why do people drive drunk or buzzed??

Becasue they wanna get drunk or buzzed but still have to get home.
At least thats why i do
theres ur straight answer
Because cabs cost too much.

I don't drive when "drunk" tho but I have driven "buzzed." I never killed anyone either for the record.
Originally Posted by StreetZDreaM

Because Sometimes You Start Drinking Before You Find Out There Are Pills Across Town.

i ask bcuz my homie had a beer or two, went riding with a buncha people, wrecked killed a girl in the car
was locked up for about 5yrs..
and still drinks and drives..SMH
i wont do it again.

I never have driven drunk but just one or two drinks in me yea.

Not doing it again, just isn't smart and i have the worst luck with cops.
Many people kill people in accidents without drinking

I've done it cause I can handle my self
I'm not doing it again cause it's super illegal and I'm never going back to jail
Within his context, but means high. And with most people i know who do it, they don't want to crash for the night and also don't have a designated driver because everyone got $%^#faced.

Yeah, I see that now - buzzed means something different around here.

because they gotta get home.

sometimes you have no choice

Because a cab would cost $250 since I don't live in the city

Becasue they wanna get drunk or buzzed but still have to get home.

Convenience is the worst excuse for risking other peoples lives. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

There's rarely a good excuse to drive home drunk, call a cab, get a ride, crash the night where you are, do anything but get behind the wheel of a car.

That exactly the point.
i've driven home drunk once and will never do it again.
i had to get home no matter what. it was minus degree weather outside and i know i would've froze to death if i had stayed in my car overnight.
it was 3am and there wasn't alot of cars on the road. i took the long way home to avoid any possible traffic. i had my girlfriend in the car too. but shehad no driving permit and has never gotten behind the wheel in her life. she kept talking to me all the way home so i wouldn't fall asleep or passout. iguess i'm thankful for being able to be here today
the problem isnt people who drink and drive, its the people who dont know how to drive drunk.

jk its bad. really not worth it. i rarely drink anyway, and when i do its like a big event for me so im obv. not gonna have my car.
I did drove buzzed last night....but there was no way i was gonna let myself pass out there.
But i made it home safely, passing only one car on the road home; and it was a cop.
i have, or used to have, a couple of friends that like to drive WHILE drinking

stop sign? means nothing to them

red light? oh theyll stop, but then theyll look around, and go. even when theres people in the other lane right beside them

pedestrian? you better run...

i hope they get their licenses taken away
Gotta make it home.

If i drive drunk.. im not OD wasted and can manage the drive home... actually im FOCUSED on getting home safely.
Who doesn't? I do and think nothing of it. Im not sleeping in the street or in some parking lot because I had a couple beers.
my best friend died from driving drunk after seeing everyone at the funeral especially his parents i could never drink and drive
Originally Posted by Th3Ownly

my best friend died from driving drunk after seeing everyone at the funeral especially his parents i could never drink and drive

damn, rip

yea, everyone does it..still doesn't mean its right
when imma go out and drink, i always have a DD
i drive drunk or high all the time but it's because I have to go home to get sleep bcuz i always have school/work in the a.m. the only time i drive drunkthough is when i am very close to my house. meaning I dnt need to get on a highway. other than that I always got a designated driver 0or just sleep in my caruntil the a.m. loll
Originally Posted by kdwallace

because they gotta get home.
sometimes you have no choice
Because a cab would cost $250 since I don't live in the city
Becasue they wanna get drunk or buzzed but still have to get home.

Convenience is the worst excuse for risking other peoples lives. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

People put other people in jeopardy all the time for their own convenience. You probably done it yourself , its just we feel comfortable with our chances whenwe do it.

To answer the op, Its because the drunk drivers dont believe anyone will get hurt that night. Its more convenient to just drive and people are confident enoughwith their chances to do it. That confidence might stem from bad judgement as result from the alcohol but sometimes thats just what we tell ourselves to dodgethe guilt. That being said i dont condone or partake in drunk driving.
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