Why do African Americans continue to practice Christianity if it was forced upon them during slavery

Originally Posted by Comparison Ford  
Originally Posted by sn00pee  
Hold a god darn minute, @DarthSka is no longer a christian!?
As the old saying goes: the best way to become an atheist (or simply not a Christian) is to read The Bible the whole way through. 
Wasn't even JUST about reading it all the way through (but yes, that was some); it was about paying attention to the racist, sexist, abusive culture, and the 'prayers' that accomplish... nothing. And the prayers that do accomplish something, there's ALWAYS a reason for the accomplishment.
Regardless...my man. 

You familiar with Matt Dillahunty?  You guys share a similar story.
Yea, I'm talking to the other dude. I actually spoke with a former Buddhist mink today (co owner of the restaurant I work with, Thai dude) and I can't believe Buddhism was spread through conquest, I know a lot about Buddhism, hopefully I can visit a temple one day.

Ah okay, yeah. Nutella is completely talking out of his *** on that one. Don't think we'll be seeing him in this thread anymore.

So now was the rest of the post directed at me I'm assuming?

I don't get why we shouldn't follow the ideals of conquers. I believe we should take each idea, examine it and decide. We don't have to take all ideas as a whole, no one is forcing you to, everyone has to choose what to believe and what not to, bible says beat your slave as long as he is alive, it also says love thy neighbor as thy self, adopt one a d drop the other, make your own belief system, no need to rigidly follow everyone else's.

This statement rings about as true in this context as in most contexts I use it in.

Are all men not created equal because Thomas Jefferson wrote it?

Because quite simply we're not what we are because our ancestors had the chance to examine and decide. Over time our ancestors became indoctrinated, and here we are. Perfect obedient followers.

And IDK, I can't follow any religion that contradicts itself in its scripture either. I'd hope that an omnipotent being would be careful not to mince his words and would avoid contradictions.

And no, I don't buy the whole all men are created equal thing, we're not. Some are given a bad hand in life. Are born with disabilities, or born into servitude and poverty. Sorry TJ, who BTW was a slave owner.
See, that's the thing that always got me, non religious use the Christian God, assuming we all understand God the same. To me, God is more the universe than a white dude sitting in a chair judging people. God is me, God is you, God is the trees, God is just a word to describe existence, God imperfect, God fallible but God is love, God is one universal echo system.

And it's no secret Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, that's why I use the quote to show that man is complicated, but ideas, ideas can be perfect.

And to say all men aren't created equal is crazy to me. I worked with autistic kids that couldn't talk, but to me they are just as deserving of my love as normal kids were. People aren't created with equal stats, some rich, some poor, some smart, some dumb, some tall, some short, but we are all born deserving the same respect under the law and the same love from our peers.

Everyone is born equal,, in law and in the eyes of God(the universe) how you die is up to you.
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See, that's the thing that always got me, non religious use the Christian God, assuming we all understand God the same. To me, God is more the universe than a white dude sitting in a chair judging people. God is me, God is you, God is the trees, Gid is just a word to describe existence, it's imperfect, it's fallible but it is love, it is one universal echo system.

And it's no secret Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, that's why I use the quote to show that man is complicated, but ideas, ideas can be perfect.

And to say all men aren't created equal is crazy to me. I worked with autistic kids that couldn't talk, but to me they are just as deserving of my love as normal kids were. People aren't created with equal stats, some rich, some poor, some smart, some dumb, some tall, some short, but we are all born deserving the same respect under the law and the same love from our peers.

Everyone is born equal,, in law and in the eyes of God(the universe) how you die is up to you.

I'm not using the Christian God, I'm using the example YOU gave me sir. No more, no less.

And naw, I just don't agree with the whole "all men are created equal" statement at all and I feel its far from a perfect declaration.

