Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

vs El Generico - RTTT Tournament Final
vs Chris Hero - Manhattan Mayhem II
vs Chris Hero - Unscripted III
vs Doug Williams - 2007 BOLA
vs TJ Perkins - PWG The High Cost
vs Bryan Danielson - Northern Navigation
vs Nigel McGuinness - New Horizons

I talked to Nigel McGuinness about his project today. He messaged my since I was a contributor. Solid dude. Doc should be amazing.

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A pair of trunks I wore on the tour.

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by thekillerj23

Saw the Stone Cold documentary on netflix, enjoyed it very much, my favorite wrestler!!!

PS: Is there any dvd's that have Stone Cold's best matches on there?

Tomorrow I will watch The Rock new one on netflix....

Is this worth buying if you have the new one?
Smackdown Spoilers

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Daniel Bryan opened the show talking about his match at Extreme Rules with Sheamus.  Alberto Del Rio came out and said that no matter who wins the world title match, he is going to win the title after.  Big Show hit the ring and went after both of them, but they bailed.  Show choke slammed a left behind Ricardo Rodriguez.

Alberto Del Rio b Big Show in a non-title match when Rhodes interfered.

Damien Sandow did another taped promo.

Nikki Bella b Alicia Fox when Brie interfered and they did the switch.

Titus O'Neil & Darren Young b Ezekiel Jackson & Yoshi Tatsu

Randy Orton was doing an interview.  He was attacked by Jinder Mahal.  However Orton laid out Mahal with an RKO.

Antonio Cesaro b Tyson Kidd

Great Khali b Cody Rhodes when Show distracted Rhodes.

Ryback b Jacob Kaye in the same Ryback match they always do.

Sheamus b Mark Henry to avenge his loss on Raw.
Can someone please get the facts as to how many damn times Jericho and Kofi have wrestled
, I swear they've fought so many times! I mean the matches are usually good, this week's was really good, but come on... It's always them two.

Found these:







Watching the shawn/Bret doc at my desk at work. amazing to see how much bret was a @#@#@ too
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Watching the shawn/Bret doc at my desk at work. amazing to see how much bret was a @#@#@ too

I noticed that too, he legit seemed like losing to Shawn in Montreal, meant he couldn't show his face there ever again...
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