say about 95% of people?
95% of people dont want to hear depression rap and 95% of people judge off 1st impression and Joey blow it by going "UGGGGH"
trying too hard.
the point was they don't know, not that they didn't enjoy it. The point is people say they are rap fans and won't go passed the artists on theradio.
I mean Joe Budden's 1st album wasnt that good. Sorry. So what is going to make someone want to go out and DL Mood Music 1: The Worst of Joe Budden? I meanyeah i guess if you're a true hip hop head youre gonna grab everything and listen to everything but if someone's debut isn't my cup of tea why givethem a 2nd chance? This happens in every genre rock, rap, country, etc it's not exclusive to hip hop. You can only name a few artists who have hadsuccessful careers with a mediocre mainstream debut in any genre.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

I mean Joe Budden's 1st album wasnt that good. Sorry. So what is going to make someone want to go out and DL Mood Music 1: The Worst of Joe Budden? I mean yeah i guess if you're a true hip hop head youre gonna grab everything and listen to everything but if someone's debut isn't my cup of tea why give them a 2nd chance? This happens in every genre rock, rap, country, etc it's not exclusive to hip hop. You can only name a few artists who have had successful careers with a mediocre mainstream debut in any genre.
...you don't have to like him. but yes, if you think Joe Budden is dead then you're not a hiphop head. point blank.
as of recent I havent been arguing with people with bad taste, just dudes that can't even formulate an opinion
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

When you mention the name Joe Budden, 90-95% of people will simply say "Is that the Pump It Up Guy?...did he die?"
Dudes that say they like rap and don't know Joe buddens is still making music because hes not on the radio? hes not on WSHH? Royce fans dontknow him having a beef with him? a true hip hop head isn't aware of slaughterhouse?
Don't like Joe budden if you know why you don't like him, but if you say you're a fan of hiphop and you only heard the 1 album with a radio singleand got some lulz about it... then the joke is on you.
OK but there's hip hop heads and hip hop fans. A Hip hop fan can formulate his own opinion. He listens to Joe Budden's album doesn't like it thatsthat. I mean I could be assuming too much but you may not like Tyga. His 1st album was trash with a horrible radio single. But I like his new mixtape a lot.Are you gonna listen to it? No. Why? Because you heard his stuff and you didnt like it. Does that make you not a hip hop head? No that just means you listen toartists who are good IYO.

And another thing maybe this is cause we're on different coast but I think you're overestimated how big Joe Budden is. I know hardcore Hip hop dudeswho went to Paid dues (underground concert) last month and had no clue who Slaughterhouse was. They recognized Joell and Royce as ill MC's and some knewCrooked cause he's a Cali MC but they were surprised as hell at seeing Joe Budden. They came home like "Aye you know "Pump it Up" dude isill?". Maybe cause you got the Jersey/NY thing over there but Joey just isnt in a lot of peoples mouth out here. Sad to say. I think he's talented buta person's character tends to bleed into their music and that's why I'm starting not to like dude.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick
THE MAN SAID HE THOUGHT HE DIED... WASN'T MAKING MUSIC... not that he heard his stuff and didn't like it... why are you still going off ontangents?
and forget the radio... if you're a hiphop fan you're checking websites like WSHH, Onsmash, Nahright, Missinfo, hiphopupdate, and others for musicperiod and hes well represented online.
also his girl was in the last King mag.
Im not. Im assumign dude heard his 1st album and stopped. Im not assuming he heard MM and didnt like it. I thought I made that clear. Cause I'm a keep itreal I didn't hear about joe again til MM2 was popping so that's a strong time period that I wasn't checking for him. I like to consider myself ahip hop hop fan. And if it wasnt for his feature on Fab's album I could have avoided him all the way until now. I dont know who ransom was but I went outmy way an clicked and download. Prodigy is in jail why should I care about him dissing him but I got it anyway. Yeah Saigon had some buzz but at the time ofthe battle he wasnt getting buzz.

And sorry I dont fall for the "Youre not a hip hop fan if you dont follow the blog site" line
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Im not. Im assumign dude heard his 1st album and stopped. Im not assuming he heard MM and didnt like it.
well then you chose to go off and watch yourself type for no reason, adding your distaste for Joe when it wasn't needed
You can dislike him all you want but even you agree people on the west know him for hooking up with Crooked I, people on the East know him period, Detroitknows hes both cool with Royce and had a short lived beef.
and people that keep up to date know him just because he's well represented online.
If you havent seen some form of Joe Budden on a forum, blog, or hiphop website in the last year then you're not looking for music.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

And sorry I dont fall for the "Youre not a hip hop fan if you dont follow the blog site" line
so how do you hear about music and artists in 2009?
Only thing i added was that his character made me not like him. Other than that I said nothing bad about him in my last 4 posts. And the West just found outabout him. That was Slaughterouse's 1st West Coast show. 8,000 Tickets sold. And that was more for the headliners. Ad me personally I hear from NT and wordof mouth. Of course if someone says so and so is nice I'm a head to youtube then head to RGF and download their material. But I think I'm the only oneof my friends who post in forums. And the only gossip site I know that hip hop fans around me go to is WSHH and how often does that show real hip hop? EvenSaigon said a video of me rapping would be 10K, but me showing my cars is 100K. And I know youre gonna say Im being hypocritical because I follow blogs butI'm just saying just cause someone doesn't doesn't mean they're not a true hip hop fan.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Ad me personally I hear from NT and word of mouth.
do you even know what the topic is?

I never said "you need to like Joe Budden to be a hiphop fan", I said its preposterous to say you're a fan of hiphop and think Joe Budden stoppedmaking music (or died) after his 1st album.
Im a Hip-Hop head and i'm sure illscan is too.....but I don't like Budden's music.

I can recognize his level of talent but like homie said above...

I've tried to like Budden. Dude has talent. But his approach never really grabbed me. Something's missing.
His voice, beat selection, ad libs, hook writing, flow, song composition, etc is lacking IMO.

His lyrics on paper are impressive but hearing it come out of his mouth hurts my ears.

Two of his Mood Musiks are classic work and he had some dope concepts on Padded Room but there is a reason that those song hardly made a blip even on theinterent hip-hop scene...dude is lacking in a lot of musical departments and to me that is an essential part of being an MC/Rapper. So instead of talkingwreckless about every one and their mother and being offended at having a low seed on Vibe's Best Rapper EVER list....he need to go perfect his craft andmake some music that appeals to more people than just his diehard fanbase.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Son nobody outside of hiphop message boards even remembers who Joe Buddens is. I bring him at at school and dudes are like "I thought he was a one and done". Like people think he's still sleeping in the park they shot "pump it up" in. Straight bum status. If it wasn't for his internet cult following, dude would be driving a forklift at UPS or FedEx.
lol i was waiting to hear what type of response would be thrown back... i'll wait for a record or two to surface... and i think budden's took saigonguess i'm the only one or one of the few on here to think that
so according to Joe Budden's logic, on that vibe list, Saigon should be higher than Budden, correct? I mean, Saigon did tear Buddens head off his shoulders*shrugs*
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