Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

- Regarding Chris Hero being signed by WWE, officials wanted to sign him a few months back when they signed his partner Claudio Castagnoli to FCW. Hero was going through the physical screening process. It’s believed that either WWE found something they wanted to take their time on double checking to make sure he’s fit to sign, or they stalled in contract negotiations. Hero hasn’t gone back to work for NOAH or ROH yet so it’s still possible he will pop up in FCW soon.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- Regarding Chris Hero being signed by WWE, officials wanted to sign him a few months back when they signed his partner Claudio Castagnoli to FCW. Hero was going through the physical screening process. It’s believed that either WWE found something they wanted to take their time on double checking to make sure he’s fit to sign, or they stalled in contract negotiations. Hero hasn’t gone back to work for NOAH or ROH yet so it’s still possible he will pop up in FCW soon.

whatever happen to those dudes? wasnt they supposed to come in as punks guys?
^ thanks im about to get it for less than 30 guess ill get it for ps3 since i dont really use the ps3 for video games. ill try something different lol
Originally Posted by toine2983

Thanks fellas

Been knocking out some of Universe trophies.

The winning the tag team titles glitched on me. I won the belts by beating Air Boom with Edge and my Jericho CAW at Wrestlemania but the trophy didn't pop. Hopefully it does when I have to defend them.

Question for those who played up to when they have WWE draft. When are the actual draft picks made? I know the draft is supposed to take place on the Raw after Mania but I saw the matches on the Raw card and it was with wrestlers that were on the same brand. I played and won a match with R-Truth against Rey Mysterio and the trophy popped for winning a match at the draft (even though both of them were on Raw
).  However there was no draft pick made. I haven't finished the Raw show yet, does the draft take place at the end of the show?

As long as you win a match.. on "raw draft night" you get the trophy.. continue raw and you will get some matches for a draft pick.. the pick happened right after the match. . And the new drafted superstar or diva makes his or her entrance to the ring.. there's also a "smackdown draft night"
Got a Jericho CAW.. Only grievance is the blue on the "Save Us" attire is not the correct shade or even close for that matter.. Maybe I'm a stickler on attires, but would have been so much better if the blue was the color of the attire..

But when my internet is not getting messed up (F YOU TIME WARNER) I've been working on getting Y2J entrance as perfect as possible.... Got the song uploaded.. If only I could upload a titan tron.. They need that in the next game..
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Mister916

Originally Posted by NobleKane

does wwe 12 have blood?
Yes. You can toggle it off and on.

You change it in option menu..
I had no idea you could turn blood on in this game. I did notice there wasn't a first blood match though, unless I looked over it. 
[/h2][h2]Triple H Featured On 'Unsexiest Men Of 2011' List[/h2]
- Triple H is ranked #20 on Boston Phoenix's"Unsexiest Men of 2011" list, an annual survey ranking the 100 "leastappealing dudes." The Boston, Massachusetts based newspaper brings theWWE Superstar's name to the forefront as it is titled "Triple H to MarkZuckerberg - 100 Unsexiest Men of the Year 2011."

Regarding the Chief Operating Officer of WWE, Boston Phoenix wrote, <"Thenight before his WWE contract expired, CM Punk snatched the WWEchampionship from the loathed John Cena, and wrestling was edgy andcool again . . . for about a week. Then Triple H — Vince McMahon'sson-in-law and inexplicable "star" from 2003 — hogged the Monday NightRaw cameras for the entire summer. The +$%%?"

 @ that video for Vickie.

There are videos of Karma's entrance and finisher on the WWE 12 website, can't wait to use her.

Did anyone else buy Fan Axxess, or am I the only one?

As for my problem with the WWE draft, I added a couple of people to each roster and draft matches showed up for me on Raw and Smackdown, guess you need 20+ people on each roster for the Draft matches to take place.

Still don't know why the tag trophy title didn't unlock for me.
So i cant figure out how to put music on a downloaded superstar from the creations. is it because you can only put it on superstars you make?
Originally Posted by toine2983

 @ that video for Vickie.

There are videos of Karma's entrance and finisher on the WWE 12 website, can't wait to use her.

Did anyone else buy Fan Axxess, or am i the only one?

As for my problem with the WWE draft, I added a couple of people to each roster and draft matches showed up for me on Raw and Smackdown, guess you need 20+ people on each roster for the Draft matches to take place.

Still don't know why the tag trophy title didn't unlock for me.

i bought fan axxess.
i have no issue dropping 12 dollars for unlimited free DLC.

and that sad that Vickie Guerrero has more detail to her character than Mark Henry. 
Originally Posted by Raffy53

So i cant figure out how to put music on a downloaded superstar from the creations. is it because you can only put it on superstars you make?

If you got a PS3. Put song on a USB drive. Copy file into music. Make a playlist. Copy song into playlist.. When you go into create-an-entrance..  For music click custom soundtrack should take you to the playlist folder. CLick on the song you want and there you go.
Mamba, you need a cheatbook for that
I swear Cena pulls cheats in his matches the way he springs back to life after 3432425 finishers
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Is there any way to beat John Cena in this game?!?!

only in handicap matches


I can beat Cena more often than not and I usually play on at least Hard difficulty. He just no sells whenever I hit him with my finisher the 1st time..

Usually takes a couple finishers to beat him.
lol pope calling morgan and crimson honkeys was

this is what mcmahon should have let truth do. i can see a nation of domination like faction being born with pope, devon, and devons sons

And now you all know why I've ran with this Jeribkmac gimmick. The man is
That's one thing nobody can ever take away from Jericho, beating Austin and Rock in the same night.
Too bad HHH Pedigree'd him back to the midcard not too long after that.
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