Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Do you know how molecules just randomly coagulate? 
Then form lipid membranes? Hydrophobic tails with hydrophilic heads on lipids?

What/Who gave them the instructions to coagulate and proliferate?
This is the problem here.
What do you mean by "instructions?" 

You have to abstract your thinking to realize that what you mean by "blueprint" may not actually exist... granted we are still learning about how things work, but to say that there is a "plan" isn't really accurate. Sometimes things are more favored than other things in terms of energetic conformation. Not everything goes the way we think it should. Its better to OBSERVE than to EXPECT. That way you don't allow your bias to interfere with what occurs and you can actually make accurate conclusions that don't sway data collection.

When we talk about energy, there is a particular confirmation of the orientation of an item that is favored. It tends to be the state of the lowest energy. For example, things like phospholipids... 

They have long hydrophobic tails... when placed in water, the tails are not polar like the water molecules and thus try to escape their unfavorable state. They can't mix very well...so what the hydrophobic tails do is they find other hydrophobic items and try to stick together... thus what happens is a bunch of hydrophobic tails end up facing each other and form a spherical object that resembles a micelle. Its a single layer of phospholipids with long hydrophobic tails that face inwards and polar hydrophilic tails that stick outwards towards the polar water environment. If you try to disrupt that sphere they've made tehy just try to form the micelle again...When you use detergent, it uses long hydrophobic molecules to break up these lipids tails and has heavily polar heads that mix with water and thus get washed away...for example...

Every thing likes to be in its lowest energy state...thats why certain enzymes have particular conformations...if you add an amino acid or remove one the whole shape is thrown off because the interaction of the underlying molecules and structures are out of sync and thus the structure as a whole can't stand.

You ask what created energy? I don't know... I really don't. But to assert things involve "instructions" isn't an analogous  or accurate portrayal of these situations. It implies some sort of designer...when in fact you have no more reason to assert that than for you WANT there to be one. 

When we talk about cells and embryology and how they get signals to proliferate and move to certain areas or how the immune system works you're talking about chemotaxis and extracellular signaling...i suggest for that you look into a microbiology course...this is somewhat moving the discussion into another topic.

To assert that things have a purpose doesn't make it more true. Things exist as far as we know only because they do. We have a way of thinking that wants us to be able to say we know everything...and there is nothing wrong with that...the problem is incorrectly or unjustifiably making assertions based on no evidence and then moving forward and building on a series of unverified claims.

I hate to quote this but its so true "god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" ...Whether or not you believe in a god, society has to move towards understanding the extent of our knowledge and what we can actually know verifiably...this is the study of epistemology. 

You have no clue of what you are talking about. Seriously, no clue.

I have a Doctorate in Health Sciences and a Masters of Medical Sciences. I have taken every class you can think of RE: Embryology, molecular biology, physiology, pathology, ect. I have done vast research on stem cells and even helped MDs write published work.

Everything in your body has instructions, if it doesn't it is because of some sort of pathology. They don't happen because as you say:

Things exist as far as we know only because they do.

This is ridiculous. I adjunct for my alma mater in some semesters, if a student gave me a research paper with this to explain the inflammatory process or proliferation of neoplasms would automatically fail and I wouldn't even waste my time to give you an explanation.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by rashi

What/Who gave them the instructions to coagulate and proliferate?
This is the problem here.
What do you mean by "instructions?" 

You have to abstract your thinking to realize that what you mean by "blueprint" may not actually exist... granted we are still learning about how things work, but to say that there is a "plan" isn't really accurate. Sometimes things are more favored than other things in terms of energetic conformation. Not everything goes the way we think it should. Its better to OBSERVE than to EXPECT. That way you don't allow your bias to interfere with what occurs and you can actually make accurate conclusions that don't sway data collection.

When we talk about energy, there is a particular confirmation of the orientation of an item that is favored. It tends to be the state of the lowest energy. For example, things like phospholipids... 

