Wrestling Thread Aug 15-21 | 8/15 Raw - ADR Fulfills His Destiny as WWE Champ | SS Contest Results!

I reeaaaallly hope Swag Rio "buys" a new belt next week.

@ Cena

Doesnt show up the whole night until the hometown hero needs to be saved?? No wonder kids love this guy.
what do you guys think about a goldberg vs undertaker match at wrestlemania? yay or nay?
I just finished reading The Death of WCW, in since I read 4wrestlings retort on Nash and wanted more background, as I refused for years to read about anything WCW cause it was all negative. That non withstanding I get the feeling that this Punk tirade or Pipe bombs is a lot like something Rusco would book. Only the internet would get a vinny vegas reference, and most of the kids watching either have no clue as to who Nash is, what HHH was or even as young as the audience is that WWE targets now who Steph is interms of her past.
The sad part is that you can sell a million NWO DVD's and 10% of the audience that is now WWE's core will watch it. 5% would make a Kliq connection. That is not to undermind the fact that WWE provided enough backstory to leave the people guessing and help get the storyline over its more so to point out that RAW is becoming a better version of WCW. It isnt to say that Punk doesnt have a strong fan base whom will root for him Face, Heel, or tweener its to say that Punk cannot rely on references that go over the majority of fans heads. Eventually everything will have to come back to earth. You arent going to see numbers with Promo's that are worked shoots, they make for better TV, but when half the fans are clueless it has no shot of drawing more money.
Promos made for the IWC are useless to everyone but the IWC, and thats not a knock on the IWC and its presance, more a sheer numbers game. That means you cannot build Nash from 1994, and have the main guy your pushing make a 1992 reference. Then Piping in a bunch of OOOh's and OH's.
 Aside from the fact that these references are not reaching your core, you cannot push a guy to the moon who's promos have become the equivlant interms of repetition of Hulk Hogan's pose downs to end Nitro in 96. You cannot have a guy who at best is your 8th best character appearing on TV in a World title feud and not build him up. And if you have any hope of Cena's Mania match generating more long term money he cannot go into Mania a super baby face. Those are just Raw's problems. Orton seems to have free reign over Smackdown, if your going to have Orton as a face why isnt Sheamus next in line as the top heel? Why am I forced to face the thought of a 2 star match with Henry, if Sheamus could be the same transitional feud, deliver better matches, and make Orton a Tweener again. Whats the point in taking your ideal number 2 face on Smackdown and turning him CM Punk style heel, writing the same plot 2 times for 2 different shows only to say look we need another pure face here Sheamus go attack the laughable heel at best in Henry.

Very WCW esque if you ask me.
Bill is talking about wrestling again, and he is prob the Sting Alternative, but I dont like it enough to say thats what I would like to see Taker retire with. HHH pt 3 is something I'm not looking forward to either though.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

So I'm reading http://www.wrestlezone.co...-cm-punk-need-kevin-nash

And I come across this lil nugget,

I also think I see who could be the Undertaker’s opponent at WrestleMania 28. Unfortunately, he’s the same guy who cost CM Punk the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. Provided Big Show faces Shaquille O’Neal,
Shaq is wrestling at WM28?

They already planted the seeds a couple years ago when Shaq guest hosted. Wouldn't be shocked if that's been in the works for a while. They seem to be going all out for 28.

Rock vs. Cena

Big Show vs. Shaq

Rey vs. Sin Cara(possibly)

Punk vs. HHH(most likely)


Punk vs. Jericho(pipe dream)

Kharma vs. Beth vs. Nattie maybe?

and some of yall are prolly gonna stoneface me for this one, but...I wouldn't mind seeing Orton vs. Taker II.

then you got Bryan vs. whoever for the WHC(prob Christian or Barret)

and provided Rock vs. Cena isn't for the belt we could have something like Morrison vs. Miz or something new.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by NobleKane

damn nash ethered punk.... nash spit the truth unlike punk. punk's hype is done...
No he didn't
Yes, Nash did speak some truth. He didn't either Punk but he didn't do too bad.
Nash got his shots in, but overall, Punk did a much better job of insulting Nash.  Plus, Nash has such a big ego, you know he was getting upset by it, and that he couldn't keep up with Punk.
And for all you Riley supporters.... please admit to me how awful this man is right now. I'm not saying he doesn't have potential down the line, but damn he sucks.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Agthekid

No he didn't
Yes, Nash did speak some truth. He didn't either Punk but he didn't do too bad.
Nash got his shots in, but overall, Punk did a much better job of insulting Nash.  Plus, Nash has such a big ego, you know he was getting upset by it, and that he couldn't keep up with Punk.

