Wrestling Thread Aug 1-7 | 8/7 TNA Hardcore Justice - Sting vs Angle, Aries vs Kendrick vs Shelly

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Pretty underwhelming RAW overall. When does the COO get back into the ring?

Full time, never.  I would say they would do HHH vs Punk at Mania, but it's pretty clear they could never hold an angle off for that long.  At this rate, it will probably be Punk vs HHH at whatever the September PPV is.
maryse0uellet MARYSE OUELLET
allo guys i wont be going physical for awhile, im getting abdominal hernia surgery.
Punk, now that was maney. That was swag. That was the most exciting exchange I've ever seen, probably ever.

Spoiler [+]
Except for skinnyfatass. That was not swag.

Don't get worked up over this....
Jerichos twitter (IAmJericho)
Everyone is so excited that @CMPunk mentioned me on Raw. Newsflash...I don't give a @%*$. Mind ur own business and stop rippin me off Punk.
I'm in the same boat as most people and feel they're going to screw this up with Cena winning.

My only hope is that the push for Punk (title or not) lasts through Survivor Series where he'll lead Team Punk vs Team Cena. The the fantasy booking run wild with who would/could/shoud fill Punk's team.
Any word yet if they will make new belt for the Punk/Cena winner?..That ******ed spinner belt is getting really old..
Originally Posted by 4wrestling


Don't get worked up over this....

jericho has always been a jealous bitter %!% old man. ever since he came to wwe his %!% thought he was hulk hogan status. 

news flash jericho nobody gives a #+%# about you. after he cut his hair and turned face it was a wrap.
Hmm, I think Jericho and Punk are good friends, I'd be surprised if Jericho really meant that quote. Maybe not, though.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

WWE chose to hotshot 3-6 months worth of angles into a single two hour show. 

Rey (God knows they've dragged out Christian/Orton long enough). 

I say WWE is stupid to put him back on TV.  All of the casual fans that were talking about WWE, all of the legitimate news outlets that were covering Punk's story, all of that is gone.

Sorry for my negatively, but I've kept this bottled up all week as I never got a chance to speak on it last week.
I just got back from training and I'm NOT going to read through this thread til I'm done watching RAW. I decided to read the preview, though.

I know you said it but chill 4W. There's no perfect angle in wrestling. HHH said it best..this is good business. Running this angle 6 months? In your dreams. You already can't stand Orton/Christian and this angle would be in the same position if it ran 6 months. This thing is far from done, so let's see how it plays out.
It's pretty much a done deal Cena wins at the "Summerfest"....

Punk is going to hit 5 or 6 moves over the course of the match that should end it throughout the match but Cena kicks out...

Then Punk is going to go for the finish when it looks like the title is his... Super Cena then does a mid air adjusment leading to the "Attitude Adjustment"

Cena undisputed champion, and then we can watch Super Cena win ever time.. And when he loses he gets the title back within a week...

As much as I love the Rock, I am begging that they don't do the Cena/Rock angle leading up to WM, or Rock backs out because it's just going to be a waste of everyone who is over the age of 15's time...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Pretty underwhelming RAW overall. When does the COO get back into the ring?

Full time, never.  I would say they would do HHH vs Punk at Mania, but it's pretty clear they could never hold an angle off for that long.  At this rate, it will probably be Punk vs HHH at whatever the September PPV is.
Doubtful. They're not gonna blow HHH's comeback on a B-show. If they do book HHH/Punk, it will definitely be at Mania.
Hope Rey kicks Cena in the nads and turns heel.
Punk, Rey, ADR, Miz and Truth vs Cena, Sin Cara, Triple H and 2 others
What's funk man doing on my TV? All Lauranaoineoiesdfss needs is a yamaka.

Edit- Funk man makes a point.

@*+%@#! Indy, man. They love Cena.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Punk fans gave up

Everyone's selling out on Punk, IMO. Expecting this storyline to be on some Kevin Steen/ROH steez..

I'm exhausted right now, but I'm going in on this WWE/Punk +!#@ tomorrow.
I'm not giving up the storyline until after Summerfest, if Summerfest ending is done right and is convincing, i'll be for it.. but Punk made a lot of face type comments tonight and I really, really DO NOT want him as a face, tweener maybe, but I definitely don't want him to be a clear cut face. He does his BEST work as a heel and they should keep him as just that and let him shine.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hellaones

I went to the tna house show this past weekend. Closest I've ever been to ringside but the show was decent. Tried to get a hug from Rosita but that security guard with the mustache that was always on ecw wasn't having it.
I'll try to get my brother to send me the pics he took and post them later on.

Don't even get me started on Impact from this past Thursday.  Hombre, there is no defending that garbage.
I want to hear it.

I feel this past Thursday's show was OK. It wasn't a bad show, but TNA will never seem to grasp that the crowd/audience WANT people they can cheer without reservation, without fear of them turning heel out of nowhere, without fear of them suddenly having extended losing streaks of long stretches of being deemphasized on the show.

Not saying they need a white bread face champion, but, like, look at how much the crowd loves AJ Styles and Samoa Joe...why aren't they the kings of this promotion by now? They're putting on OK shows when you could be putting on superior shows.

I'll get into more TNA %#+$ later on this week. Right now, I seriously need sleep. +!@$.
i hope joe goes to wwe. tna rather have guys like gunner and murphy and that albino lookin toothpick crimson go over than guys who deserve those kinda spots..
HHH killed the angle. I literally fell asleep an hour after his first promo.
Dont get me wrong HHH cut a decent promo on its own. But he effectively burried Punk.
When the average fan looks at Punk they are going to see a skinny fat guy who is really just putting 2+2 together about HHH Vince and Steph.
It might be ground breaking that HHH more or less has acknowledged that he has burried guys by talking to his wife about them but its not like they are going to stretch the angle.
At best we get Punk VS HHH at the Rumble. Maybe they let Punk keep the title til after the rumble, but its coming off at EC to give Rock VS Cena some juice. HHH is going to face Taker more than likely and Punk is going to be regulated to the 3rd best spot on the card.
Who else could Taker face that we would legit want to see? Unless its Sting in his final match too everyone who you might want to see taker with is gone.
I could have seen WWE pulling a swerve with EDGE facing taker until Edge had to retire ( and we should all admit we knew he was close to the end)
Taker doesnt respect Orton enough for him to be his last match. You cannot build up a guy like Miz, for that match although a Miz V Punk feud will serve him very well and I think something where Punk dominates him in the ring and on the mic only to have Miz improve and possibly beat him at WM works well.
and everyone else is not in that league.
at this point WM is prob booked and the WWE writers dont even know it yet.
Unless SSCA wants to face Punk, Punk comes out of WM looking like a Joke
I think there is more to this. I am still giving it time for Summerfest for the swerve. and I'm not talking attack leading to Punk winning blah blah.

and I think Jericho was in Character for that tweet. The two of them ALWAYS go back and forth on twitter.

I think we will be seeing Punk vs Cena up until SS. Leading to the Rock Screwing Cena. I think the Rock will be the Heel.
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