They have long hydrophobic tails... when placed in water, the tails are not polar like the water molecules and thus try to escape their unfavorable state. They can't mix very well...so what the hydrophobic tails do is they find other hydrophobic items and try to stick together... thus what happens is a bunch of hydrophobic tails end up facing each other and form a spherical object that resembles a micelle. Its a single layer of phospholipids with long hydrophobic tails that face inwards and polar hydrophilic tails that stick outwards towards the polar water environment. If you try to disrupt that sphere they've made tehy just try to form the micelle again...When you use detergent, it uses long hydrophobic molecules to break up these lipids tails and has heavily polar heads that mix with water and thus get washed away...for example...

Every thing likes to be in its lowest energy state...thats why certain enzymes have particular conformations...if you add an amino acid or remove one the whole shape is thrown off because the interaction of the underlying molecules and structures are out of sync and thus the structure as a whole can't stand.

You ask what created energy? I don't know... I really don't. But to assert things involve "instructions" isn't an analogous  or accurate portrayal of these situations. It implies some sort of designer...when in fact you have no more reason to assert that than for you WANT there to be one. 

When we talk about cells and embryology and how they get signals to proliferate and move to certain areas or how the immune system works you're talking about chemotaxis and extracellular signaling...i suggest for that you look into a microbiology course...this is somewhat moving the discussion into another topic.

To assert that things have a purpose doesn't make it more true. Things exist as far as we know only because they do. We have a way of thinking that wants us to be able to say we know everything...and there is nothing wrong with that...the problem is incorrectly or unjustifiably making assertions based on no evidence and then moving forward and building on a series of unverified claims.

I hate to quote this but its so true "god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" ...Whether or not you believe in a god, society has to move towards understanding the extent of our knowledge and what we can actually know verifiably...this is the study of epistemology. 

You have no clue of what you are talking about. Seriously, no clue.

I have a Doctorate in Health Sciences and a Masters of Medical Sciences. I have taken every class you can think of RE: Embryology, molecular biology, physiology, pathology, ect. I have done vast research on stem cells and even helped MDs write published work.

Everything in your body has instructions, if it doesn't it is because of some sort of pathology. They don't happen because as you say:

Things exist as far as we know only because they do.

This is ridiculous. I adjunct for my alma mater in some semesters, if a student gave me a research paper with this to explain the inflammatory process or proliferation of neoplasms would automatically fail and I wouldn't even waste my time to give you an explanation.

Well you have no clue as I have a background in neuroscience, work in a lab at my local medical school and am trying to get interviews soon...
Anton is in med school. 

Whats your point? It doesn't matter what you do.

I work under doctors who are more involved in church than their own families.

That doesn't mean the "god" concept makes sense to everyone.

Throwing around what you do for a living doesn't shield you from thinking rationally or making good decisions. It just means you stayed in school longer than anyone else. There are people making more money than you who dropped out of high school. Are they smarter than you?

Your credentials mean nothing to this discussion.

You asked a question that made you look silly and you started to pull cards out of your wallet.

keep them. 

You asked the utterly baseless and vague question: "Why do things have instructions to coagulate and proliferate?"

I already said "i don't know" but a prevailing theory relates to their favored energetic confirmation in various materials. I really don't know. I've conceded that, but for you to attempt to bait me in a discussion focused on IF there is a god, doesn't A. justify any reasonable proof for the existence of a god or B. make your argument any more relevant to any other topics being discussed.

If you want to phrase your questions like a middle schooler using such poor language in relation to matter and biological substances as "instructions" knowing damn well what you SHOULD say instead of as the PhD you claim to be, then go ahead. Just don't expect someone to respect you any than you demand that they do. 

This dude wants my immunology notes in a god discussion. I made an example for laymen purposes and you started thinking you had weight. 