It's almost unfair how good Punk is on the mic
I think what everyone is missing is that pretty much what is said is true.

Nash is back because he complained about not having a big role in the company after the rumble. now that HHH is getting more power (On television and behind the scenes) These guys are coming back. I actually like the angle now. Getting Cena out of it for now was probably the best thing that could happen. Cena will be Boo'd relentlessly in this situation and I think they need a situation like they have now with Cena and ADR for the Rock to come in and Screw Cena at SS.

Punk DOES NOT NEED THE BELT. His character is such that the craving for the belt makes him that much better. Like last night, not once did he ask for a rematch against Del Rio. He wants to handle this situation first. That is how this should go. I think the build up is "Better for Business". I think the seeds were planted that Stephanie was behind it unless they Swerve that HHH actually Knew. But right now it is Punk against the establishment.

As much as it pains me to type it, I think Cena NEEDS THE BELT to be relevant or always be in the mix for the WWE because he is their poster Child.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

And for all you Riley supporters.... please admit to me how awful this man is right now. I'm not saying he doesn't have potential down the line, but damn he sucks.


Needs to be moved to Smackdown or just relegated to dark matches/house shows for the time being. 
I see somebody up there talkin bout a Orton vs Undertaker 2I would love that matter fact I need that in my mind I think RandyIs the only one that can end the great immortal streak get it done
NASH appeared to be catching feelings during the exchange with PUNK. I still think vinny Mac is behind it all.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

create a ring mode has been added to wwe '12
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i hope they bring back creat a belt.... was [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]
Originally Posted by BIG JUGG SHAWTY

I see somebody up there talkin bout a Orton vs Undertaker 2I would love that matter fact I need that in my mind I think RandyIs the only one that can end the great immortal streak get it done


20-0 or Stay retired!!!
From John Cena -

"CeNation. Amazing to see in times of crisis, and change, who your freinds are. Thanks to all of u who never give up.... And for those that wish for our demise, now is when we rise above the hate, and overcome. Can't wait to get my hands on Del Rio. Yawn ..stop looking at this bizz in black and white. I am not a "heel" or a "face", I am me. I find it comical that u truly believe. That archaic ideology still exists. Today, wwe fans cheer for who they please, which is why I love this company. I should mail u a pair of my shorts, because your stuck in 1993.

I thought I made it pretty clear at contract signing where I stood. I guess there's a lot of folks out there whose capacity is as limited as "my offense".
I back those who back me. And those who back me, get ready for one Helluva few months! Rise Above Hate. This "soap box moment " was brought to you by Fruity Pebbles.
Thanks again to ALL those who never give up."
The Young Bucks, known in TNA as Generation Me, received a tryout match yesterday before RAW. The two worked several matches for WWE producers (agents).

WWE is currently seeking tag teams to push their tag division; thus Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross discussing how tag team champions Otunga and McGuillicutty needed some new competition last night on Raw during their match.

Several other California talents got tryouts as well, including Scorpio Sky of WSX
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by BIG JUGG SHAWTY

I see somebody up there talkin bout a Orton vs Undertaker 2
I would love that matter fact I need that in my mind I think Randy
Is the only one that can end the great immortal streak get it done


20-0 or Stay retired!!!

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution
Duuuuuuude, what? People know who Diesel//Kevin Nash is. That's why he got such a huge pop at the RR. People know who Stephanie is. Let's be serious here. Russo's "Inside Booking" worked way differently.


Russo's Number 1 Fan.
Originally Posted by CareFreeJR

All that "anger" in Cena's promo was�reminiscent�of his intro to the match vs Brock�

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

And for all you Riley supporters.... please admit to me how awful this man is right now. I'm not saying he doesn't have potential down the line, but damn he sucks.


Needs to be moved to Smackdown or just relegated to dark matches/house shows for the time being. 
I kept saying "Jump! Jump you fool!" when he kept botching Swagger's Gutwrench powerbomb. Dammit A-Ry!
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