Wife qualities?

Aug 12, 2013
[COLOR=#red]*WARNING*[/COLOR] Before the "I will never get married" posters come in here...This doesn't have to be your actual wife. Can be your main, wifey, bay, or whatever else you want to call it if you never plan to actually get married. It's completely understood that you can make a compelling argument against marriage, or that you are too alpha to settle down. This is not the thread for those arguments. [COLOR=#red]*WARNING*[/COLOR]

So after seeing Draya's Father Day plate of struggle in the Fools thread, and seeing how she has a 587 page thread on NT dedicated to her I started thinking about how much emphasis men are putting on looks compared to other qualities. I understand if you just want to smash based on appearance but after smashing a hot chick a few times, if she sucks as a person, it gets old. So what qualities besides looking good does your potential wife need to have? I'll start with a few (in no order)...

  • Good relationship with her parents
  • Ability to cook well (by this I mean no microwavable/pre-packaged food; composing a meal using raw ingredients)
  • Minimal presence on social media
  • College educated
  • Make at least $50k a year
  • Hasn't had kids yet

I'll try to think of more...
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I'll add just one:

* Hasn't been addicted to a drug/alcohol

I can deal with casual use of :smokin and liquor.

I dealt with this one chick in college and she was a great chick. She just depended on drugs for a lot of high school and it really ****** with her head.
Couldn't invest/deal with her like that after she kept relapsing. :smh:
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Good luck getting married trying to search for all that. All I need is someone faithful and cute
Drive/Goals/Ambition/Passion - Doesn't have to be anything major either. Just care about something relatively meaningful.

Financial Responsibility - Bills and Savings before "balling out"

Independence - Couples should compliment each other, not "complete" one another.

Friendship - My girlfriend now was my friend before and continues to be my friend now. She's still the same person even after I cuffed her. She does have her "girlfriend" moments but that's to be expected. :lol:
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Good credit.

Educated. Not necessarily in college, but smart. And willing to learn more every day.

Ability to cook as well as or better than myself.

Logic. Logic. Logic. Logic. Cannot stress this one enough. None of that unicorn logic "I'm a girl though" ****.

No gag reflex, or interest in learning how to stop it.

NO social media.

Good relationship with both parents, or at least her dad.

No need for children. I have one already. If she has one, I'm good with that, but I'm not going through the baby phase again.

Watch sports with me :smokin
50k annually ain't enough IMO. I ain't wifing a chick making less than 80k, unless the *** real fat and pum pum taste like sugar.

Other expectations:
-cook/clean/watch the kids
-fulfill the lyrics of "I need a hot girl"
-can't expect me to ksteezy her
Inspirational- must be able to push you to that next level for your goals
Humble- just because you can't afford certain things or activities, doesn't mean she can't enjoy what you guys can afford
Compliment- if you cannot get something don, then she can
Loyal- even if you are wrong in a social setting, she should ride out with you on that wrong in public by all means
o yea

body has to be above avg. mine is so yea i need a chick who is about that gym life/eating good
50k annually ain't enough IMO. I ain't wifing a chick making less than 80k, unless the *** real fat and pum pum taste like sugar.

Other expectations:
-cook/clean/watch the kids
-fulfill the lyrics of "I need a hot girl"
-can't expect me to ksteezy her

yessss :smokin
a great mother to my children
A productive person in society
Passionate about something
Funny/ smart/ witty
Attractive to me at least
Gets down like a softcore pron star
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a great mother to my children
A productive person in society
Passionate about something
Funny/ smart/ witty
Attractive to me at least
Gets down like a pron star

Does this mean has the same religion as you? Or is just religious in general?
Does this mean has the same religion as you? Or is just religious in general?
I would prefer for her to have the same religion. But if she had a great connection with a higher entity/ god. I would be happy with that as well.
good luck

In islam a wife is actually supposed to get down for her husband. I just cant go to the back door or slide in when her aunt comes to town. besides that anything is a go.


Ride or die

Can watch sports with

Not afraid to put me in check in a respectful manner(not around people or in public)

Can cook

And is down to do whatever i want to do whenever i feel like it
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