Get out of here with that. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1


Intelligence, adaption, survival. Love, hate and co-existence. All of these things are inevitable. There are very simple laws in this Universe that are not relating to physics.
Those things aren't "inevitable"....what are you talking about?
Originally Posted by buggz05

When you think of everything in the Universe as a collective existence, the memory of that complete existence is equal to a One Whole God. The Will of God is Inevitable.

I'm not even trolling...but what are you talking about? 

Could you break down your argument or introduce a parallel one for me to think about? No more one liners...i'm not following. I'm trying here. 
My point exactly.
Physics - energy never dies. Any form of life or intelligence will always push to survive and evolve. We are a perfect example. Regardless of whether we evolved from bacteria out of water, or whether aliens juiced up our DNA or whether God designed a human. In whichever scenario, there was a WILL to expand.

Wave physics - there is always a positive and a negative in wave physics. The tide of the ocean rushes upon the beach and then it falls back. Everything in existence is made out of a wave form, i.e. vocal communication is a vibration of vocal chords. Thoughts in your brain are very small sparks/spikes of electrovolts running through your nervous system similar to a computer. Computer data AKA binary code is either ON or OFF, 1 or 0. Matter is classified into solid, liquid, or gas depending on how fast the particles are vibrating.  So - Love, Hate. It is inevitable. You cannot have one without the other. You cannot have supporters without naysayers. How would you even know if you were supporting something if you had absolutely no idea that someone else out there disagreed?

Now place yourself at the "end of time". Reminisce upon everything that ever happened since the beginning of time throughout the entire Universe. Think of those infinite happenings as one entire existence (except think of it all as a timeless instance) and call that being the "One". Anything that had happened, or will happen is...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Buggz what the hell are you talking about? What point are you trying to make?

What point is there to make?
It's Boolean Logic. Where does it lead you? 

It's like math, some people are naturals at it and some people have to figure out the answer by sitting down and using the right tools. I can't do your homework. You have to use your own pen and pad.


If by "What point are you trying to make?" you mean which side "are you arguing for?", then please just re-read it. If you can't figure out which side I am arguing for, then just consider it logical to all sides.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Buggz what the hell are you talking about? What point are you trying to make?

What point is there to make?
It's Boolean Logic. Where does it lead you? 

It's like math, some people are naturals at it and some people have to figure out the answer by sitting down and using the right tools. I can't do your homework. You have to use your own pen and pad.

[2pac] Does heaven got an NT? [/2pac]

bur nerit ner bur ner ner bur nerit ner bur ner ner
I wonder though... is it those who believe in religion that are trapped in a box, or is it those who believe in science?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I wonder though... is it those who believe in religion that are trapped in a box, or is it those who believe in science?
Or is it those who package their beliefs into boxes ??
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I wonder though... is it those who believe in religion that are trapped in a box, or is it those who believe in science?
Or is it those who package their beliefs into boxes ??
I don't know why but your responses are cracking me up
you cant prove that there is a god and you cant prove that there isent...both sides are just speculation.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I wonder though... is it those who believe in religion that are trapped in a box, or is it those who believe in science?
Or is it those who package their beliefs into boxes ??
I don't know why but your responses are cracking me up
That's because it's all a joke. You either laugh or you get offended.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by buggz05

Or is it those who package their beliefs into boxes ??
I don't know why but your responses are cracking me up
That's because it's all a joke. You either laugh or you get offended.

You're so consistent with it, I'm literally choking of laughter right now-Every single one of your responses is vague and ambiguous
I dunno if you're doing it on purpose?
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

What makes you believe that a god exists?  The question is geared toward anyone that believes in a god.

Why do I care whether you believe or not?  Answer:  I don't.   I just want to know why you believe. 

If the basis for your beliefs can be scientifically explained or falsified with facts,  I won't be holding back any information.

Let me be clear, I believe in God, not religion. I think there's a big difference.

