Wrestling Thread Aug 1-7 | 8/7 TNA Hardcore Justice - Sting vs Angle, Aries vs Kendrick vs Shelly

Originally Posted by Club 27

most of you are skinnyfat

Not me Club..Im just fat..
Originally Posted by masondid

everytime Punk said something to HHH whether it was about carrying bags or who's bed he slept in to burying guys each time HHH just looked at him like "so who cares they already knew that" This angle lost a lot of steam, sadly we all know some type of swerve is coming...

It's not a swerve its a remake...

Mark my words the 2011 version of the Corporation is coming Aug 15
im optimistic about the angle still...HHH and Punk gonna tear down the 4th wall...the only thing that sucked about Raw really is that there wasn't that many wrestling matches...Every time a bad match comes on i get mad because they have the BEST WRESTLER in the world...Brian Danielson...yet David Otunga and is on TV
Originally Posted by xtianp

any word on Daniel Bryan Danielson's new theme?!

^^word.......If DB wins the title they should let him use his old ROH theme that would be 

As noted Chris Jericho tweeted the following to CM Punkconcerning his RAW reference: "Everyone is so excited that @CMPunk mentioned me on Raw. Newsflash…I don't give a s--t. Mind ur own business and stop rippin me off Punk."
In an update on this, one WWE source noted to WrestleZone that Jericho has been pitching for himself to work with Punk at WrestleMania next year. Additionally, this reaction is storyline oriented, and there is no real bad blood between Punk and Jericho following RAW
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Ayo GHIMS, what're the chances that Joker Sting will face a Batman Undertaker at WM to coincide with The Dark Knight Rises advertising blitz?
Throw them chicken bones and get at me, k thnx bai.

Originally Posted by hellaones

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Ayo GHIMS, what're the chances that Joker Sting will face a Batman Undertaker at WM to coincide with The Dark Knight Rises advertising blitz?
Throw them chicken bones and get at me, k thnx bai.


Literally fell on the floor laughing
Smackdown Spoilers
Spoiler [+]
The show started with a video of Mark Henry and his various attacks on Kane, and the Big Show, and Sheamus coming to the rescue. It is then announced Sheamus and Henry will face off at Summerslam.  Sheamus then kicks off Smack Down with the first match of the evening:
Sheamus vs Khali. 

Sheamus does the best that he can with Khali. The match is what it is. Khali eventually tries to beat Sheamus with that death grip of his, but Sheamus gets out of it, and Sheamus finally defeats Khali with the Brogue Kick.  Winner: Sheamus

I believe at this point there is a backstage interview between Josh Matthews and Randy Orton. Orton is asked about the No Holds Barred match with Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship. Orton says that he does have anger management issues, and Christian is going to help him work through them.

They also announce that Zach Ryder is going to have his own segment of the show, the name of which I forgot.

Natalia Neidhart vs AJ

Natalya Neidhart and AJ come out for their match. It is a pretty decent match. There was a sloppy part where Nattie tries the sharpshooter, and I wasn't sure what AJ was trying to do to get out of it, but it looked sloppy to me. Anyway, eventually AJ succumbs to the Sharpshooter. Winner: Natalya Neidhart.   POST MATCH: Natalya goes bonkers, and attacks AJ after the match, including giving AJ a snap suplex on the outside. Natalya grabs a mic and says "Beth, you are so right sister, the days of these cuties are over." (paraphrased). Natalya evidently has turned heel.

Wade Barrett came out for commentary for the next match.

Daniel Bryan vs Tyson Kidd

Daniel Bryan who came out to new music which I loved, and Tyson worked an AWESOME MATCH.  I thought, even though the Main Event was also great, this was the best worked match on the show. Both men did a great job, especially Daniel Bryan. He is an awesome worker in the ring. After several exciting nearfalls, and Tyson Kidd's going after Daniel Bryan's right knee that Bryan was selling all match, Bryan eventually gets Kidd to submit. Winner: Daniel Bryan

I believe it was after this match, they show a commercial for "Haven" that airs this Friday after Smackdown on SYFY featuring Former 11 Time World Champion EDGE.

