Wrestling Thread Feb 20-26 | 2/24 Beware, There is a Criminal (Lobo) Lurking in this Thread

Despite Shaq once again stating that he would be wrestling at WrestleMania, everyone within WWE believes and is building towards The Big Show facing Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania. There is a belief that WWE and Shaq's management team may have hit a snag, and Shaq is not fully aware of the situation.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by gunnascott

I feel like this Mania is going to be the worse ever between booking and injuries
Im talking WM 9 and 13 bad
I don't know, cause I think Rock/Cena, Punk/Y2J, and Taker/HHH all could be great and may make up for the rest of the card.
WM13 was was Austin/Hart, NOD/Ahmed Johnson vs NoD and....nothing else. Nothing could possibly be worse than WM9 though
Yea I understand that my dude but 3 matches for $70
Highway Robbery to the fullest
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

so good, I love hearing Punk in these types of interviews. He did one with Ariel Halwani before the Chael Sonnen PPV that was about 30 mins and it was great...need more of these
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Despite Shaq once again stating that he would be wrestling at WrestleMania, everyone within WWE believes and is building towards The Big Show facing Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania. There is a belief that WWE and Shaq's management team may have hit a snag, and Shaq is not fully aware of the situation.

Show and Rhodes is suuuuuuch a bad idea.
There is no appeal in seeing Show wrestle...is he sooooooooooooo boring it's ridiculous and what possibly can Rhodes do in the match that'll make it exciting?

I really don't have any interest in the storyline or the match, should it happen.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

the lyrics right when Owen came on................................... damn.


The lyrics were spot on when Benoit came on too.

@ DFly: WWE 12 is a great game, the best wrestling game to come out in years actually. If you don't plan on using a lot of CAWs then the lackluster WWE 12 servers should have little affect on your enjoyment of the game. The server issues were supposedly fixed with the patch that drop a few weeks ago, but I can't vouch for that since I haven't tried Community Creations in a minute. If you can, try to wait it out for a pricedrop for the game.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Let's play a game.
Which one is Hombrelobo?
He's either the clown or the douche.

Also I'd like to thank everyone for treating me like bkmac 2.0 and completely ignoring my question earlier.
No. Clearly, I'm the douche/clown. And I'm okay with that.

Spoiler [+]

On another note.. ZIG-ZAG man is on the Art of Wrestling this week. SSSIIICKKK

Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

the lyrics right when Owen came on................................... damn.


The lyrics were spot on when Benoit came on too.

@ DFly: WWE 12 is a great game, the best wrestling game to come out in years actually. If you don't plan on using a lot of CAWs then the lackluster WWE 12 servers should have little affect on your enjoyment of the game. The server issues were supposedly fixed with the patch that drop a few weeks ago, but I can't vouch for that since I haven't tried Community Creations in a minute. If you can, try to wait it out for a pricedrop for the game.
Yeah, thought about just waiting a little longer too. Thanks man.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Despite Shaq once again stating that he would be wrestling at WrestleMania, everyone within WWE believes and is building towards The Big Show facing Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania. There is a belief that WWE and Shaq's management team may have hit a snag, and Shaq is not fully aware of the situation.

Show and Rhodes is suuuuuuch a bad idea.
There is no appeal in seeing Show wrestle...is he sooooooooooooo boring it's ridiculous and what possibly can Rhodes do in the match that'll make it exciting?

I really don't have any interest in the storyline or the match, should it happen.

Why not do the Goldust and Cody program? WWE is so confusing. That GM match should involve a swerve. Maybe Mark Henry can fake that he like Teddy over Johnny and then swerve to help get revenge against Teddy.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

asking again

anyone bought the shirts from WWESHOP - how do they fit?
IMO, I would go a size up. I bought an XL and a 2X in the Best in the World shirt and the 2X fit better, and in t-shirts I usually wear an XL.
[h1]CM Punk and Chris Brown: Another Twitter war pitting WWE superstar vs. celebrity [/h1]
By Arda Ocal
7:00 a.m. EST, February 23, 2012

If the very first WrestleMania taught us anything, it's that celebrities will always have a place in the WWEUniverse. For years, WWE fans have been used to seeing actors, musicians, athletes, billionaires, reality stars and pretty much any other form of celebrity journey through WWE TV, with many treating it like a stop on a media tour (Leno, Letterman, WWE, Conan, etc...).
Today, the most interesting WWE celebrity involvement may not even have an official agreement in place between parties. It's happening on Twitter, and it's turning heads.

As the old saying goes -- coincidentally, it's also the title of Eric Bischoff's WWE-released book -- “Controversy Creates Cash.
- Eve Torres sent the following message to Zack Ryder, via Twitter…

@ZackRyder I miss you.


So simple, yet pretty realistic. My ex sent the same thing right before the beginning of this month
Originally Posted by Peep Game

- Eve Torres sent the following message to Zack Ryder, via Twitter…

@ZackRyder I miss you.