I don't really think there's a person in the sky judging us and keeping us in line. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe that something could have created this universe.
I believe in God because there are things that humans just can't and may never be able to explain. I feel like atheists are set on the idea that religion created God and they never explore the idea that God and religion have nothing to do with each other. So atheists believe that science disproving religion is adequate enough to come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. Atheists wager that everything can be explained by a series of experiments and yet there's a huge gray area that is still left for exploration (our consciousness for instance). I believe the existence of God sits somewhere in that enormous gray area.

God could have started the big bang like lighting a firecracker and we wouldn't even know the difference today (not saying I believe that actually happened). In short, I think religions inaccurately portray God. That doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

so the question you end up asking yourself is whether you think everything is the way it is as a result of a spontaneous coincidence or a purpose. I think the latter makes more sense to me. I guess you can call me agnostic if you want.
Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

What makes you believe that a god exists?  The question is geared toward anyone that believes in a god.

Why do I care whether you believe or not?  Answer:  I don't.   I just want to know why you believe. 

If the basis for your beliefs can be scientifically explained or falsified with facts,  I won't be holding back any information.

Let me be clear, I believe in God, not religion. I think there's a big difference.

I don't really think there's a person in the sky judging us and keeping us in line. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe that something could have created this universe.
I believe in God because there are things that humans just can't and may never be able to explain. I feel like atheists are set on the idea that religion created God and they never explore the idea that God and religion have nothing to do with each other. So atheists believe that science disproving religion is adequate enough to come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. Atheists wager that everything can be explained by a series of experiments and yet there's a huge gray area that is still left for exploration (our consciousness for instance). I believe the existence of God sits somewhere in that enormous gray area.

God could have started the big bang like lighting a firecracker and we wouldn't even know the difference today (not saying I believe that actually happened). In short, I think religions inaccurately portray God. That doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

so the question you end up asking yourself is whether you think everything is the way it is as a result of a spontaneous coincidence or a purpose. I think the latter makes more sense.

I share a lot of ur beliefs with a few major exceptions

-I don't call whatever "created" us, a God-As humans we create and manipulate things, technically we are Gods to lesser forms of life
-I will never try to characterize what "God" and try to pass it off as fact
-What you consider God may in fact have a God itself, something to think about
And religion has FAR more grey area, contradictions, double standards, and inconsistency than science. In fact, religion is pretty much all grey area.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Chrisphreezy

My Two Cents.

My belief is based off faith. Believing in something you can't see. I've read the Bible before i even started believing and to this day it has never been wrong. I've seen and felt things and gotten through things that would have been impossible to do alone. I remember when i first began believing, I felt his presence
. Before that moment i always had doubts, but from that point i've always felt him inside of me.

In this world, he's the only thing to give a %$+%! hope to survive and keep going. I didn't get here on my own. I can't walk around and do these things I do by myself. And nah I don't have scientific physical evidence that he exists, that's why my relationship with him is based off faith. And although things get tough, no matter what, I never worry, and I never lose faith.

No offense but the bible is similar to people who do mind-reading. Its an abstract book that people use to think that it directly applies to them. Thats why prophecy is such a crock. Its so abstract that it will always tend to be true at some point or another.

I suggest you look into the Forer Effect. They studied people who read random horoscopes and thought they applied to them but later found out it was mostly incorrect because it applied to another zodiac sign. Its basically if you give people enough information about something they'll look at it and think it always applies to them in some way of fashion. It exposes our ability to be biased to ourselves. Thats why I call religion and spirituality a very narcissistic entity. Its always about ME, MYSELF, and I. 

You're trusting in a book that has been re-written, edited, plagarized, re-translated, and revamped over a period of 1600 years with unidentifiable authors with contradictions and inaccurate timelines. The earliest book in the bible was written no sooner than 70 years after the supposed events in the bible took place. You would think that biblical scholars would try to push the number even closer just to solidify their claims. They can't. Entire books are missing components that were clearly added later to fulfill "prophecy" in much of the same way that people write the conclusion first and then the story. Biblical scholars have backtracked year after year about the veracity of the claims as well as certain stories. 