And great, I commend you for your work with autistic kids. And yes I agree they deserve the love and devotion that nueurotypical children receive from society. But the truth is they have a disability. High-functioning autistics and aspies might be able to function normally (hold down a 9-5, take care of themselves, go to college, even have relationships), but those with more severe forms of autism often are at the mercy of malicious caregivers once their parents pass away.

And that's the reality of human existence, we SHOULD all be afforded the same level of respect. But the truth is it doesn't work like that. We're not born equal, as ideal as that would be, it's just not a true statement.

Not sure if TJ's slaves would share his sentiment. Maybe they did when they considered their situation compared to slaves of other owners, but IDK. Think any of them said "hey wait, how come there aren't any white slaves."?
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I was born just as equal as any person on this planet. If anyone has a problem with that they can meet me on the block...
Yes. I guess it over my head because I don't understand how anyone is born better than anyone else. Like I said, some people have more advantages but as a person, whether you're deaf, dumb or lame, you deserve the same respect under God and country as everyone else. We sit under the same sky, we breath the same air....so I don't even see your point.
Yes. I guess it over my head because I don't understand how anyone is born better than anyone else. Like I said, some people have more advantages but as a person, whether you're deaf, dumb or lame, you deserve the same respect under God and country as everyone else. We sit under the same sky, we breath the same air....so I don't even see your point.

Again you're misrepresenting what I'm saying with your responses.

That's where it's over your head. I'm not saying anyone is better than x, y or z.

Back to your autistic comment.....

NOBODY is better than autistic children, but they have been born with a disability. Some are high-functioning, some aren't. And whose who aren't, cannot function in society normally. They're at the mercy of state caregivers once their family has either passed away or grown too old to care for that individual.

Never said neurotypical children are better than autistic or aspie children but society is much more geared for neurotypicals.

"All men created equal" is an IDEALISTIC statement. It sounds great, but in reality it isn't true. People are STILL born into servitude. South Asia has the highest concentration of modern slaves today. Those people are paid so little there is NO HOPE for upward mobility. Their kids aren't even in school. It's just a cycle of poverty.

So there, not everyone is born equal. Some people are given a better hand than others in this life. Some people are privileged, some people are born with disease, some people are born disabled.

So sorry, I'm not going to take an idealistic statement from a SLAVE OWNER in Thomas Jefferson and apply it to reality, because it's NOT REALISTIC. I respect everyone the same, but that doesn't improve that individual's situation.

Good for you to respect everyone the same as well, but again it doesn't change reality.
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Honestly...I don't understand what you mean. I get that people have disabimities, people are born into bondage, but does that mean they aren't equal as people before God? They aren't equal in the law? Like if they are able to get to a judge the judge would say 'nah b, you don't get protection because you were born with autism' 'Sorry mayne, you were born in bondage so you can't ever be free, you ain't equal.'

Like I seriously don't understand what you're saying, I don't understand how someone isn't equal, I just don't get it.

If man makes the laws of this world and man makes a law saying everyone is equal, how is everyone not equal?
People born in dire situations are still people, when you cut them they still bleed, they feel, they hurt, they love, the chains around their ankle doesn't change that.
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Honestly...I don't understand what you mean. I get that people have disabimities, people are born into bondage, but does that mean they aren't equal as people before God? They aren't equal in the law? Like if they are able to get to a judge the judge would say 'nah b, you don't get protection because you were born with autism' 'Sorry mayne, you were born in bondage so you can't ever be free, you ain't equal.'

Like I seriously don't understand what you're saying, I don't understand how someone isn't equal, I just don't get it.

I'm saying it's a crock of ********.

"All men are created equal", all have been endowed with the right to pursue "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", SOUNDS GREAT. But it's far from reality.

Idealistic, crock of ******** by guys who didn't even practice this sentiment. Women weren't allowed to vote and Blacks we're enslaved.

And even now people aren't afforded the same rights as their fellow man. Privilege, nepotism, money all play a part in how much freedom a man truly has.

