Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty : Season 2 Out Now

Lol no

From the show.
I think the problem is centered around when you base it around real people, and people the public know little about privately. So you get comments like. I didn't know Kareem was like that. I didn't know Jerry West was like that. Norm Nixon did that to Magic at a party? People want to believe the negative and salacious.

And there you have it. Someone takes the TV representation as reality…

I think that’s the issue. We live in a society…

Where people don’t want to try to dissect fact from fiction.

Honestly, I was a very young child when the events depicted occurred. So it’s difficult to decipher what’s real, what’s fake.

But then again, I was a teenager during the Bulls run. So Last Dance was a revelation as far as how competitive Michael Jordan was. And the culture that fostered under his leadership.

Having said that, I just watch Winning Time for entertainment. It’s on HBO as a show not a documentary.
I think it’s because it’s the Lakers specifically and these are all highly recognizable/famous people to sports fans.

I never even my life seen people care if Remember The Titans was 100% historically accurate, if Herman Boone was really like Denzel portrayed, was Sunshine really zesty, etc.
I think it’s because it’s the Lakers specifically and these are all highly recognizable/famous people to sports fans.

I never even my life seen people care if Remember The Titans was 100% historically accurate, if Herman Boone was really like Denzel portrayed, was Sunshine really zesty, etc.

They made Remember the Titans as some win on the last play of the game type deal, when they won by like 6 touchdowns or so ****. :lol:

And I think the linebacker kid that got hurt got hurt AFTER the season. (If I remember right)

But Disney has to tweak some of the storylines to complete a movie telling version. Same thing we got goin on here.
They made Remember the Titans as some win on the last play of the game type deal, when they won by like 6 touchdowns or so ****. :lol:

And I think the linebacker kid that got hurt got hurt AFTER the season. (If I remember right)

But Disney has to tweak some of the storylines to complete a movie telling version. Same thing we got goin on here.
Just like you pointed out, it was "Disney-fied". They're known to make changes to make it look like a good heartwarming story. Plus, I don't think it's fair to compare a HS football team in Virginia to a professional basketball team that won multiple championships and were the face of a league for a decade as VARNELL HILL VARNELL HILL pointed out, but I get your point in terms of fact checking. I look at this show how I looked at that Hulu Wu Tang show that someone pointed out earlier, just be entertained. It's not beat for beat facts, but it does suck when they change well known facts that people remember just to tell a better story. I guess that's why Jerry West wants a retraction about his portrayal. These people are still alive lol.
What significant facts/moments did they alter?
I said that as an overall comment on both the Wu Tang show and this show as examples of facts that get changed to tell a more dramatic story. For example, the Boston/LA game ending got changed on the show to a game winning shot, when actually Norm Nixon hit two free throws to win the game. Another example from the most recent episode that somone also mentioned that the Lakers actually won the game in Detroit, but the show changed it to a loss to drive a better story. Also the portrayal of Paul Westhead like a bumbling idiot....the Lakers did actually have a good record. That sort of stuff. Please, there's no need to fish for accuracy, I'm not the show's creator lol.
What significant facts/moments did they alter?

For one, we didn't even play on Christmas day. Then they mentioned a 3 game road trip, at Indy, at Detroit, at Boston......that's altered. They mentioned beating Boston (in Boston) and ruining their New Year's......well, that was mid January. :lol: They made it like that was the first game between Bird and Magic, well no, that game was played in LA. They also made it sound like the 3 game road trip was like a first time road trip for some reason. The season started in October, they didn't play all home games til Christmas. :lol:

And acting like Westhead was clueless as hell, (just needs to hold down the fort another week or two til I get back.....) there's three different 4 game winning streaks just on this small snippet of games. TF are they doin? :rofl:

So there's a few adjustments they made, and I have no idea why. :lol:

Screenshot 2022-04-20 173946.png
For one, we didn't even play on Christmas day. Then they mentioned a 3 game road trip, at Indy, at Detroit, at Boston......that's altered. They mentioned beating Boston (in Boston) and ruining their New Year's......well, that was mid January. :lol: They made it like that was the first game between Bird and Magic, well no, that game was played in LA. They also made it sound like the 3 game road trip was like a first time road trip for some reason. The season started in October, they didn't play all home games til Christmas. :lol:

And acting like Westhead was clueless as hell, (just needs to hold down the fort another week or two til I get back.....) there's three different 4 game winning streaks just on this small snippet of games. TF are they doin? :rofl:

So there's a few adjustments they made, and I have no idea why. :lol:

Screenshot 2022-04-20 173946.png

I think this is why I added the word significant.

I can completely understand why some guys might not like the cartoonish portrayal of their characters...but the *****ing about **** like what their schedule was in the middle of the season before the played Boston is the kind of stuff that normally gets "creatively liberated" :lol:.

Like...who cares? They twisted the route to arrive at the same destination at the end of the day.

I saw a couple folks say that after episode 1...they thought that the 1972 championship had been omitted from history...simply because the show didn't show it until episode 2. Now had they actually erased a championship from history for character purposes...THAT is something that would fall under the category of significant. But changing the end of game from free throws to an oop for drama??? That's got people up in arms? :lol:
They could have made an accurate show based on the events and have it still be entertaining... But that's not the story the television show wanted to tell. Want the real story? Read the book and watch Magic's documentary.

I'm enjoying the show, bottom line
It's possible to enjoy the show while still pointing out inaccuracies. As a basketball junkie I was hyped to see the real version of that magic Cooper pick and roll game winner, come to find out they made it up. Just disappointing and strange. Doesn't mean I won't tune in next week.
If I didn’t know better…those videos were used as the basis of Winning Time.

Kareem using white women as his outlet. That Heat ( Laker/Knicks) culture perpetrated by Riley.


love this I loved entourage.....not the same of course....but the fun is there.....went back and rewatched it.....magic is vinny chase......bus is ari.....kareem is e......pat is turtle.....west is drama hahaha
I’m enjoying the hell out of this..

but ummm not sure why they’re messing with game scores

maybe that’s to exemplify the liberties theyre taking with things
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