Exodus didn't happen. Most Jewish Rabbis agree on this. 

When modern day israel was made the academics there had the largest license in the history of the world to archeologically verify the claims of the bible. What did they find? Nothing. They had access to all of the land and all of the mythology. Nothing checked out. 

Do you know why your bible doesn't include all books? 

Do you know why your bible has VERSION on the side? 

Did you know King James was openly homosexual? 

Did you know that the notion of the Trinity was created 300 years after the supposed events in the bible? 

Did you know the popular face of "jesus" is Cesare Borgia, the son of one of the most controversial pope's in papal history...Showtime has a show called the Borgias about the very guy... 

Did you know that even with respect to some of the most revered stories in the bible the details like the resurrection, the revisiting of jesus, the stories of major wars, and even historical figures are inconsistent with other parts of the bible? 

Did you know even entire chapters were written by SEVERAL people? Indicating forgery? 

If a new chapter of the bible was discovered today, would you accept it? 

I always wonder why people that have doubts don't act on them... it never makes sense to me... sometimes when things don't make sense, they tend to not be reasonable in the end. overlooking doubt is never a good thing. What about all those times you had a feeling something was wrong and it ended up being true? On the same coin what if you thought something was off but you checked and it was alright all along? Then thats even better...because now you're sure. 

To me it seems like its a coping mechanism to deal with the uncertainty in life. To feel like someone is in your corner. Its similar to the fight music people play before they enter the ring...or how they psych themselves up before doing something they're unsure of the outcome with...its a means of making you feel like you're never alone. It gives you motivation by reading the happy parts...the parts that make you feel like you can do anything. ...and I'm not knocking that...motivation is an amazing tool of mental solidarity...it inspires us...but the claims of the bible just aren't true. If the claims of the bible ARE true however, then those of Judaism and Islam are true...because they involve the same characters in the same context. You have to do your history to separate the inspiration from the fact. The divinity of the book is falsity and can not be proven or even reasonably justified.

Do you know where I look to for motivation? Myself. I know I'm ultimately responsible for my successes and my failures. I have no one to blame but ME. I make it happen. There are those around me that happen but I've got to put in the groundwork to see it through. It doesn't work for everyone...the reformed %+%$@! thinks she needs some guidance of a single body so she goes to church....the old drug user thinks that believing in someone who never "judges" them makes them feel welcome...the closeted gay man has been told being gay is wrong so he clings to the notion that he can pray the gay away because he wants to be straight SO bad... Its all wishful thinking. True change comes from YOURSELF...not from others and definitely not from some mystical entity. 

Its all in the mind. Look to inspire yourself and you'll see how much more purpose and meaning you can give your life. 

If you define your purpose as the serving of something you just have "faith" in then what else can't you believe in? You're literally subject to be told anything. I know this is the only life I get. You don't think ants or pigs or elephants go to heaven do you? Hitler was a christian...does he go to heaven? Citing that then since this is the ONLY shot i've got, I've got to make it count. I've got to make the most out of it and learn to live my life as best as I can and to make it easier for all of us to make it enjoyable while where on this tiny speck of dust called earth. Knowing that THIS IS IT makes anything you do with life YOUR PURPOSE. Whatever you choose to do is what YOU ARE TO SOCIETY. If you're not happy then move up or down...just know that YOU are in control...not some higher power who swoops in to take credit for YOUR work. 
I read everything you wrote. I'm set in my ways and nothing can change that. I'm not sure if your trying to change my mind or just share your opinion, there's no hard feelings on this end.  I'm just saying, no matter what logic is thrown at me, what anybody tells me, I know what I felt and feel to this day, in my heart. No theory in psychology can justify my relationship with God to be faulty. Nothing can change this. The fact that God exists isn't an opinion of mine so whether other's believe it or not won't change that. So, if you believe me to be a fool, allow me to be a fool. Because life couldn't get any better for me honestly.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by megachamploo

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

What makes you believe that a god exists?  The question is geared toward anyone that believes in a god.

