Will you vote for Resident Obama in 2012?

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Presidential elections are always a lesser of two evils vote...
so lets see who the other candidates are 1st

You are still voting for EVIL.


Best avy ever.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by E3LAL

Originally Posted by Essential1

at least look at the news once a month before you ask a stupid question..

As for the original question... yes...  begrudgingly...

But even though I'm in NY and my vote means squat because he will carry my state.. I need to do whatever I legally can to make sure one of these current batch of republicans don't become president.
Please tell me what he has done that he promised?  He only got the gay/military issue done, but that is about it.
We voted in a liberal and got a conservative

Credit Card Bill of Rights
Health Care Reform (like or dislike it, Democrat after Democrat has failed with it)
Student Loan Reform
Expanded Hate Crimes Bill
Start Treaty
Withdrawal of Combat Troops in Iraq
Equal Pay Laws
Funding Stem Cell Research
New Hate Crimes Bill
College Loan Reforms
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Increased funding in NASA
Head Start Program for Public Schooling
Diplomacy toward Middle East/Central Asia countries
Lifted some economic restrictions that were placed on Cuba during the Cold War, which also allowed people to visit their families
Consumer Protection Bureau
Extended benefits to same-sex couples that traditionally were only offered to heterosexual couples
Increased requirements on fuel economy for car manufacturers by 2016
Children's Health Reauthorization Act
Increased funding for scientific research and development through the stimulus
Cuts to defense budget (on the recomendation of Sec. Gates)
Expansion of Medicare (requirements now include those up to 133% above federal poverty level)

I may think he acts like a push over, and acts Center Right, but at the same time, I am not foolish enough to say he hasn't done anything he promised.


- not to nitpick but a few of those were repeated.
........one of the most important things Obama has done/is doing that benefits EVERYONE most people dont even know about is the proposed re-enactment of the Glass-Steagall Act and signing the Dodd-Frank Act into law.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by E3LAL

Originally Posted by Essential1

at least look at the news once a month before you ask a stupid question..

As for the original question... yes...  begrudgingly...

But even though I'm in NY and my vote means squat because he will carry my state.. I need to do whatever I legally can to make sure one of these current batch of republicans don't become president.
Please tell me what he has done that he promised?  He only got the gay/military issue done, but that is about it.
We voted in a liberal and got a conservative

Credit Card Bill of Rights
Health Care Reform (like or dislike it, Democrat after Democrat has failed with it)
Student Loan Reform
Expanded Hate Crimes Bill
Start Treaty
Withdrawal of Combat Troops in Iraq
Equal Pay Laws
Funding Stem Cell Research
New Hate Crimes Bill
College Loan Reforms
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Increased funding in NASA
Head Start Program for Public Schooling
Diplomacy toward Middle East/Central Asia countries
Lifted some economic restrictions that were placed on Cuba during the Cold War, which also allowed people to visit their families
Consumer Protection Bureau
Extended benefits to same-sex couples that traditionally were only offered to heterosexual couples
Increased requirements on fuel economy for car manufacturers by 2016
Children's Health Reauthorization Act
Increased funding for scientific research and development through the stimulus
Cuts to defense budget (on the recomendation of Sec. Gates)
Expansion of Medicare (requirements now include those up to 133% above federal poverty level)

I may think he acts like a push over, and acts Center Right, but at the same time, I am not foolish enough to say he hasn't done anything he promised.


- not to nitpick but a few of those were repeated.
........one of the most important things Obama has done/is doing that benefits EVERYONE most people dont even know about is the proposed re-enactment of the Glass-Steagall Act and signing the Dodd-Frank Act into law.
Originally Posted by twozerosix

Originally Posted by rashi


Anyone with common sense would vote for Ron Paul, unfortunately he doesn't hang out with enough rappers.

Ron Paul > _________
Yup.  This dude is the one that will bring CHANGE in DC.  More likely than not I will be supporting him. 
Voting for Obama is pointless now that the Republicans have taken over the House.  Obama no matter what he does, whether it's good, bad, evil, whatever, no matter what it is, Republicans will OPPOSE it which means nothing will get accomplished with him as President for another 4 years.  
Originally Posted by twozerosix

Originally Posted by rashi


Anyone with common sense would vote for Ron Paul, unfortunately he doesn't hang out with enough rappers.

Ron Paul > _________
Yup.  This dude is the one that will bring CHANGE in DC.  More likely than not I will be supporting him. 
Voting for Obama is pointless now that the Republicans have taken over the House.  Obama no matter what he does, whether it's good, bad, evil, whatever, no matter what it is, Republicans will OPPOSE it which means nothing will get accomplished with him as President for another 4 years.  
Yeah, I'll probably vote for Obama.

I just don't want to see another Neo Con come in and continue our cosmic wars overseas.
Yeah, I'll probably vote for Obama.

I just don't want to see another Neo Con come in and continue our cosmic wars overseas.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Yeah, I'll probably vote for Obama.

I just don't want to see another Neo Con come in and continue our cosmic wars overseas.

Lol, what are you talking about? Obama's a werewolf, a killing machine. The left is on board with war now.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Yeah, I'll probably vote for Obama.

I just don't want to see another Neo Con come in and continue our cosmic wars overseas.

Lol, what are you talking about? Obama's a werewolf, a killing machine. The left is on board with war now.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Yeah, I'll probably vote for Obama.

I just don't want to see another Neo Con come in and continue our cosmic wars overseas.

Lol, what are you talking about? Obama's a werewolf, a killing machine. The left is on board with war now.
  Exactly.  At least with Bush in office, these Democrats were Anti-War and opposed it.  Now with Obama in office, these supposedly Liberal hippies are now ok with wars!  
And how is Obama less of a war monger than Bush? 3 days after being sworn in he bombed a village with Predator Drones.  US military bases continue to grow overseas.  Defense budget almost doubled under Obama.  Bush's Sec of Defense, Robert Gates is still in charge....  etc.. etc... 
and remember this dude won a Nobel PEACE Prize..  What a joke!
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Yeah, I'll probably vote for Obama.

I just don't want to see another Neo Con come in and continue our cosmic wars overseas.

Lol, what are you talking about? Obama's a werewolf, a killing machine. The left is on board with war now.
  Exactly.  At least with Bush in office, these Democrats were Anti-War and opposed it.  Now with Obama in office, these supposedly Liberal hippies are now ok with wars!  
And how is Obama less of a war monger than Bush? 3 days after being sworn in he bombed a village with Predator Drones.  US military bases continue to grow overseas.  Defense budget almost doubled under Obama.  Bush's Sec of Defense, Robert Gates is still in charge....  etc.. etc... 
and remember this dude won a Nobel PEACE Prize..  What a joke!
yes, obama was also responsible for adam and eve biting into the apple and being cast out of the garden of eden....
yes, obama was also responsible for adam and eve biting into the apple and being cast out of the garden of eden....
absolutely...Obama 2012...my president is (STILL) Black. and no that is not the reason I'm re-voting for him.
absolutely...Obama 2012...my president is (STILL) Black. and no that is not the reason I'm re-voting for him.
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