Zack Ryder Segment/Zack Ryder vs Ezekiel Jackson 

Zack Ryder comes out for his segment. He starts his promo, and talks about his "Woo.Woo.Woo." routine. Well, Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson interrupts and expresses his discontent over the 2 on 1 handicap he was put in last week by Ryder which he lost. Ryder tried to explain away his culpability when he is interrupted by Jackson's opponents from last week, Cody Rhodes (wearing a suit) and Ted DiBiase.  Rhodes was cutting a promo, but I unfortunately wasn't able to catch what he said.  Teddy Long comes out and tells Ryder that Ryder is NOT the GM, and Long was the one who could make matches. Long goes on to make Ryder vs Jackson  with DiBiase and Rhodes BANNED from ringside.

The match itself between Ezekiel Jackson was alright. It was a glorified squash match. The end came with Ezekiel Jackson giving Ryder about 4 or 5 bodyslams and then the Rack and Ryder tapped out.

Winner: Ezekiel Jackson.

Mark Henry is shown onscreen coming out for his match.

TripleH/Zack Ryder Segment

Triple H's music hits.I am a huge Triple H fan. I have him in my top 5 best wrestlers ever list. I had not seen him live in any capacity in a very long time, so what happened here made the whole night.

I do not know how much of the following will be shown on Smackdown, if any, but here is what happened:

Triple H comes out and Zack Ryder is still in the ring. Hunter then tells him that he is still kind of new to being the COO, and he has only been at this a couple of weeks and it is a lot of stress. He explains to Ryder that when he made him Teddy Long's assistant, all he meant was for Ryder to fetch coffee, sharpen pencils. (Zach Ryder's expressions of shock were priceless.).  Hunter then tells Ryder that if Teddy Long's Viagra prescription ran out, Ryder was to go to the drug store to go get it, and things like that. 

Hunter then gets all annoyed with Ryder talking about Vince and the board of directors and such. He then does something really cool. Hunter says that he needs to do something but it was just for the audience, and we were not to tell anyone. He put his finger to his lips shushing us. The lights were turned off. The huge screen was turned off. The only light that was on was the red light ( I presume that is the recording light.) and a spot light. Triple H then took off his jacket, and loosened his collar.He says something to Ryder that I didn't catch, and then gives Ryder the Pedigree, and the crowd just exploded. Of course, he tried to shush us again, and walked to the back and did his pose. Great segment. 

Mark Henry vs Vladimir Koslov

This was not much of a match.  This was yet another match to build up Mark Henry as this monster heel. Winner: Mark Henry  POST MATCH: Henry puts Koslov' leg in chair and does his "stomp the leg" routine.  Sheamus does his run in with a chair.

Backstage, Sheamus does a promo saying he has the luck of the Irish and talks about how Mark Henry has taken away others' dreams and careers, but that won't happen to him.

Christian does an interview and talks about how he has overcome Teddy Long, and the fans to be champion.

Main Event: Orton/Morrison vs Christian(WHC)/R Truth

Great Main Event. All four men were fantastic. They all did a great job. Special kudos to Randy Orton. He is a bonafide superstar. When John Morrison was the baby face in peril, that crowd was just BEGGING for Orton to come in, at least from where I was sitting. I was on the floor, and that crowd was LOUD. When Orton finally made the hot tag near the end, and was going back and forth with Christian, and did his major maneuvers on Christian, that crowd exploded. They sounded really loud to me, anyway.  Christian, R Truth, and Morrison were excellent as well. All four guys worked great. The ending came when Christian was finally able to defeat Randy with the Killswitch. Winner: Christian/R Truth.   POST MATCH:  Christian and R Truth run up the ramp in celebration.

Overall a VERY GOOD SHOW.   Must watch: Main Event, Bryan/Kidd.  



After the show, Teddy Long tells Christian that he will be defending his World Title in a Street Fight against Randy Orton. When Christian shows reluctance, Long tells Christian he better get to steppin'.  