Why do I care whether you believe or not?  Answer:  I don't.   I just want to know why you believe. 

If the basis for your beliefs can be scientifically explained or falsified with facts,  I won't be holding back any information.

Let me be clear, I believe in God, not religion. I think there's a big difference.

I don't really think there's a person in the sky judging us and keeping us in line. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe that something could have created this universe.
I believe in God because there are things that humans just can't and may never be able to explain. I feel like atheists are set on the idea that religion created God and they never explore the idea that God and religion have nothing to do with each other. So atheists believe that science disproving religion is adequate enough to come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. Atheists wager that everything can be explained by a series of experiments and yet there's a huge gray area that is still left for exploration (our consciousness for instance). I believe the existence of God sits somewhere in that enormous gray area.

God could have started the big bang like lighting a firecracker and we wouldn't even know the difference today (not saying I believe that actually happened). In short, I think religions inaccurately portray God. That doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

so the question you end up asking yourself is whether you think everything is the way it is as a result of a spontaneous coincidence or a purpose. I think the latter makes more sense.

I share a lot of ur beliefs with a few major exceptions

-I don't call whatever "created" us, a God-As humans we create and manipulate things, technically we are Gods to lesser forms of life
-I will never try to characterize what "God" and try to pass it off as fact
-What you consider God may in fact have a God itself, something to think about
I see what you're saying. But just because I didn't mention those things you listed doesn't mean I don't feel that way. I think it would take a lot of me to explain my thoughts exactly as I feel. I use the term God as an umbrella word for all the explanations for our existence that don't fit the beliefs of the atheists (a mere physical coincidence). God for me doesn't necessarily mean that some entity decided to just make us and act as a supreme being. I think the truth is a lot more complicated than we can imagine.

I guess when I say that I believe in God, I mean I don't believe that we exist as just a coincidence. Our cellular processes exist with reason and I think we do too, just on a larger scale. Then again believing just means standing by what you think is most likely. I wouldn't call any of it fact. With the amount of evidence that Atheists have, they can also only believe. There are some atheists that think they know the truth. Those are the ones I try to avoid.
Originally Posted by Male Order Groom

And religion has FAR more grey area, contradictions, double standards, and inconsistency than science. In fact, religion is pretty much all grey area.

For the most part they all have their own agenda. Anything that is controlled by humans will have mistakes.
AntonLaVey wrote:
megachamploo wrote:
NikeAirForce1 wrote:
What makes you believe that a god exists?  The question is geared toward anyone that believes in a god.

Why do I care whether you believe or not?  Answer:  I don't.   I just want to know why you believe.  

If the basis for your beliefs can be scientifically explained or falsified with facts,  I won't be holding back any information.

Let me be clear, I believe in God, not religion. I think there's a big difference. 

I don't really think there's a person in the sky judging us and keeping us in line. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe that something could have created this universe. 
I believe in God because there are things that humans just can't and may never be able to explain. I feel like atheists are set on the idea that religion created God and they never explore the idea that God and religion have nothing to do with each other. So atheists believe that science disproving religion is adequate enough to come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. Atheists wager that everything can be explained by a series of experiments and yet there's a huge gray area that is still left for exploration (our consciousness for instance). I believe the existence of God sits somewhere in that enormous gray area. 

God could have started the big bang like lighting a firecracker and we wouldn't even know the difference today (not saying I believe that actually happened). In short, I think religions inaccurately portray God. That doesn't mean he doesn't exist. 

so the question you end up asking yourself is whether you think everything is the way it is as a result of a spontaneous coincidence or a purpose. I think the latter makes more sense. 

