why do people drive drunk or buzzed??

When i get behind the wheel while buzzed/drunk, i sober up. As soon as i get home and get out of the car, i would be so drunk!
I can't ever comprehend this. My aunt was killed by her friend who was drunk driving.. crashed the car and he survived while she died.

I'm the first person to jump in line and get drunk and party, but if I have to drive, no way. I've been living in Austin since September and I'veonly been drunk once because we had a hotel. It sucks but my/my friends safety comes first before anything. Getting drunk isn't worth risking lives.
99% of the time we take cabs home. But I've driven drunk a million times, still i try my best to avoid it. I know this sounds cliche and stupid, but men my boys can drive perfectly fine drunk. U sober up behind the wheel.

The best advice I have is DON"T have your car at the club/bar!

And a lot of times people drive drunk when there is p_$$_ on the line... taking the breezy home, or meeting up at her spot after a late night

also, i know a lot of yall (us) have driven while drinking
which isntas bad IMO cuz that probably means ur still sober
me n my boys can drive perfectly fine drunk. U sober up behind the wheel.

you may have that intial "sobering up" moment...but you know damn well that...after a few minutes behind the wheel... you get into that drowsy stateagain.

forget the cognitive impairments...alcohol reduces your physiological reaction times....that alone is enough
I dont understand how people cant drive drunk? Thats just ******ed. I drove drunk plenty of times and I drove like i never had a drink before. Hell i drinkwhile i drive. Its a mental thing dont give me this stats and test they do about drinking impairs this impairs that its bullcrap. Dont believe the hype. (imnot saying do wat i do cause u not me)
I've driven buzzed and it's fine, aren't there studies that show that being sleep-deprived lowers coordination, reaction time, motor skills, etc.to the level they would be at after about 5 drinks?
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