Christian (C) vs Randy Orton

After about a good 10 or so minute match, Christian retains his belt. Winner Christian . POST MATCH: Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, and I believe R Truth all make run ins, and each man, including Christian get an RKO for their trouble so the crowd goes home happy.  Randy Orton goes around the ring and shakes people's hands.
COO still burying people... Punk with the foreshadowing.

How you gonna do Ryder like that, BRO?
And if Jericho/Punk is done right, it will be a great thing to watch.  I don't know who the face/heel would be, but it sounds rather intriguing.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Daniel Bryan used a new theme at tonight's Smackdown taping.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Thank god! there we go...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]one change down, now change that title.[/color]

Originally Posted by Club 27

most of you are skinnyfat
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]fixed.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]good job with those spoilers 4w.... [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Tyson Kidd vs DB..... looking forward to that! [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Unlike what most of you will think... I like where Ryder/HHH/Suits angle could go. He gets a bunch of air time finally and people will still bit-- on how he gets it. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Let things unfold.[/color]
I was literally 
 the whole time. 
the girl had some nice moves though. 
at Ryder being buried. Is his whole Youtube channel really that big of a no-no for Vince and company?

at that video with the 9-year old. I love how you hear the commentators call it a "619".

WWE Tough Enough contestant Jeremiah Riggs told the Around the Octagon website that WWE officials informed him that they will not be offering him a contract. "I was informed yesterday that the WWE isn't going to use me," Riggs said. "Two weeks ago I was invited to go to Tampa to tryout for FCW and from what they gathered they loved my personality but they said I was only average in the ring and said I have a bad attitude and carried myself like I had something to prove.
"I told them that if I'm average I'm doing pretty damn good considering I had only done this for two months. If I can get to average in several weeks imagine what I can do in a few months. And of course I'm eager to prove myself. I was surrounded by guys who had done this for several years and they were all wondering who this new rookie was. I had to show them I belonged."

Riggs wasn't complimentary of the WWE developmental wrestlers. "90% of those guys are vanilla. They are all the same. Long hair, pony tail, boring as can be. The day I left Tampa I shaved my head because I didn't want to be anything like them. I'm Jeremiah Riggs from Vicksburg, Mississippi. I'm not going to be a clone. All of their promos sounded the same. They are boring and play it safe. People are afraid of the truth.

"What do they want in a superstar? I don't need a character. I'm Jeremiah Riggs. I don't need a new name or gimmick. The WWE has a s--tty developmental roster. No one stands out. They are all scared of failure and half of them have been there for years. They are all the same and do the same stuff. Sure, they have a few guys that have potential but they are all clones. But I'm not going to be just like everybody else. What are they going to do send me home? You can't scare someone who ain't afraid."

Riggs was also critical of WWE Tough Enough trainer Bill DeMott. "Me and Bill were cool on the show," he said. "I heard he got a job as a scout for the WWE and I was glad to hear he was doing good for himself. He deserves it after so long in the business. When I was in Tampa doing my match with Orlov, Bill was praising me and talking about how good I was doing.

"I was doing stuff that Luke and Andy couldn't do, on the first try. But when I walked into FCW a few weeks ago he acted like he was too cool to talk to me. He's changed man. He thinks he is somebody because he was the big man on the show. I guess Hollywood went to his head. Sure he had a mediocre wrestling career and found new life on Tough Enough. I don't give a s--t. I'll whoop his fat +$@." To read his full commentary, visit AroundTheOctagon.com.
Okay, you guys realize that Ryder was making stupid decisions on Smackdown last week, right?

That's what he gets. He deserved that pedigree. He's not being buried. (We don't even know if that segment is going to be on TV) He's on both premier shows, man! You guys are ridiculous
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Okay, you guys realize that Ryder was making stupid decisions on Smackdown last week, right?

That's what he gets. He deserved that pedigree. He's not being buried. (We don't even know if that segment is going to be on TV) He's on both premier shows, man! You guys are ridiculous

Usually I'd agree with you but whenever Trips puts his hands on someone its a wrap.
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