Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Wouldn't mind a face Cesaro (Sick of being held down by the Authority) ending up with a spot on Cena's team...doubt it happens, of course.

Sidenote, is there any chance Vince throws in the towel and gives up on the Network? They just don't seem to understand how to market it properly, and lack of new content doesn't help. I don't watch it every day, but I certainly don't mind having it. Would be a shame if they axed it after these unrealistic expectations.
Network is the only thing that can move the stock. No shot they give up on it. They'd lose all of their financial leverage. Only reason they're a rumored takeover candidate is because of the Network and content library.
WWE 2K15 would be a must cop if they had an endless story mode that actually changed depending on your wins and losses (in addition to the Road To Wrestlemania Mode or whatever they got now) and a GM Mode like the SvR 2000's games.

Won't cop again until they bring that back.
Case, my girlfriend had her thyroid out a few years ago. Let me know if there's anything you may want to know and I'll ask her...
Nakamura vs Ibushi 
Just getting caught up with the thread as I'm away on vacay and I'm glad it's going to be ok for you and your wide, case.
Watching a lot of ecw one thing I noticed is almost every matches ended in a brawl after the pin or start with a brawl. Sloppy as hell too. The eliminators tho :smokin no dc
Watching a lot of ecw one thing I noticed is almost every matches ended in a brawl after the pin or start with a brawl. Sloppy as hell too. The eliminators tho :smokin no dc

Total Elimination is still my favorite tag team finisher..

Good to hear case :pimp:

Thank you..

Thoughts and prayers Case. My mom had to have her thyroid removed a few years ago.

Thanks Champ..

I want everyone to know that I read all your posts for my wife and I tried to give each and every one of you reps, but I ran out..Much love from me to all my NTWT brothers..
There's a lot of love on NTWT. Glad to hear she's doing better.

If you need anything Case, the Bullet Society has your back.
I want to thank all you guys for keeping my wife in your thoughts and prayers..Thankfully she ended up not having to go to the ER and she's feeling much better..I really appreciate each and everyone of you guys..The NTWT comes through yet again for one of it's own..

Real good to hear case! I'm glad everything is better now.
That Naughty Office look :evil:

looking like my first....teacher

Put Ms. Elizabeth's head on Lana's body and you have a 90% replica of my 8th grade Algebra teach..Only difference is my teacher has slightly smaller boobs and was a couple inches shorter..Broad never wore bras and always wore V-neck shirts..I had a real hard time in math that year that required plenty of 1 on 1 help at my desk.. :nthat:
reminds me of my 8th grade teacher except she was puerto rican and had ridiculous mass. she always wore these tight pants and whenever she wrote on the blackboard that mass would jiggle :pimp: her personality was ******* trash though ***** told me id never amount to anything
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