Wrestling Thread Aug 15-21 | 8/15 Raw - ADR Fulfills His Destiny as WWE Champ | SS Contest Results!

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Ziggler kept trying to re-focus attention to the action. Blame, Cole, King, and Vickie for their antics. I Ziggler saved the segment with his puns.

Commentary is always going to be the %!$#% in this era. Does it suck? Yeah. What are we going to do about it though?

If you want GREAT commentary watch matches with by far he best guest commentator..Barrett (Who ALWAYS points out things going on in the match) and Ziggler. Also, Regal on NXT has been money as of late.
King is great best one liners

Maybe in 1997.  His act is so old to me.  You're a 60 year old man.  You don't need to act like a 12 year old every time a hot chick comes out.  And I don't have a better way to describe it other than he acts much more like a mark fan than a color commentator with his announcing.  He brings nothing intelligent to the broadcast.

King is horrible, as is Cole.

Cole is the poorest excuse for a heel announcer maybe ever. He tries so hard to be a heel that instead of making guys look good by doing it (ala Heenan, Ventura, etc) he just comes off as a troll and it does nothing positive for anyone.

JR and Josh Matthews should be the commentary team for Raw
I actually thought Dolph on commentary was good, it's like the first time I've seen him actually show personality. He was shooting
down some of Cole and King's comments like a pro.
at the Doctor Bomb botch, Riley was sandbagging the crap outta him, then
Swagger just said ^#&$ it.

And as far as GenMe, if HHH is actually serious about legitimately rebuilding the tag division, they would help more than hurt an already
dying/dead division. Plus, as much as people compare them to the Hardyz, I'm sure Vince would love to catch a raging hard-on at the
money he could possibly make trying to recreate the Hardyz.
I've never been able to take a Tag-Team seriously unless they had a team name. I can't name any recent team except the "Hart Dynasty" and I guess Nexus that wasn't _________ & __________.
Yea, it would be nice for teams to have actual team names, and I don't know, maybe even legit team finishers. But I'll just take an actual tag
team division at this point, and just let everything come later.

A Goldberg/Taker match would be completely unnecessary. Goldberg should just think about somehow getting in the good graces of Vince, get a
Legends contract, and appear in some video games. Taker should just go 20-0 and keep it at that.
"I'm ready.. It's time for me to get back in the ring. I'm gonna train my *@+ off & get ready for the day-wherever it may be. Preach."
About 18 hours ago

Matt Hardy

What a damb tool
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

C'mon, you think AJ would ever get a shot in WWE?  Not gonna happen.  Not only is he small, but he's a TNA creation.  We've seen how TNA guys have fared in WWE.  Even Christian, he was exiled for years before his recent push.
I think Christian has faired well in the WWE since his return. Great ECW run, decent return to Smackdown, horrible WHC run (match wise..great. But demeaning character wise). If I was a performer I wouldn't complain. Mark Henry would eat anyone for the chance to have a WHC run.

As far as Styles goes..I know he would never go to the WWE. I'm just sayin' TNA is horrible at managing talent. Bucks with a new image and 15lbs of muscle and 2 years in FCW would do great in the WWE, IMO.
I don't know why they did Masters dirty. I mean, he didn't need a WHC run. I can see how was he was a liability, but they had no reason to not at least put him in a IC program. I would have loved a Barrett/Masters feud.
"I can do physical work, manual labor, I can life boxes" hahahaha man they had no reason to release somebody who improved like
he did from the time they originally tried to shoot him to the moon
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Ziggler is the man. Great on commentary tonight.

That was one of the worst segments in a long time.  The commentary as a whole was terrible tonight. Cole (Vince) and Lawler go into business for themselves while JR is forced to sit there and take insult after insult. JR is barely allowed to speak. I was excited when JR came back, but instead, the announcing situation has gotten worse because it just allows Cole to be even more ignorant on the mic.
The entire thing with Ziggler, Vickie, Cole, and Lawler all insulting each other and paying zero attention to the match just felt so uncomfortable and does NOTHING to help get the product over. When crap like this is going on, it basically tells you the guys in the ring suck and there is no reason to pay attention to them.

The same exact thing happened in the tag match with Cole burying Bourne and Lawler telling the world how bland and boring Otunga/McGuillicutty are. Regardless of if the guys suck or not, your announcers should never be telling the audience this. The goal of an announcer is to get the talent over. Not help to bury them. Even heel announcers get talent over. WWE's announcing situation is in a really bad spot right now.

watch this video from about 4:45 on THIS is good announcing...progressing the main event storyline and Putting over the talent in the Ring...Bobby Heenan was heel but still put over the faces so heavy...Cole sucks because he just says annoying things...he puts No one over...Daniel Byran is the best in the world according to the PWI 500...but the commentary team(aside from Booker T who sucks) never mentions this...calls him a nerd and never talks about how skilled he is so the casual fan can't get into what ever he does
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

