Wrestling Thread Feb 20-26 | 2/24 Beware, There is a Criminal (Lobo) Lurking in this Thread

- WWE’s website posted a headline last night that says, “Shaq will not compete at WrestleMania.
Originally Posted by gunnascott

I feel like this Mania is going to be the worse ever between booking and injuries
Im talking WM 9 and 13 bad
I don't know, cause I think Rock/Cena, Punk/Y2J, and Taker/HHH all could be great and may make up for the rest of the card.
WM13 was was Austin/Hart, NOD/Ahmed Johnson vs NoD and....nothing else. Nothing could possibly be worse than WM9 though
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

 – It was reported last week that Brodus Clay was removed from television due to Vince McMahon’s unhappiness with the voluminous grappler’s ring work. To add further detail, the WWE head believes he’s unsafe and reckless in the ring; he doesn’t want him competing until his ring work is brought up to par.
Uhhhh....what ring work has he seen? He couldn't at all be talking his very recent stuff, cause he's wrestled no more than 1 minute
per match. And on NXT and Superstars, he's had some very good work. Just Vince being Vince I guess.  
the june ppv (still untitled) is in NJ

thinking about making that my first WWE ppv, with hopefully WM 29 being my 2nd

– A match involving the WWE Divas is expected to take place WrestleMania XXVIII although some company officials are against utilizing the women for the sake of it since the affair would take away time from the bouts people are most interested in seeing

– The Undertaker appeared on Monday’s Raw SuperShow and did not remove the hood covering his head. WWE officials plan to have the iconic wrestler remove his hood and display his bald head for the first time when he faces Triple H in a Hell in a Cell Match at WrestleMania XXVIII.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

– The Undertaker appeared on Monday’s Raw SuperShow and did not remove the hood covering his head. WWE officials plan to have the iconic wrestler remove his hood and display his bald head for the first time when he faces Triple H in a Hell in a Cell Match at WrestleMania XXVIII.

I think this is a terrible idea.  People will be focused more on his bald head instead of the match.  They should take the hood down ahead of time so people can get past it.
Question...if I get WWE 12 with the intention of not using the online(Community Creations etc) alot..is it still enjoyable?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

 – A match involving the WWE Divas is expected to take place WrestleMania XXVIII although some company officials are against utilizing the women for the sake of it since the affair would take away time from the bouts people are most interested in seeing
It's only like that cause they made it that way.
– A match involving the WWE Divas is expected to take place WrestleMania XXVIII although some company officials are against utilizing the women for the sake of it since the affair would take away time from the bouts people are most interested in seeing

OK, how about this. Match Kharma and Beth up for the title. No Lumber Jills or gimmicks. Just those two. Give them 10 or so to actually WRESTLE.

I wouldn't mind seeing a non-gimmicked Divas Title match between Beth Phoenix and Kharma.
^i dont get what would be the point of having a divas division

80% cant wrestle or talk

they are eye candy though, make them valets

just pls dont tell me we getting cody vs big show
Punk handled that well..those callers sounding mad ignorant.

I really want to see this go down now. No chance it'll actually happen though.

It's basically wrestling fans vs. Breezy groupies & anti-wrestling fans
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

– The Undertaker appeared on Monday’s Raw SuperShow and did not remove the hood covering his head. WWE officials plan to have the iconic wrestler remove his hood and display his bald head for the first time when he faces Triple H in a Hell in a Cell Match at WrestleMania XXVIII.

I think this is a terrible idea.  People will be focused more on his bald head instead of the match.  They should take the hood down ahead of time so people can get past it.

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Question...if I get WWE 12 with the intention of not using the online(Community Creations etc) alot..is it still enjoyable?
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