Miss me with the idealistic BS. I'd love to live in the utopian, egalitarian society you're seemingly living in, cuz I don't see it. We ain't all equal. People have privilege over others.

We might be equal in front of GOD, but in the context our "founding fathers" were speaking on. These "unalienable rights" are alienated ALL THE TIME, STILL NOW.

And beyond just those fundamental rights, if we're talking God and religion. No, if you don't follow a certain religion, you might not be equal in the eyes of God. Hell according to a ton of Christians, since I don't view Christ as my Lord and savior I'm hellbound.

Equality right?
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I literally read the laws of this nation everyday, Im a young black make from the hood. I routinely talk to people from a lot if different countries, different socio economic status, different ages etc. I've read dozens of books on philosophy and politics. I disagree...well I just don't comprehend how person A =\= person B. I understand life more difficult for some people, I understand some people go through some terrible things...but they are all still people, no matter what happened to them, they still deserve the same dignity and respect as anyone else. It's not 'idealistic' it's how I live my life, it's how I view the world.

I'm guessing we live in different realities *kanye shrugs*
I literally read the laws of this nation everyday, Im a young black make from the hood. I routinely talk to people from a lot if different countries, different socio economic status, different ages etc. I've read dozens of books on philosophy and politics. I disagree...well I just don't comprehend how person A =\= person B. I understand life more difficult for some people, I understand some people go through some terrible things...but they are all still people, no matter what happened to them, they still deserve the same dignity and respect as anyone else. It's not 'idealistic' it's how I live my life, it's how I view the world.

I'm guessing we live in different realities *kanye shrugs*

:lol: K, again it's not about dignity and respect. That point I vehemently I agree with you.

But w/e, I've said my piece. If you can't see how people aren't created equal, aren't given the same hand in life, aren't afforded the same rights and privileges as others, well, IDK....

I guess I don't live in utopia, damn.....:frown:

Can I at least get a postcard my dude?
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one of you is talking about equality in terms of laws and rights, yes everyone should have the same rights 

the other is talking about equality in terms of natural ability, unfortunately not everyone is born a genius or with lebron james' body so naturally some people will be able to achieve more than the average man
just got home from taking money out of the jewish community in beverly hills...

luckyluchiano is going to wake up tomorrow, put on a big smile for his white managers and help them make more money.


EDIT: vol. the resentful house negro
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Buddhism spread through bloody conquests?

So now you're assuming this because of a video you found online that doesn't even support this claim?

You're wrong by the way. :rofl:

Buddhism was NEVER propagated through violence.



I can't speak for Hinduism but then again I never brought Hinduism up, my ancestors weren't Hindu, they were Buddhists. So again, I can't really speak on that.

For your resources you posted, there are counter retorts to it. Such as:

Professors Michael Jerryson and Mark
Juergensmeyer in the book Buddhist Warfare. Jerryson writes:

Violence is found in all religious traditions, and Buddhism is no exception. This may surprise those who think of Buddhism as a religion based solely on peace. Indeed, one of the principal reasons for producing this book was to address such a misconception. Within the various Buddhist traditions (which Trevor Ling describes as “Buddhisms”), there is a long history of violence. Since the inception of Buddhist traditions 2,500 years ago, there have been numerous individual and structural cases of prolonged Buddhist violence. [1]

Prof. Jerryson writes in Monks With Guns: Discovering Buddhist Violence of armed Buddhist monks in Thailand. He notes that the West’s romantic view of Buddhism shield(s) an extensive and historical dimension to Buddhist traditions: violence. Armed Buddhist monks in Thailand are not an exception to the rule; they are contemporary examples of a long historical precedence. For centuries monks have been at the helm, or armed in the ranks, of wars. How could this be the case? But more importantly, why did I (and many others) hold the belief that Buddhism=Peace (and that other religions, such as Islam, are more prone to violence)?
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Does anyone have any good books to recommend on blacks and their true history? Blacks have been through too much and have been told too many lies for something not to be hidden from us...
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