So simple, yet pretty realistic. My ex sent the same thing right before the beginning of this month

It's winter time man, you know it's cuff season out here. I got the same @*@! the other day from this %++%% I used to %@%@. Laid the groundwork for our entanglement and after abiding by the rules for some time, the ol' ultimatum was made so I had to opt out of our contract. C'est la vie.

That Punk interview was
. Peter Rosenberg is always [color= rgb(0, 102, 51)]$$$ [/color]with the questions he asks these guys.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

- Eve Torres sent the following message to Zack Ryder, via Twitter…

@ZackRyder I miss you.


So simple, yet pretty realistic. My ex sent the same thing right before the beginning of this month

The lost logic. K.I.S.SDoesn't take a genius to tell a story.Any news on Ship Sheffield? I hope they have big things planned for the guy.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

- Eve Torres sent the following message to Zack Ryder, via Twitter…

@ZackRyder I miss you.


So simple, yet pretty realistic. My ex sent the same thing right before the beginning of this month

realistic as hell
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Peep Game

- Eve Torres sent the following message to Zack Ryder, via Twitter…

@ZackRyder I miss you.


So simple, yet pretty realistic. My ex sent the same thing right before the beginning of this month

It's winter time man, you know it's cuff season out here. I got the same @*@! the other day from this %++%% I used to %@%@. Laid the groundwork for our entanglement and after abiding by the rules for some time, the ol' ultimatum was made so I had to opt out of our contract. C'est la vie.
Man I thought cuffin season was a myth. 
"opt out of our contract". I hear you man.
Ahhhhhhh here we go
Originally Posted by Peep Game

- Eve Torres sent the following message to Zack Ryder, via Twitter…

@ZackRyder I miss you.


So simple, yet pretty realistic. My ex sent the same thing right before the beginning of this month

Wish I ever got one of these 
Did anyone ever read this book? Sounds.. interesting. (The book is no longer 'new'. I've heard of it but I'm just looking into it.)

A new book titled "Ring of Hell" is out with scandalous details on the backstage scene in Japan, ECW, WCW, and WWE. The book goes into theories as to what drove Chris Benoit to kill his son Daniel and wife Nancy.

The book also has details on other backstage stories not necessarily related to Chris Benoit. Former WWE writer Dave Lagana, who was fired from WWE is mentioned in the book. Writer Michael Randazzo V cites sources that claim that Lagana was released because he was offering sexual favors to male and female talent.

In his latest podcast on prowrestling.net Jason Powell mentions that he has heard this rumor and that Lagana propositioned Kevin Thorne. Kevin Thorne reported the incident to The Undertaker and Undertaker took it up to Vince McMahon. The original story of Lagana's firing was that he was thought to be a leak to wrestling news websites. However, the book states that it was a coverup.

Some of the stories may sound hard to believe but Randazzo does have sources (including former WWE writers) to back up many of the claims in the book.

Here are excerpts from the book:

"In addition to being WWE stars, Nash and Hall, along with their buddy Shawn Michaels, had been genius backstage politicians. Pooling their professional leverage and considerable charisma, they concentrated like no one since Hogan on obtaining maximum power, maximum pay, and maximum privileges from McMahon--for which they should be commended. Their calculated mind games against their colleagues were less worthy of plaudits: they would **** in the food and bags of the women who rejected their advances, berate workers who did not use speed and pain pills, and use their near hypnotic pull on McMahon (who was commonly rumored within the industry to have a psychosexual fixation on Michaels) to get away with power trips that shattered the confidence and morale of their competition. To Nash and Hall, the wrestling business was a cutthroat team sport in which ruthless self-gratification was their only goal, and they played this sport with skill and killer instinct. They were good enough to play Vince 'Emperor of Carnies' McMahon like a hapless mark, and in 1996 they were again facing authentic hapless marks in WCW."

"Deranged marks like Hart and Benoit were the easiest targets imaginable. Hall would walk up to Benoit backstage 'real friendly like' and say, 'I love your finish! I can't wait to kick out of it!' On another occasion, Hall began talking to Benoit in a casual, chummy manner, relaxing him, making him feel special like a nerd in high school who is finally getting treated like a human being by the jock bully. Midway through the conversation, Benoit realized that Hall had covertly taken out his d*ck and was pissing on Benoit's cowboy boots."

Other topics in the book include:

- Antonio Inoki buying an island from Fidel Castro because Castro told him that there was buried treasure underneath the island.

- Benoit threatening WCW executives that he would mutilate himself on live TV if forced to go through with a storyline he didn't want to be involved in.

- Vader once got tied up by the Yakuza and they started making little cuts all around Vader's body as some sort of ritual.

- Former WWE writer Dan Madigan's story of sharing a limo with the McMahons and HHH in which he witnessed Vince very gently cradle and snuggle Stephanie to sleep in his arms, then fall snoringly asleep himself, only to catch HHH looking at them drool onto each other and snore into each other's faces with a mixture of utter repulsion and spectacular triumph.

- Trainees in the NJPW dojo being subjected to anal rape if they complained about the food and Jusin Liger would punching rookies. There are stories of people being forced to do pushups while veteran wrestlers urinated on their backs, being sexually molested in the showers, and being made to drink their own semen.