I just finished reading The Death of WCW, in since I read 4wrestlings retort on Nash and wanted more background, as I refused for years to read about anything WCW cause it was all negative. That non withstanding I get the feeling that this Punk tirade or Pipe bombs is a lot like something Rusco would book. Only the internet would get a vinny vegas reference, and most of the kids watching either have no clue as to who Nash is, what HHH was or even as young as the audience is that WWE targets now who Steph is interms of her past.
The sad part is that you can sell a million NWO DVD's and 10% of the audience that is now WWE's core will watch it. 5% would make a Kliq connection. That is not to undermind the fact that WWE provided enough backstory to leave the people guessing and help get the storyline over its more so to point out that RAW is becoming a better version of WCW. It isnt to say that Punk doesnt have a strong fan base whom will root for him Face, Heel, or tweener its to say that Punk cannot rely on references that go over the majority of fans heads. Eventually everything will have to come back to earth. You arent going to see numbers with Promo's that are worked shoots, they make for better TV, but when half the fans are clueless it has no shot of drawing more money.
Promos made for the IWC are useless to everyone but the IWC, and thats not a knock on the IWC and its presance, more a sheer numbers game. That means you cannot build Nash from 1994, and have the main guy your pushing make a 1992 reference. Then Piping in a bunch of OOOh's and OH's.
 Aside from the fact that these references are not reaching your core, you cannot push a guy to the moon who's promos have become the equivlant interms of repetition of Hulk Hogan's pose downs to end Nitro in 96. You cannot have a guy who at best is your 8th best character appearing on TV in a World title feud and not build him up. And if you have any hope of Cena's Mania match generating more long term money he cannot go into Mania a super baby face. Those are just Raw's problems. Orton seems to have free reign over Smackdown, if your going to have Orton as a face why isnt Sheamus next in line as the top heel? Why am I forced to face the thought of a 2 star match with Henry, if Sheamus could be the same transitional feud, deliver better matches, and make Orton a Tweener again. Whats the point in taking your ideal number 2 face on Smackdown and turning him CM Punk style heel, writing the same plot 2 times for 2 different shows only to say look we need another pure face here Sheamus go attack the laughable heel at best in Henry.

Very WCW esque if you ask me.
Bill is talking about wrestling again, and he is prob the Sting Alternative, but I dont like it enough to say thats what I would like to see Taker retire with. HHH pt 3 is something I'm not looking forward to either though.

I tried reading your post, but the wall of text and multiple thoughts running together makes it difficult.  Use the enter key a few times to space things out 

That said, I do have to partially agree with you around the insider booking (ala Vince Russo).  I disagree about HHH and Stephanie because WWE has brought this up plenty of times over the years that basically everyone knows they are married and have power within WWE.  However, while most of us here though last night's Punk/Nash confrontation was awesome, how much of the total WWE audience actually had any clue what they were talking about?  Guaranteed contracts, vanilla midgets, Vinny Vegas, Oz, and the list goes on.  These insider references go right over 90% of the audience's head and causes them to lose interest.  We've seen how great these deals work in TNA....  The reason Punk's original "shoot" promo got over so well was because while he threw in a few insider references (New Japan, Colt Cabana), they were general enough that non-internet fans could understand them.  Last night was nothing but references to things from 15 years ago and backstage politics.

You could look at it 2 ways,WWE has been able to keep its main audience since WWE first acknowledged Steph and HHH in real life. Or the WWE's audience is so biased toward the under 15 market that HHH and Steph are not tied together, and Steph is just Vinces Daughter. Not to mention that HHH hasnt appeared full time since May 2010 , and Steph since 2009. But HHH taking over is the least offensive storyline thing that has happened.
Nash cannot draw money to this feud, Stephanie cannot draw money to this feud they can be auxilary parts, but Cena Punk and HHH have to draw the money. That SS run in was more about the fact that Kevin hadnt worked since the Rumble, and his legends contract is paying him a whole lot. Does he add something? sure. He adds to the fact that HHH is in charge, and if he wants can take himself off TV, and or appear less and put Nash out there. If he wants to wrestle 2-3 times a month he in theory could and Nash be the GM.

On another note Cena is an idiot. The majority of fans dont believe anything falls in to the classic Heel ,Face, Tweener act. At this point the concept is limiting at best, however dont sit here and act like your not at worst a tweener in a modern sense against Punk a Tweener in a modern sense against HHH who is playing the company man with a mean streak. It would be different if HHH wasnt agreeing with you on everything you said about Punk, it would be different if HHH established a respect for Punk. Instead you stand or some moral highground where all your matches have to be fair, you have to be in the WWE title race instead of focusing on speaking your Kayfabe mind and getting HHH to follow through on anything he says. Your character is so lost that it actually had the nerve to say that ADR was a paper champ after he beat Rey clean, and you challenged Rey to get the title the same night he won it. All the while Punk didnt oppose ADR cashing in. You burried the money in the bank concept, you burried ADR's wins, and you burried your own win. When you in fact envoked your rematch clause after a title defense.

