Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

Nail in the coffin was turning him face. 

His whole damn gimmick is being a heel, its in his twitter handle. Dude would do situps and head stands. 
He's better as a heel but the way he turned face tho,.. Come on bro if you didn't feel for that man you weren't human. Plus being face he can show his frustration and passion more.

On a side note do any of you believe Seth's turn will be like Daniel Bryan's when he joined the Wyatt's?
Nail in the coffin was turning him face. 

His whole damn gimmick is being a heel, its in his twitter handle. Dude would do situps and head stands. 
yea i dont mind anyone that much when there heel.dudes mad generic tho nothing different.which is why hes reached his ceiling ,no need to dwell on washed up dudes anyway

if dbry cant go at this point strip him,the show must go on he had his wrestlemania moment now he should get healthy smash brie and come back strong 

im ready for a cesaro or bray title run honestly 
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they need lesner to say F it ill carry this company and get the belt and work more dates. and ask for more money
He's better as a heel but the way he turned face tho,.. Come on bro if you didn't feel for that man you weren't human. Plus being face he can show his frustration and passion more.

On a side note do any of you believe Seth's turn will be like Daniel Bryan's when he joined the Wyatt's?

Seth's turn possibly ending up like DBry's Wyatt run has crossed my mind over the past few days...I don't see him being a heel very long, although I think he makes a good one.
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He's better as a heel but the way he turned face tho,.. Come on bro if you didn't feel for that man you weren't human. Plus being face he can show his frustration and passion more.

On a side note do any of you believe Seth's turn will be like Daniel Bryan's when he joined the Wyatt's?

I thought about this. Bryan was only "heel" got like 3 weeks cause the WWE quickly realized how stupid that idea was. The crowds pretty much forced their hand. I'm not sure if that would be the case for Rollins. I'll wait and see how this plays out, but I really wish they just gradually had the Shield have singles careers, and team them up randomly just to keep that association. DX, Edge/Christian, Hardyz, Owen/Bulldog, and the Outlaws all did that at one time or another without some immediate swift turn.
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Kofi and Dolph shouldn't even be in the same sentence. Dolph is a much more complete performer than Kofi is.
I honestly don't mind the seth turn. Hopefully it means he'll get a bigger push? This will allow him to shine in a sort of singles career. Eventually the shield need to split. They ran through the company already. Although I would like to have enjoyed a lengthy Wyatt/shield feud. Oh well. It'll be interesting to see roman and ambrose team up now. They both were always at one point seen as a singles star.

If done right this can be great. But knowing the writers. We will probably be disappointed or the crowd will control the outcome. Regardless I hope in the long run all three members of the shield will get their shine as singles stars
im not even gonna get into it with u dudes and ziggler,no point.hes jobbing now ya gotta get over it.lets move on to bigger and better superstars in the wwe not washed up guys like ziggs and kofi.when in fact there both j.o.b squad 2014 
do you even read my dude? youre a smart wrestling fan from what i can tell.

no one is complaining. were reminiscing on what could have been. weve all accepted that hes a jobber now and that wont change. does that change the fact that the dude is still talented as hell? nope. ziggler aint the only dude being underutilized on the roster. we just like him the best.
Throw sandow in there. Dude is gold on the mic but they got him in some STUPID skits. I don't know WHAT he did to all of a sudden be this jobber in some dumbass programs. After that failed but somewhat successful cash in against cena dude went straight downhill. It always seems in mitbs there's one dude that will either already be established win or flourish then the other is instant jobber :smh:
Kofi and Dolph shouldn't even be in the same sentence. Dolph is a much more complete performer than Kofi is.

True, but in the last year, Kofi's biggest win is Orton, and I think Dolph's biggest win is Sandow, whose biggest win is R-Truth.
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