"Who the F is Joe Budden?" - Method Man

Originally Posted by AKA Anthony

Budden had a better career than Meth?

85% of Budden's "career" can be found on DatPiff
Joey hasn't accomplished half of what Mef is doing, and has done in his career..and the simply fact is that Joe cant go bar for bar, pound for pound witMef its that simply..dont get me wrong Buddens is nice, but i think he feelin his self to much, to come at a great like Mef..He must be tripping cuase of thatgood Tahiry Punani () lol

It would be a good for battle for the fans tho
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Joe Budden >>>>>>> Method Man

Padded Room > Meth's career

Meth had some bright spots... but never had a solid album.. Tical was good and that was about it

And to the dude a few posts above...

I'm sorry but Royce and Joey would destroy all of Wu-Tang...

Has Joey lost a single battle? NOPE

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Joe Budden >>>>>>> Method Man

Padded Room > Meth's career

Meth had some bright spots... but never had a solid album.. Tical was good and that was about it

And to the dude a few posts above...

I'm sorry but Royce and Joey would destroy all of Wu-Tang...

Has Joey lost a single battle? NOPE
Originally Posted by Cragmatic


Trust me I've been familiarized with the WU since I was about 12.... and yes they do have some great tracks....

But Joey has destroyed everyone he's ever battled with.

Dudes thinkin the Wu would want it with Joe and Royce

If you really think Meths Career is > joey's... you're an idiot...

Have you heard the last Meth Record....
.... the last 2 for that matter..

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Joe Budden >>>>>>> Method Man

Padded Room > Meth's career

Meth had some bright spots... but never had a solid album.. Tical was good and that was about it

And to the dude a few posts above...

I'm sorry but Royce and Joey would destroy all of Wu-Tang...

Has Joey lost a single battle? NOPE
I just want to know what makes this dude so much better than his peers like Beans, Gemini, Blu, Lupe and Joell? Nevermind Mr. 4321, You're all I need, TheWhat, Tical and Blackout...I just want to know what he has done to put him over the dozens of other masterful MCs flying below the radar, cuz I dont seeit.,was it the video blogs? What? IMO he needs to worry about rapping the best in his own click be4 he start goin at legends unprovoked...cuz he is deftrailing the pack on most/all of them slaughterhouse joints.
I don't have a problem w/ what Joe did in the video.

The Twitter +%#! was OD.

Joe Budden at this point would rap circles around Meth. Hell, he's been better than Meth for the last half decade or so.

Meth ain't washed up by any means.

JB is that guy

Meth is that guy.

Joey most certainly did not lose in the battle (on wax) to Saigon.

Ghost, Rae, Meth, etc ain't about t go busting bottles over Joey's head right about now so stop that talk. This ain't '97 no more. These_'s is grown %#+ men w/ families, they ain't about to risk what little career they have left on Joseph.
He was being honest? How is self proclaiming you are better than a legend being honest? Buddens is hyping himself up.
Probably because he is better than him.
Joe budden is a F'n idiot I was waiting for someone to say something. I hope everyone he dissed in that video gets at him. Wait a minute I take it back dont give him shine let Saigon take off this overemotional sissy
Why would you want that when there it a +98% chance that he will body all them _'s he spoke on?

I said it before and I'll say it again, I don't blame Joey I blame his fans who keep hyping him to believe that he is some kinda hip hop savior. I rock with Joey's music but he clearly needs another Saigon style reality check. I mean seriously, the audacity of son to try to isht on Meth

Don't blame the fans.

Blame other artists for not putting out better quality music. If there was better quality music, then fans wouldn't heap as much praise on him as they do.But when there is horse**** music out there, fans are going to flock to the best product. Yes there are SOME but there isn't a ##$* load out there like itused to/should be.

Oh, and lets not act like Joey isn't putting out GREAT music himself.
Actually...This list was just about rapping or being an artist? if this is about straight up rapping them Budden would rap circles around most of the dudes on that list
That's the whole thing. The +%#! was about RAPPING. Watch the vid and tell me where you disagree w/ ANYTHING he said.

