wiki leaks : ufo war + 4D dimisonal Ufo on video

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by G14

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

They could be amongst us if they had the technology to get here, without anyone knowing. *%%% they could be writing in this thread and trolling just to distract us.


& devildog1776

you right sooner than you know

china has something to tell the world first

G14 you got too much time on your hands son. why dont you answer this.... if aliens are so advanced why the %*%# wont they leave poor cows alone?? I mean they are cows that give us deliscious why pick on a poor defenseless cow? Ill tell you why because they are %%$!$!+ cowards. I swear if i ever see an alien i am @$*@! slapping that mother #$@+%#. I stand by the cows of earth!

this is a theory i heard

if the ere to be a catastrophy of some sort like a earthquake and ppl suffered serious injuries and loss alot of blood, medics would use cow blood because its the closest to human blood

et's just mutilate cows for their blood to use for experiments instead of mutilating us
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