Worst conversation you overheard?

This fat lady in a beauty supply store talkin bout she was gonna come back with a bikini on. The security guard said if she does he'll take the whole week off
Originally Posted by desoIation1

Waiting in line to get a burger late at night around 2am, and this couple behind me are talking to each other like this
guy: "you wanna pee on my face?"
girl: "ooooh yeah I wanna pee on your face"
and they continue to talk about peeing on each other until I get my burger

How was your burger? 
Originally Posted by desoIation1

Waiting in line to get a burger late at night around 2am, and this couple behind me are talking to each other like this
guy: "you wanna pee on my face?"
girl: "ooooh yeah I wanna pee on your face"
and they continue to talk about peeing on each other until I get my burger

How was your burger? 
Originally Posted by DUMB PIGS

Me and my girl were dining in SF at fishermans wharf and over heard this conversation between a man and a woman who were sitting at the table near us between plant partitions..

Paraphrasing of course

Man - Well you have always had a really nice butt (used the other word) i wouldnt mind gettin in there again.

Woman - oh you! You always liked it. And you know I always liked it

Man - yeah, not like these lesbians you see around here, all wound so tight. no wonder they dont like the.... they probably cant get it in cuz they walk with their cheeks glued together

Woman - yeah, i dont see how a woman doesnt want a .... in their life. its the most beautiful thing

Waitress comes over (who apparently know the two people) - Hi ( says his name) its good seeing you again, say hello to your wife!

Man says I sure will!

They continue to talk for the next 10 minutes or so about even more inapropriate sexual things that they indivually enjoy that i cant say here.

When they finally get up from finishing their lunch, we finally see the couple talking all wild.

2 , maybe 65 year old people. white man and woman both with walking sticks

me and my girl went from laughing to being grossed out

Originally Posted by DUMB PIGS

Me and my girl were dining in SF at fishermans wharf and over heard this conversation between a man and a woman who were sitting at the table near us between plant partitions..

Paraphrasing of course

Man - Well you have always had a really nice butt (used the other word) i wouldnt mind gettin in there again.

Woman - oh you! You always liked it. And you know I always liked it

Man - yeah, not like these lesbians you see around here, all wound so tight. no wonder they dont like the.... they probably cant get it in cuz they walk with their cheeks glued together

Woman - yeah, i dont see how a woman doesnt want a .... in their life. its the most beautiful thing

Waitress comes over (who apparently know the two people) - Hi ( says his name) its good seeing you again, say hello to your wife!

Man says I sure will!

They continue to talk for the next 10 minutes or so about even more inapropriate sexual things that they indivually enjoy that i cant say here.

When they finally get up from finishing their lunch, we finally see the couple talking all wild.

2 , maybe 65 year old people. white man and woman both with walking sticks

me and my girl went from laughing to being grossed out

Public bus -> sitting infront of 2  50-60 year old women talking about their current sex life 
Public bus -> sitting infront of 2  50-60 year old women talking about their current sex life 
Two guys arguing that mechanics are more talented than surgeons in the gym locker room
to make it worse, they were naked
Two guys arguing that mechanics are more talented than surgeons in the gym locker room
to make it worse, they were naked
Two low lives on the express bus back to the Bronx from Manhattan were talking about their mutual friend. Apparently, he jumped in front of a car with the intention of suing the driver. But the woman (surprise surprise) didn't realize she had hit this scumbag and proceeded to drag him a block and a half or so before noticing.

It wasn't the worst because it was especially gruesome. Just that these two would so casually discuss criminal fraud like that. Desperate times, I guess.
Two low lives on the express bus back to the Bronx from Manhattan were talking about their mutual friend. Apparently, he jumped in front of a car with the intention of suing the driver. But the woman (surprise surprise) didn't realize she had hit this scumbag and proceeded to drag him a block and a half or so before noticing.

It wasn't the worst because it was especially gruesome. Just that these two would so casually discuss criminal fraud like that. Desperate times, I guess.
Originally Posted by proper english

DR813, calm down sport..  are you really that hurt by what we said? 
It just bothered me because I don't like people making judgements and assumption of me especially when they don't know me(not saying you just speaking in a general term) and when read the comment, that's how I took it. You probably didn't mean it that way. I just took it out of context that's all. I aplogize  
Originally Posted by proper english

DR813, calm down sport..  are you really that hurt by what we said? 
It just bothered me because I don't like people making judgements and assumption of me especially when they don't know me(not saying you just speaking in a general term) and when read the comment, that's how I took it. You probably didn't mean it that way. I just took it out of context that's all. I aplogize  
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Ran into my cousin's boy on the bus. Dude is talking to me mad loud about how he wants to join the army but isn't sure he could because he had relations with a %*%%*% in Mexico raw, then starts to describe what he did.
Some people ain't have no shame in their game....
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Ran into my cousin's boy on the bus. Dude is talking to me mad loud about how he wants to join the army but isn't sure he could because he had relations with a %*%%*% in Mexico raw, then starts to describe what he did.
Some people ain't have no shame in their game....
Originally Posted by raptors29

This fat lady in a beauty supply store talkin bout she was gonna come back with a bikini on. The security guard said if she does he'll take the whole week off
Originally Posted by raptors29

This fat lady in a beauty supply store talkin bout she was gonna come back with a bikini on. The security guard said if she does he'll take the whole week off
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