He's better than all them _'s he mentioned and more that he didn't name.
I just want to know what makes this dude so much better than his peers like Beans, Gemini, Blu, Lupe and Joell? Nevermind Mr. 4321, You're all I need, The What, Tical and Blackout
Stop living in the past bro. He is talking about the here and now. May 2009. You think Meth as of today is better than Joe?

And Joe never said he was better than Lupe, Beans, The Artist formerly known as Gemini, etc.

I honestly think a lot of y'all are letting his antics outweigh his talent on the mic.
Joe Budden is ONLY popular and relevant on the internet and right now most of his popularity only comes from his shortie's a-s. People like artists who areaccessible... thats where Joe Budden got his popularity because he posts on AHH and SOHH, because he does video blogs... its the same reason Wale is so popularon NT because he actually posts on the site

Joe Budden is definitely gifted but outside of his Mood Muzik mixtape series he hasn't had much of a career. Padded Room is a good album but there's noreplay factor from me... i honestly can rock to MM2 more than Padded Room. Now Meth's career has alot of high points, classic hip-hop singles...M.E.T.H.O.D M.A.N, All I Need, near classic album with Tical ...decent catalog, collabo with legends... Biggie & Pac... part of the legendary Wu Tang clanand most people's fav member. Then most people already know about his resume outside of music.

Redman > Joe Budden.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm sorry but GFK isn't touching Joey in a battle
Odds are he'd punch him in the face though.
no lie

aint even gonna address this budden >> Wu stuff....cause thats some straight poppycock
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Joe Budden is ONLY popular and relevant on the internet and right now most of his popularity only comes from his shortie's a-s. People like artists who are accessible... thats where Joe Budden got his popularity because he posts on AHH and SOHH, because he does video blogs... its the same reason Wale is so popular on NT because he actually posts on the site

Joe Budden is definitely gifted but outside of his Mood Muzik mixtape series he hasn't had much of a career. Padded Room is a good album but there's no replay factor from me... i honestly can rock to MM2 more than Padded Room. Now Meth's career has alot of high points, classic hip-hop singles... M.E.T.H.O.D M.A.N, All I Need, near classic album with Tical ...decent catalog, collabo with legends... Biggie & Pac... part of the legendary Wu Tang clan and most people's fav member. Then most people already know about his resume outside of music.

Redman > Joe Budden.
[Max B] Tell me suttin' I don't knowwwwww [/Max B]

You made this entire post to say what?

Aside from that one dude who said Joe's catalog was > Meth's, damn near everyone has said the same thing.
Redman > Joe Budden & Method Man
Joe Budden is ONLY popular and relevant on the interne
Damn near everybody is on the internet though.
Thank you BFA. This dude may be the most overhyped MC ever. If Meth put out a Padded Room in his prime he would be ripped by critics. This man puts out aforgettable mixtape followed by a 7/7.5 album and hes a messiah. Meth's verse on The What, 15 years ago is as good lyrically as anything Budden has everspit.
yea, that "only relevant on th internet" #!@@ goes out the window in '09 fam lol...if you aint relevant on the internet, you aint releventnowhere.
His disrespecting even went a bit further than that. Talkin' about Meth don't write his own rhymes and %@+. Joey could only dream of having Meth's discography(yea i'm including the Wu albums as well as his debut) Joey got the right to his opinion but when he states his opinion its like he's on some elitist %@+ with his nose up. Like he's the best thing since sliced bread. He's a better rapper than Meth at this point in their careers. Pains me to say that because Meth's a coo cat and frankly I don't know Joey but can't stand the dude. I f's with Joe too, but he def on some ho **** right here, which is a tendency that has popped up pretty often during this Joe Budden TV era.

realest #!@@ said in here.
Joe Budden > Method Man and Redman

Are they ever making a How High 2?

Originally Posted by JoeBudden

them responding the way they did helps to prove my point.... @%** talkin... egt in the booth, i personally would love to see the outcome... and my money's on me

on his website. Red and Meth tryin' to build some sort of hype for a flop they got coming out next week?
I don't know.

IMO outside a handful of songs for ME....the WU is wack.

I just can't get into their music.

I don't know what it is about them.

Joey sounds bitter in the video but I think it got blown up and made into a bigger deal then what it was.
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