Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Finally got around to watching Raw.

Few notes...

- McDonalds Cena now huh?

- Ryback's a star, f what the haters say. He will be World Champ by next fall AT THE LATEST. Quote me

- Why are The Matadores still a thing? At least they were taken more seriously as Generic Puerto Rican Tag Team

- Rose is gonna become Leo Kruger again...calling it now. He's growing out that facial hair more and more and looking more crazy

- Kidd needs some gold. I'd say give him the IC Title if Luke doesn't take it off of Dolph. He's really improved.

- Heel Henry sucks if he isn't doing the Hall of Pain gimmick. Just sayin

- unpopular opinion here, but...Big Show isn't that offensive to me right now :lol:

- and I'd never thought I'd say this, but...Rusev's starting to grow on me, just wish he wasn't stuck with that Russia gimmick

- Rollins vs. Reigns vs. Ambrose for the WWEWHC with Seth Metal as champ should be the only option for WM31 main event. Not really show related but f it

- Dolph as a upper midcarder/main eventer has been awesome to see. Been doing pretty well in that role too.

- :rofl: :rofl: @ Harper when he said "...ahm a team playuh..." Sounding like Leo's character in Django Unchained
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if gwf is better than tna and has real deal wrestling. and no cheesy tna storylines I will be a day one diehard. I like to think Jarrett knows what he is doing. having jim Ross on his side is a major power move. especially if
he let's him scout talent.

I don't think they can challange wwe but I don't think that is their intention.

and case I'm glad everything is well. insurence companies are blood thirsty d heads who want want want and as soon as you need they turn their backs on you. smh
good ol USA for ya.
Bruce Wayne did everything, Batman say to do. O.K Albert did everything, Batman did everything Batman say to do. -JBL

Looking forward to smackdown. Moty candidate for the ic title.
@ Cesaro jobbing to Kidd
Someone needs to make a Cesaro titantron David Flair style with that Batman gif in it.
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why it looks like cena can see whats going on through the screen though,as he looks down at dolph lol,dude really is super man 
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if gwf is better than tna and has real deal wrestling. and no cheesy tna storylines I will be a day one diehard. I like to think Jarrett knows what he is doing. having jim Ross on his side is a major power move. especially if
he let's him scout talent.

I don't think they can challange wwe but I don't think that is their intention.

and case I'm glad everything is well. insurence companies are blood thirsty d heads who want want want and as soon as you need they turn their backs on you. smh
good ol USA for ya.
cesaro gonna be the first to jump ship lol 
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