Wrestling Thread Feb 20-26 | 2/24 Beware, There is a Criminal (Lobo) Lurking in this Thread

Personally, Yes. I'm sure others would disagree.

The gameplay is really fun. Try to get it for around 40.
Omg that caller who brought up OJ.
Kurt angle is drunk tweeting again.....

I Could Beat Chris Brown's $+#. I doubt if Punk Could. Lol. But Violence is Wrong! Brown Must Pay! I Agree.

I Would Beat Chris Brown's $+# for What He Did. But trust Me- GOD Will Judge Him. Not Punk. Undertstand Now? No Violence!!!

Nobody Needs to Point Out Chris Brown.It's Bigger than Him. Let's wage war Against Battered Women. Punk fighting Brown is Senseless. Get It?

To those Who Don't Understand, I don't think Violence on Chris Brown is the Answer. It's all of Us Coming together to fight Women Battering!

To my supporters, thnx. To everyone else kiss my @ss

if I make Olympic team! What will You Say?

I could beat any Wwe or Tna Wrestler in a match or fight. They will all tell You that.Idiot.

ok. So more violence is needed? Hello. Coo coo? Punk wants to fight Brown?

I Never supported Chris Brown. Ever. U R a moron who doesn't understand the problem.

ur an idiot. I am against C Brown. I Just want to fight battered Women. Not 1 Guy. All of them

ask punk what would happen to him if we went at it. He would tell you the truth. Easy!

ok.,really? Cm punk wouldn't last 10 seconds w meb Chris brown would be less. Lol

No more cm punk. I actually like punk. We agree to disagree. Leave it at that. GOD Bless.

GOD will judge Him. Not Punk.

I'm Done. I prefer to have fundraiser for battered women than beat up Chris brown. Now do You understand Me??

Found not guilty and Falsely accused. Read the Report moron. I was the Victim

All I'm Saying is We if are all for refraining from Battered Women, don't pick 1 person.Unite @ fight! Don't fight 1 Man.Fight the problem!

I don't agree with what Chris Brown did!How about they both Drop It

nobody should be judging anyone else! Chris Brown was wrong. Over@done!

@GoogathePirate u want me to retweet it idiot? I meant what I said!

We noted earlier here on the website that Angle posted the following on Twitter Tuesday night, regarding the CM Punk vs. Chris Brown Twitter feud … "I agree that C.M. Punk is right about Chris Brown," Angle wrote. "But why are you involved? For publicity? Punk talks a good game. But for what? More Twitter..." Angle later deleted the Tweet.
I swear Chris Brown's fans are just as *%#%$@# stupid as him.

CM Punk conducted himself very well in that radio interview.
Great video lobo..I swear, sometimes, watching an interview/shoot is more entertaining than what is currently being put on tv each week..

Yard, I saw that bit of news yesterday and got excited too..One issue I have with that release is they say it "launched sports entertainment legends..Terry Funk and Cactus Jack"..And while I love ECW and think they contributed an insane amount to the wrestling business, I don't personally think they can get the credit for "launching" Funk or Foley..I knew of both of those guys before ECW ever came along and most wrestling fans my age or older did too..Other than that I'm very happy they're giving the ECW guys some more shine..
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Question...if I get WWE 12 with the intention of not using the online(Community Creations etc) alot..is it still enjoyable?

Get the game..if you can get it for sale..
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Question...if I get WWE 12 with the intention of not using the online(Community Creations etc) alot..is it still enjoyable?

Get the game..if you can get it for sale..
I'll prolly get a used copy from Gamestop or something.

Too bad there isn't that $20 deal again like last year with SvR 2011...
Wait why did CM Punk even get involved with Chris Brown? Was it just a random tweet that got juiced into a beef?
Somethin' about how he didnt like Chris Brown winning a Grammy and saying "this is for you haters" (or something like that) during his acceptance speech..And he thought it was wrong to say that knowing that the "haters" are people that hate on him cause he beat Rhianna's ugly asz up..
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]the lyrics right when Owen came on................................... damn.[/color]
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Let's play a game.
Which one is Hombrelobo?

He's either the clown or the douche.

Also I'd like to thank everyone for treating me like bkmac 2.0 and completely ignoring my question earlier.
Originally Posted by casekicks

Somethin' about how he didnt like Chris Brown winning a Grammy and saying "this is for you haters" (or something like that) during his acceptance speech..And he thought it was wrong to say that knowing that the "haters" are people that hate on him cause he beat Rhianna's ugly asz up..

I see Chris 's side a bit. People have a hard time forgiving. The haters comments were childish, so I feel where Philip is coming from. Cm Punk should of left well enough alone. Those Chris Brown groupies are tuff.
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