Cole needed to go once they realised that other guys could do Coles job better. King must have a Linda porn scene cause he was done 5 years ago. But its not like any color guy is better than him. Striker sucked the entire time, Booker sucks, and the 3 man booth feels like 1996 with JR unable to get a sentence out. JR as a stop gap with King, and Mathews on Raw until you could find a replacement for King. I would look at Edge, but thats just me.... 
Originally Posted by biff lawson

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Ziggler is the man. Great on commentary tonight.

That was one of the worst segments in a long time. �The commentary as a whole was terrible tonight. �Cole (Vince) and Lawler go into business for themselves while JR is forced to sit there and take insult after insult. �JR is barely allowed to speak. �I was excited when JR came back, but instead, the announcing situation has gotten worse because it just allows Cole to be even more ignorant on the mic.
The entire thing with Ziggler, Vickie, Cole, and Lawler all insulting each other and paying zero attention to the match just felt so uncomfortable and does NOTHING to help get the product over. �When crap like this is going on, it basically tells you the guys in the ring suck and there is no reason to pay attention to them.

The same exact thing happened in the tag match with Cole burying Bourne and Lawler telling the world how bland and boring Otunga/McGuillicutty are. �Regardless of if the guys suck or not, your announcers should never be telling the audience this. �The goal of an announcer is to get the talent over. �Not help to bury them. �Even heel announcers get talent over. �WWE's announcing situation is in a really bad spot right now.

watch this video from about 4:45 on THIS is good announcing...progressing the main event storyline and Putting over the talent in the Ring...Bobby Heenan was heel but still put over the faces so heavy...Cole sucks because he just says annoying things...he puts No one over...Daniel Byran is the best in the world according to the PWI 500...but the commentary team(aside from Booker T who sucks) never mentions this...calls him a nerd and never talks about how skilled he is so the casual fan can't get into what ever he does

DAMB! listen to how "over" Crush is! They really did care about the mid-card back then, and Crush was low-mid card. I don't even think he was ever in the IC title picture.
Here's some of my opinions, if anyone cares. 

RAW has a new head-writer, right? You can kind of tell different things that they're implementing.

1. I like how HHH is keeping up to his word by trying to make the tag titles relevant again. Kofi and Bourne are obviously going to win the titles. Having 2 faces who are over and higher on the card will help give the titles more credibility. This is what they should do with people in the mid-card hanging around...throw them into the tag title picture. Remember when Edge, Rey, Eddie, Chavo, Benoit, Angle made the Tag Titles hot on Smackdown? That can be recreated here. Cena can even take breaks from the WWE Title picture, pick up a face partner and battle for the tag titles. This would give others a chance at the WWE title and take Cena OUT of the main event for a few PPVs.

2. I like the mini-promo Morrison did before his match. I didn't like what he was saying, but just the idea of doing promos before the match. It's a throwback to the 90s. It gives time to promote the match/fued w/o taking up TV time.

3. They need to have jobbers, again. Instead of burying talent ie. R-Truth, A-Ry, jobbers can help get the wrestlers moves/gimmick over without burying another wrestler. You can still have "premier" matches on Raw w/ Superstar vs Superstar, but you can have 1 - 2 jobber matches a show to get a person over. I mean, it worked w/ Goldberg and DDP.

The funny thing about the tag titles is, Jericho was able to elevate those titles on his own, but WWE ruined it after it got to the Hart Dynasty. Jericho also did the same thing w/ the IC title and WWE ruined it, again.
JNSQ/JRA feud!!???

2 ball-less dudes goin at it!!!

after i'm done buryin ya both, u guys can battle it out, i got bigger fish to fry anyway
GHIMS, you don't even use periods in your sentences.

and JNSQ is a non-factor. Don't trip...I'm a week from leaving development.

i gotta admit, u guys atleast have more than 3 wrestling moves unlike hymen

and u guys dont stumble down the stage when your music hits, unlike lobo
GHIMS is full of a variety of moves.

He's the man of 1004 ways to hit your opponent in the balls.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

GHIMS is full of a variety of moves.

He's the man of 1004 ways to hit your opponent in the balls.

Move #1: BALL SLAP.
Move #2: BALL KICK

Move #327 BALL SLAP
- TMZ picked up on the white mouse that could be seen running across the arena floor during last night’s RAW when John Cena was cutting a promo on Alberto Del Rio after the main event.

- Next year’s WrestleMania 28 from Miami could be the third WrestleMania to feature a boxing match, according to a report on BoxingScene.com.

- TMZ picked up on the white mouse that could be seen running across the arena floor during last night’s RAW when John Cena was cutting a promo on Alberto Del Rio after the main event.

- WWE did everything they could on Sunday night at SummerSlam to keep Kevin Nash’s return a surprise. Nash was flown into Los Angeles on Saturday and kept away from the rest of the WWE roster. Only 3 or 4 people in the whole company knew about his return planned for SummerSlam.

On Sunday, Nash was kept away in a different part of the arena and wasn’t brought over until right before or during the main event between John Cena and CM Punk. Nash’s return wasn’t listed on WWE’s official booking sheets either.

WWE Doing a Future Endeavored Storyline? - On August 10th, WWE filed to trademark the terms “Future Endeavoredâ€
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