- Paul Heyman talks about his drug use in the book but denies the rumors of being Marty Jannetty's drug dealer.

- Dean Malenko was allegedly Eddie Guerrero's drug connection hook-up for years even after he got out of rehab.

- Saito legititmately KOingd Vader for telling him "Vader calls the match, mother****er", and then had the ref count him out while he screamed insults at Vader.

- Eric Bischoff started Nitro as retaliation for a rib played on him by another major promoter.

- No surprise to anyone but Benoit had an undenying love for Dynamite Kid and it sounds like he had self-esteem issues. He had been taking steroids throughout his adolescent years and painkillers to cool himself off but it just made him into a worse person.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Did anyone ever read this book? Sounds.. interesting. (The book is no longer 'new'. I've heard of it but I'm just looking into it.)

A new book titled "Ring of Hell" is out with scandalous details on the backstage scene in Japan, ECW, WCW, and WWE. The book goes into theories as to what drove Chris Benoit to kill his son Daniel and wife Nancy.

The book also has details on other backstage stories not necessarily related to Chris Benoit. Former WWE writer Dave Lagana, who was fired from WWE is mentioned in the book. Writer Michael Randazzo V cites sources that claim that Lagana was released because he was offering sexual favors to male and female talent.

In his latest podcast on prowrestling.net Jason Powell mentions that he has heard this rumor and that Lagana propositioned Kevin Thorne. Kevin Thorne reported the incident to The Undertaker and Undertaker took it up to Vince McMahon. The original story of Lagana's firing was that he was thought to be a leak to wrestling news websites. However, the book states that it was a coverup.

Some of the stories may sound hard to believe but Randazzo does have sources (including former WWE writers) to back up many of the claims in the book.

Here are excerpts from the book:

"In addition to being WWE stars, Nash and Hall, along with their buddy Shawn Michaels, had been genius backstage politicians. Pooling their professional leverage and considerable charisma, they concentrated like no one since Hogan on obtaining maximum power, maximum pay, and maximum privileges from McMahon--for which they should be commended. Their calculated mind games against their colleagues were less worthy of plaudits: they would **** in the food and bags of the women who rejected their advances, berate workers who did not use speed and pain pills, and use their near hypnotic pull on McMahon (who was commonly rumored within the industry to have a psychosexual fixation on Michaels) to get away with power trips that shattered the confidence and morale of their competition. To Nash and Hall, the wrestling business was a cutthroat team sport in which ruthless self-gratification was their only goal, and they played this sport with skill and killer instinct. They were good enough to play Vince 'Emperor of Carnies' McMahon like a hapless mark, and in 1996 they were again facing authentic hapless marks in WCW."

"Deranged marks like Hart and Benoit were the easiest targets imaginable. Hall would walk up to Benoit backstage 'real friendly like' and say, 'I love your finish! I can't wait to kick out of it!' On another occasion, Hall began talking to Benoit in a casual, chummy manner, relaxing him, making him feel special like a nerd in high school who is finally getting treated like a human being by the jock bully. Midway through the conversation, Benoit realized that Hall had covertly taken out his d*ck and was pissing on Benoit's cowboy boots."

Other topics in the book include:

- Antonio Inoki buying an island from Fidel Castro because Castro told him that there was buried treasure underneath the island.

- Benoit threatening WCW executives that he would mutilate himself on live TV if forced to go through with a storyline he didn't want to be involved in.

- Vader once got tied up by the Yakuza and they started making little cuts all around Vader's body as some sort of ritual.

- Former WWE writer Dan Madigan's story of sharing a limo with the McMahons and HHH in which he witnessed Vince very gently cradle and snuggle Stephanie to sleep in his arms, then fall snoringly asleep himself, only to catch HHH looking at them drool onto each other and snore into each other's faces with a mixture of utter repulsion and spectacular triumph.

- Trainees in the NJPW dojo being subjected to anal rape if they complained about the food and Jusin Liger would punching rookies. There are stories of people being forced to do pushups while veteran wrestlers urinated on their backs, being sexually molested in the showers, and being made to drink their own semen.

- Paul Heyman talks about his drug use in the book but denies the rumors of being Marty Jannetty's drug dealer.

- Dean Malenko was allegedly Eddie Guerrero's drug connection hook-up for years even after he got out of rehab.

- Saito legititmately KOingd Vader for telling him "Vader calls the match, mother****er", and then had the ref count him out while he screamed insults at Vader.

- Eric Bischoff started Nitro as retaliation for a rib played on him by another major promoter.

- No surprise to anyone but Benoit had an undenying love for Dynamite Kid and it sounds like he had self-esteem issues. He had been taking steroids throughout his adolescent years and painkillers to cool himself off but it just made him into a worse person.

not exactly 
but I wanna read it
Originally Posted by Peep Game

- Eve Torres sent the following message to Zack Ryder, via Twitter…

@ZackRyder I miss you.


So simple, yet pretty realistic. My ex sent the same thing right before the beginning of this month

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