Wrestling Thread 6/25-7/1 | 6/28 TNA Impact LIVE 8pm et- Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, Dixie/AJ Followup?

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

According to PWInsider, WWE Diva Maxine has quit WWE

The report states that Maxine was frustrated with several different things, including not being given a guaranteed deal and not being able to prove herself on TV outside of NXT. She was last seen in the Diva battle royale on Raw this week.

Maxine joined WWE back in 2009 as a developmental talent and was in FCW until NXT’s third season. She returned during Season Five as part of a triangle with Derek Bateman and Johnny Curtis.
Wow that sucks, I was actually starting to get used to her face. Oh well.

She really had a sexy body tho. I'm gonna miss her on my TV.

Spoiler [+]
she needs to do some films next 
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

According to PWInsider, WWE Diva Maxine has quit WWE

The report states that Maxine was frustrated with several different things, including not being given a guaranteed deal and not being able to prove herself on TV outside of NXT. She was last seen in the Diva battle royale on Raw this week.

Maxine joined WWE back in 2009 as a developmental talent and was in FCW until NXT’s third season. She returned during Season Five as part of a triangle with Derek Bateman and Johnny Curtis.
Wow that sucks, I was actually starting to get used to her face. Oh well.

She really had a sexy body tho. I'm gonna miss her on my TV.

Spoiler [+]
she needs to do some films next 
Who was Maxine?
Watching Impact now, and will do everyone's favorite thing.  Talk to myself about the show here on the board.
Do you think Dixie saying she and AJ weren't happy with how things went down last week really meant they weren't happy with how awful the angle turned out?
No surprise, but an awesome promo from Austin Aries to put over how great he is, the importance of the X Division Title, and how important his title shot against Bobby Roode is.
And Bobby Roode coming back at him is almost equally as good.  I'm really looking forward to their match next week.
Claire Lynch is such an awful actress. Last week's segment was bad enough but that backstage segment getting interviewed with Dixie was equally as bad.

Nice to see Sonjay Dutt back. Looking forward to these X Division matches on this show.
Great match between Bully and Joe.  And why am I not as pissed about this distraction finish?
1) Because there was no theme music.

2) Bully didn't become aware of Park until he actually got on the apron.

3) Park actually hit Bully leading to Joe getting the win.

Damn, the wrong guy won in this 2nd X Division match. Rashad Cameron was good, but the dude in the green trunks did some real nice stuff, especially that corkscrew summersault plancha over the top rope to the outside. But I'll root for the hometown boy from Philly.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Madison Rayne <3's Earl Hebner


That Batista movie looks terrrrrrrribble.

They put the F-U in Kung-Fu

I wanted to die.
"Claire Lynch connected all the dots with her explanation tonight."
Not so sure about that, Tenay.

Looking forward to this main event.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

 Nice to see Sonjay Dutt back. Looking forward to these X Division matches on this show.
Man those 2 X division matches were pure old school TNA. That's what they really need to get back to.
SD should start off every week with Layla vs AJ. Doesn't matter how good or bad the match would be (was going good before the run-in though), but
crotchshots galore
Originally Posted by Peep Game

SD should start off every week with Layla vs AJ. Doesn't matter how good or bad the match would be (was going good before the run-in though), but
crotchshots galore

Glad I saw this match..
Solid Smackdown tonight imo.

From what people said about the show after having reading the spoilers I thought this was gonna be a dreadful SD but any SD without Khali is always welcomed.

But Cesaro and Khali next week
. The only way I would enjoy that is if Cesaro did his alley oop uppercut on Khali
4w, u wanna say Sid aint HOF worthy, fine, but u dont have to be an all time great to be in it. Guys like Ko Ko B. Ware & Jerry Lawler wouldn't be in it if that was the case.

Your WWE fanboyism irks me.

Saying Sting isnt an all time great is hilarious.

Just change your SN to 4WWE or 4McMahon. 4wrestling would mean youalso like watch other companies besides Vince's universe.
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