I share a lot of ur beliefs with a few major exceptions

-I don't call whatever "created" us, a God-As humans we create and manipulate things, technically we are Gods to lesser forms of life
-I will never try to characterize what "God" and try to pass it off as fact
-What you consider God may in fact have a God itself, something to think about

Mi comprende amigo. Consider: IF you consider "God is one, God is all" then wouldn't that include yourself?

Call me a self-centered %*%*+@+ but I don't pay much attention to facts. Life is what you make it. For all I know this could all be a dream and none of this could be real. When I die, and hypothetically nothing happens and I cease to exist, then it all was nothing anyway. That basketball didn't bounce and it's color wasn't orange, because I don't exist.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Male Order Groom

And religion has FAR more grey area, contradictions, double standards, and inconsistency than science. In fact, religion is pretty much all grey area.

For the most part they all have their own agenda. Anything that is controlled by humans will have mistakes.
AntonLaVey wrote:
megachamploo wrote:
Let me be clear, I believe in God, not religion. I think there's a big difference. 

I don't really think there's a person in the sky judging us and keeping us in line. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe that something could have created this universe. 
I believe in God because there are things that humans just can't and may never be able to explain. I feel like atheists are set on the idea that religion created God and they never explore the idea that God and religion have nothing to do with each other. So atheists believe that science disproving religion is adequate enough to come to the conclusion that God doesn't exist. Atheists wager that everything can be explained by a series of experiments and yet there's a huge gray area that is still left for exploration (our consciousness for instance). I believe the existence of God sits somewhere in that enormous gray area. 

God could have started the big bang like lighting a firecracker and we wouldn't even know the difference today (not saying I believe that actually happened). In short, I think religions inaccurately portray God. That doesn't mean he doesn't exist. 

so the question you end up asking yourself is whether you think everything is the way it is as a result of a spontaneous coincidence or a purpose. I think the latter makes more sense. 

Mi comprende amigo. Consider: IF you consider "God is one, God is all" then wouldn't that include yourself?

Call me a self-centered %*%*+@+ but I don't pay much attention to facts. Life is what you make it. For all I know this could all be a dream and none of this could be real. When I die, and hypothetically nothing happens and I cease to exist, then it all was nothing anyway. That basketball didn't bounce and it's color wasn't orange, because I don't exist.

Um I mentioned several times in this thread that human beings are Gods, it isn't self centered for you to feel that way

The dream theory is equally plausible-Really puts how little we know as human beings in perspective don't it?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What evidence do I need other than the evidence I live everyday? History has already prevailed over all your precious empirical science. 
So your denying that everything in the universe has a particular function? How does that make sense? For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. These are physical truths. 

I don't have to back +@+@ up to you. because you back me up by saying your an atheist.  So what can really be proved? Math is applied to our lives but what does it prove us?
I'm going to have to try to sift through this nonsense.

History has prevailed over empirical science? What the hell are you even talking about? That's like saying music has prevailed over biology. You literally make zero sense here.

Yes, if you read what I wrote, I am denying that because stating that something has a "function" implies that it was designed for a specific purpose. Yeah, I'm aware of Newtonian physics. Newtonian physics has nothing to do with whether the universe was designed or not.

Oh, okay. You can just mindlessly state absolute garbage because I'm an atheist and you're sitting up there on your high horse. Gotcha. Don't discuss here then. It's pretty clear that you make absolutely no sense.
You sound Asian. 

You don't understand what I'm talking about because you haven't made any adequate historical inquires to the state of contemporary culture. 

Enlighten him Jesus
Aside from his name, how the hell does somebody SOUND Asian?

People like BSmooth give religious people a bad name
I think a lot of my beef with religion stems from the fact that I have an idealistic view of what a religious person is supposed to be, that's why that Gandhi quote resonates so much with me-You can't be a horrible, ignorant human being and tell me how your religion makes you a better person
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