Why do women call each other B's VOL. KIX4KIX VS DYILISH ROUND 2

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

^ word my bad, lets assume china or japan, since those are the only two countries dominated by asians. Go wash your face. Your avy is indeed tasteless. Go back to jjb where you belong
Wha---... Hm. Nevermind.

Y'all jokers in here trying to set me up.

How'd I acquire so many enemies?
And to think, all I ever wanted was to love you.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Whats so bad about that Mao guy? s

if im not mistaken hes like the asian hitler. Responsible for having alot of asians killed. Forgot which country. Dylishis is one of the worst jjb pickups we have here on NT. You can just tell shes uneducated, all jokes aside


goddamn, he got straight to the point
Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

^ word my bad, lets assume china or japan, since those are the only two countries dominated by asians. Go wash your face. Your avy is indeed tasteless. Go back to jjb where you belong
son told her to wash her face

Is there something brewing between these two that I don't know about...

Someone school me real quick, or link me to the thread where it started...

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

^ word my bad, lets assume china or japan, since those are the only two countries dominated by asians. Go wash your face. Your avy is indeed tasteless. Go back to jjb where you belong
son told her to wash her face
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen


Is there something brewing between these two that I don't know about...

Someone school me real quick, or link me to the thread where it started...


Spoiler [+]
it does say round ONE, right?


If it is in fact round one, then why would OP even label it as "Dirty vs Dyilish"-- almost as though these two have some antagonistic history,previously or still ongoing, with respect to the matter at hand.

Got ma popcorn and kool-aid ready all for nothing...

Back on topic, though. Once again its always us black ppl to call each other a negative word and mean it as positive. Its stupid. I hear girls all the time say"hi B" as if its endearing. Same for the N word. But they say I dont like myself because im embarrassed of my people..the irony
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen


Is there something brewing between these two that I don't know about...

Someone school me real quick, or link me to the thread where it started...


Spoiler [+]
it does say round ONE, right?


If it is in fact round one, then why would OP even label it as "Dirty vs Dyilish"-- almost as though these two have some antagonistic history, previously or still ongoing, with respect to the matter at hand.

Got ma popcorn and kool-aid ready all for nothing...


ahhh my friend...for the OP made an edit to the thread title once the battle between the two occurred
There's a distinction to be made between in-group and out-group that most are already familiar with. You can often get away with calling friends andfamily members an insulting name because a shared understanding exists between you. If I, on the other hand, attempt to use this same insult as an outsider -even if I do so within moments of your invoking the term - it's far more likely to be interpreted as offensive or, at the very least, presumptuous. Itsuse assumes a familiarity and connection that does not yet exist. You might tease a significant other by calling him or her stupid, but odds are youwouldn't allow a stranger to refer to them that way.

The irony of in-group/out-group with regard to otherwise offensive terms referring to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, belief, etc. is the discomfort itcreates for privileged groups. In a sexist, androcentric society, men are privileged. They're the social default.

You may have been exposed to the "doctor riddle," the typical response to which often proves this point:
"A young boy and his father were out playing football when they were caught at the bottom of a giant pileup. Both were injured and rushed to the hospital. They were wheeled into separate operating rooms and two doctors prepped up to work on them, one doctor for each patient. The doctor operating on the father got started right away, but the doctor assigned to the young boy stared at him in surprise. "I can´t operate on him!" the doctor exclaimed to the staff. "That child is my son!"

How can that be?"
People tend to come up with incredibly convoluted answers, ripped from soap opera scripts and cheap novels.

For men to feel as though they're not allowed to use a term that women can places them in the unfamiliar role of the outsider. It seems to be thisdiscomfort that so upsets Whites about their sudden inability to get away with using racial slurs. What was, once, a symbol of their power has become publiclycontested territory as historically nondominant groups claim their right to self-definition and self-determination.

You may think it's wrong for Fred Sanford to call his son a dummy, but 1) obviously that doesn't give you the right to do it and 2) it's not yourdecision.

This is not to say that all or even most women would be fine with a woman they don't know referring to them - or any woman - by a term that has so longdegraded women - far from it. Calling it a "double standard," though, is inaccurate. It's about choice, and the whole point is that it is NOT,in this case, a man's choice to make.
"A young boy and his father were out playing football when they were caught at the bottom of a giant pileup. Both were injured and rushed to the hospital. They were wheeled into separate operating rooms and two doctors prepped up to work on them, one doctor for each patient. The doctor operating on the father got started right away, but the doctor assigned to the young boy stared at him in surprise. "I can´t operate on him!" the doctor exclaimed to the staff. "That child is my son!"

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Huh?[/color]
Why does anyone use terms of endearment, regardless of the word or it's meaning? Now that I think about it, I call my friends "girlie" a lot.Why, I dunno. Just do.
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